The Funnel Business Gameplan – Michael Killen


The Funnel Business GameplanThe World’s First And Only Course On Running A Successful, Profitable Marketing Funnel BusinessSell More Marketing Funnels To Your CustomersFind More Interested Customers And Leads For Your BusinessDiscover A Killer Niche And Make Profit With Every SaleCourse overviewDo you dream of being financially free? How about if you never had to worry about sales or money again?Are you frustrated with the lack of results you’re seeing from your funnel business? I know how you feel.You’ve spent thousands of dollars on plugins, software and tools.You’ve bought courses on building funnels, landing pages and conversion optimisation.But you still feel confused and anxious about how to find more customers and make more sales. It’s like you have this amazing, killer product but customer’s aren’t interested.That’s exactly why this course exists and why it’s going to change your life.What You’ll GetBecome a marketing funnel rockstar, with a profitable niche that attracts and converts leads into sales.Lesson One – FactsWhy business fail and why yours will succeedWhat if there were universal laws that explained how ALL businesses can become successful? No matter what roadblocks and problems you face, you can succeed if you follow these laws of success.Lesson Two – UniqueYou will never turn a profit without directionShips without a captain don’t get out of port. Captain’s without maps don’t get far. We’re going to become certain about the direction we’re going in our business.  If we don’t know our vision, values and commit to a mindset our business will be directionless and never turn a profit.Lesson Three – NicheCreate and domiante a profitable nicheYou’ll have a profitable, killer niche that you serve better than anyone else. What if you became #1 in your market overnight? You’ll be able to increase your prices, work on your choice of projects and attract more leads than ever.Lesson Four – Nail the planPlan a business that is successful from day 1Your business should serve you. You’re going to create a funnel business that works around your hours and let’s you do the work that you enjoy. You don’t need a complicated business plan, just enough to know how many hours you’re putting in and how much you need to earn.Lesson Five – EarningsDecide how much you want to earnYou’re going to decide – yes decide – how much you’re going to earn. It really is that simple. Easy to execute? Of course not. But we’re going to get you there. You’ll know exactly how much to charge for a marketing funnel and what everyone does WRONG with pricing.Lesson Six – LeverageMassively scale your income WITHOUT working moreWhat if you could increase your income, grow your business AND still charge profitable prices without working any more hours? You’ll create leverage in your business through scalable products that deliver wonderful results to happy customers – all while you focus on other things.Lesson Seven – SalesMake a sale in under 30 daysThere is a system to attracting leads and generating sales. In fact you’ll be able to attract more leads than ever and close them with high profit margins WITHOUT cold calls or expensive advertising campaigns.Get The Funnel Business Gameplan – Michael Killen, Only Price $137Tag: The Funnel Business Gameplan – Michael Killen Review. The Funnel Business Gameplan – Michael Killen download. The Funnel Business Gameplan – Michael Killen discount. funnel marketing. funnel gundam