The Game With Conversational Hypnosis – Antonio Garcia


How to Generate Uncontrollable Passion in the Subconscious Mind of Who You Want to Fuck
This Book Details The Powerful Effect Of Language When It Comes To Awakening Passion And Attracting A Woman, And How Conversational Hypnosis To Seduce Is A Very Powerful Weapon To Generate Intense And Unstoppable Emotions.
The Content Of This Book Is Not About Dark Psychology Or Manipulation Techniques.
Nor Is It A Manual On How To Fuck Everyone.
What The Car Presents To Us With This Work Is A Set Of Language Techniques That Can Be Used To Enhance The Effects Of Communication And Better Convey Our Sexual Intentions In A Subtle Way And Without Embarrassment.
What The Reader Will Achieve With This Reading Will Be The Power To Help The Other Person To Make Decisions That Would Otherwise Cost Them To Make, Awakening A Strong And Irrepressible Passion For Us.
Once You Finish This Book:
* You Will Know How To Talk To The Sexual Mind, Without Wasting Time Or Wearing Out
* You Will Stop Faltering Like A Linnet Behind A Chocolate, She Will Look For You
* You Will Never Fear Failure
* You Will Be Able To Generate Passion Much More Easily
* You Will Go From Being A Nobody To Become A Magnet For Girls
* You Will Discover How To Activate The Sexual Burning Switch With Great Simplicity
* You Will Know Why You Have Not Succeeded Until Now In Your Previous Links
* You Will Have No Problem Putting All The Content Into Practice, Anyone Can Make Use Of Conversational Hypnosis Easily And Quickly.
* Never Again Will You Want To Have Flirted One Night
* You Can Even Use These Techniques In Other Contexts, Not Only In The Field Of Erotic Persuasion.
* With Total Comfort And Designing The Phrase Calmly Before Trying To Flirt By Whatsapp.
* Without Exposing Yourself To Face-To-Face Rejection And With Unlimited Seduction Potential If You Dedicate Yourself To Flirting Online.
In Short, This Work Shows Us A Hidden Face Of The Language That Hardly Anyone Knows, But That Used In The Right Way Can Cause Significant Changes In The Way Of Deciding The People Around Us.
And Not Only That…
They Will Be Happy To Have Made The Decision To Sleep With You.