The G.U.T.S Sales Method – Claude Diamond


“Ex- Real Estate Cold Caller Discovers The Secret of Avoiding Rejection”Dear Friend,  If you’d like to make less cold calls, only talk to motivated prospects and avoid 80% of rejections, then this might be the most important letter you’ll ever read.Here’s why: Once you discover how to quickly find REAL prospects, selling over the phone is no longer a gut-wrenching act of cruelty.Now, I know you’re probably skeptical. That’s normal and healthy. Let me give you three good reasons we can back up what we claim:Three Reasons To Believe What I Say:Reason one: I’ve made so many damn cold calls and supposed “warm calls” to junk leads, I almost quit sales to become an accountant.Reason two: But then I discovered the Holy Grail of selling… only talk to people who have a high probability of doing business with you and *want* to talk to you about your solutions.Reason three: Only talk to handful of prospects a day… while totally relaxed because they most likely need your help… and actually close a high percentage of them.Are you sick and tired of Old Fashion Sales techniques that make you do the following:Ask for the order 7 times or more with embarrassing results?Making cold calls to prospects that treat you like you are trying to borrow money?Being subservient to prospects and kissing their butt all the time?Feel like you’ll go crazy if you hear another “I’ll think about it” or “I have to talk to my wife/husband/priest first?Not having fun and totally having no control or strategies?AND the greatest sin of all, NOT Making a ton of Money?What if there was an easier way. A sales method that allows you to have all the prospects you could ever need. A step-by-step method that was a fool proof guide in taking the sale from the initial contact all the way to closing, without cold calling, high pressure, cheesy sales talk, or any kind of gimmicks.What impact would it make on your income if you learned how to sell in a non-threatening, non-adversarial way that closes at least half of the prospects that make it past the first step of system?This method does exist and we call it GUTS.The G.U.T.S. Sales Method was created by Claude Diamond, J.D. and its closing ratio is nothing less than impressive. With this method, you will realize why sales is called the ”Million Dollar Skill!”Mr. Diamond has put together a GUTS Sales Method training course that I would like to send you, with your permission.Here is a summary of the benefits you get: 1) Keep your prospecting to highly motivated individuals.You only have to talk to people who want to talk to you.2) Qualify your calls in less than 6 minutes.Quickly find out if your prospect is worth talking to or a complete waste of your time.3) Target much fewer people.No need wasting hours with the rude, uninterested 95% who won’t do business with you.4) Have a step-by-step plan you go through.No more “shooting from the hip” and getting stuck on how to close.5) Non confrontational method from start to finish.No more hard selling with pressure that makes you (and your prospect) uncomfortable 6) Example of mini conversations for different situations.Easy to use questions and responses you can simply modify for your product or solution.7) Enjoy a much higher closing rate than you did making blind calls.You can close more people because you’re avoiding the uninterested and tire-kickers.Now, you’re probably wondering how and why we can do all those things.Get The G.U.T.S Sales Method – Claude Diamond, Only Price $87Let me explain…The GUTS Sales Method will show you:Why traditional cold calling is the biggest waste of your time and energy…  and here’s the only thing you need to do to get all the new business you needDiscover what the sales professionals secret weapon is… and how to exploit it to dominate your marketHow you can make more sales… by rejecting… and flat out firing your prospectsWhy being too knowledgeable about your product can actually hurt your incomeWhen is the best time to discuss money?… Most sales people bring it up at the wrong time… insuring that the sale is lostHow Harry Truman’s advice can give you the advantage you need in any situation… while selling or in lifeWhy Doctor’s get paid what they do… and it has nothing to do with their schooling… yet it automatically brings them the big moneyThe absolute best answer to the hardest question your prospect can throw at you… and why it will instantly give you control of the conversationShould you give presentations? Not unless you want to waste your time… Here’s the only information your prospect needs to make a decision… and it has nothing to do with your clever sideshow6 types of questions and exactly how to use them… and if done correctly… no objection can surviveWhat final question you must ask that insures a buyer will never come back and ask for a refund… How much is ‘buyers remorse’ costing you?Why closing is no longer needed… the prospect will do it for you! (if you do this step right)… You can finally forget about sales tricks and trial closes… the prospect’s seen them all.What does financial independence have to do with selling? … Understand this concept and you will have a blank check in front of you for the rest of your life.Here’s what you get:*The Mentor Teaches G.U.T.S. Sales BookThis is the original instructional Sales Novel that makes sales Fun and Profitable again. Join Max the Mentor as he teaches the unconventional secrets of G.U.T.S. Sales Method.*The Mentor Teaches G.U.T.S. CD SetRecorded by the Author Claude Diamond.*The Sales Method Instructional Manual and CDThis is the ‘Meat and Potatoes’ of G.U.T.S. We simplify the system and break it down into the 3 steps of the staircase of Success. Everything you need to know: Agenda, Qualification and Close.*The Success TimerPlace it next to your phone and challenge yourself to qualify the prospect in 3 minutes or less.*G.U.T.S.™ The MovieHey, It’s not Star Wars™ but it’s still entertaining and informative. What package would be complete without a little visual instruction starring the author Claude Diamond*The G.U.T.S Sales MindMapA colorful charting system for enabling you to learn and quickly implement the G.U.T.S. system. Just place by your phone with your 3 minute success timer.*FREE 1 On 1 Mentoring Session BonusWhat good is any package of un-conventional information unless it comes with your own Mentor. That’s right you get one telephonic Mentoring session with none other than Claude “The Mentor” Diamond.Don’t take my word for it… Here is what a few* sales pros had to say about the G.U.T.S. Sales Method: “Claude Diamond’s G.U.T.S.™ Sales Method is revolutionary;  it changes the way Prospects and Salesman interact.” Jim Kilbane Denver, Colorado“Just received another big check thanks to G.U.T.S.™ and its amazing 3 step system.” David Skulnick San Diego, California“G.U.T.S. Made sales fun and profitable again.” Marc Johnson San Diego, CaliforniaWarning: Do NOT buy any Sales Training unless it meets the following 5 criteria:There is a lot of confusion surrounding our field. I want to give you 5 criteria or elements you absolutely, positively must have in any training you get:It isn’t based on 1960’s techniques for selling pots and pans door-to-door.It relies on human behavior, not some trick close or other gimmick to fool someone into buying what they don’t want.It isn’t just motivational, jump up and down on fire technique so that you can get out of bed every morning to face an entire day of rejectionYou must learn the method quickly without having to memorize a book full of canned “closes” that your prospect has heard hundreds of times.It must send you to the bank often and with a smile. No more stressed out weeks from having an unpredictable income.If this method helps you increase your sales by just 20% this year… How would an extra $10,000, $20,000, or even $30,000 be helpful to you and your family? For less than the price of a cup of coffee every morning– you can potentially have a way to increase your sales dramatically. While many people have doubled, or even tripled their incomes using this method, we can’t call it typical because the average person is lazy and won’t put forth the effort to improve their condition. Are you average or do you want the best life has to offer?You will realize after the first chapter, like I did, how G.U.T.S. will change your entire approach to sales… regardless of what industry you are in. If you sell a product or service, you need a sales and marketing system that delivers results… you need G.U.T.S.!Get The G.U.T.S Sales Method – Claude Diamond, Only Price $87Tag: The G.U.T.S Sales Method – Claude Diamond Review. The G.U.T.S Sales Method – Claude Diamond download. The G.U.T.S Sales Method – Claude Diamond discount.