The Giver – Twitter Affiliate Mastery


What You Get:
The Perfect Promo Formula that made me nearly $2000 in sales in just 2 days.
2 simple tactics you can apply in 5 seconds to turn more clicks into sales.
3 High-Conversion Promotion Templates that have made me over $20,000 in 7 months.
1 TINY trick you can start applying TODAY to increase your clicks by over 300%.
How to double the number of people who see your promotions.
A list of the easiest, most lucrative products to sell.
How to get readers to buy from YOUR link and nobody else’s.
My EXACT strategy for selling in the DMs without wasting a ton of your time.
Over 40 Promotion examples I’ve made REAL money from.
The Step-by-Step process to getting added as an affiliate for the best courses.
One “sneaky” addition you can make to your promos when they’re getting clicks, but no sales.
Everything I’ve learned to become the #1 Affiliate for some of your favorite creators on Gumroad.
Other Tips & Tricks you won’t find in ANY other Affiliate Marketing course.