The Floreio Project – Ido Portal


This project is my attempt at organizing the amazing resources Ido Portal has created for us. When I first started trying to make sense of his videos and blog posts, I found that the information was in disarray. In my quest for understanding the content he has available so that I could practice it myself, this page is the result. I hope it helps you MOVE.Note: If you’re interested in strength and skill training on the rings and floor, I have created this rings-oriented intermediate bodyweight training routine that combines my love for gymnastics strength training and yoga and things from this floreio project.Last Updated: 5/12/2020. Click here to see the change log5/12/2020: updated formatting1/8/2015: All right, Ido has started updating things. So I will update this page with the latest.  He’s started using instagram more and more.Added to “Pulling” in strength section:The “Perfect” Pull Up = Straight arm arching scapular pull first, then pull upCreated new instagram section with demonstrations:Straddle Press HS, HSPU to Straddle PlancheFront Pulls to Inverted HangAikido Knee WalksOne Arm Chin UpHandstand Push UpsLizard SprintsOld Boxers Trick (Coin Catching)10/29/2015: WARNING: If you share this page, or any other helpful resource, on Ido Portals Movement Culture group on Facebook (which I am banned from), it WILL get deleted and you will most likely be banned from the group as well. The MC group does not transparently promote people who teach movement. It’s a huge Ido Portal “circle-jerk” where his teachings are held up against all others, probably to get more business/money out of it. (Btw, his business practices in the USA are shit, too, as a fair warning.) You WILL also get banned if you share ANY helpful tutorial or video by anyone else (even if it’s incredibly GOOD info such as by Emmet Louis, GMB, GymnasticBodies, Tom Weksler, etc!) The guy sees everyone else as competition apparently. So you’ve been warned!4/18/2015:  If you’re interested in strength and skill training on the rings and floor, I have created this rings-oriented intermediate bodyweight training routine that combines my love for gymnastics strength training and yoga and things from this floreio project.1/21/2015: The floreio project will always remain free, and I have gone the extra mile to create a mobile/printer friendly version of the Mobility section.12/16/2014: For the Low Bridge Rotations (in the floreio movement section), I added an intermediary progression you could do after you master the Bridge Rotations Using the wall… and that is to do them with ONE arm. So… One Arm Wall Bridge Rotations.11/07/2014: Updated the “Gatherings” section with written details of the variations.10/20/2014: Ido Portal just posted a new video and i found this gem movement… so i just made this into a GIF:lizard walk to QDR rotation10/11/2014: Just a tiny change… made the “info/intro” section collapsed so it doesn’t  clutter up the space when you’re looking on your mobile phone.9/30/2014: Many little updates!Ido Portal recently did a Q&A on reddit which I have added to the podcast section. He didn’t answer every question or give tremendously helpful info. But, some great info came out regardless!  Most notably, insight as to the wrist strengthening exercises, which I have updated in the mobility section.  Palm pulses were already in the list, but I added this clip of Johnny Sapinoso doing them in a handstand (handstand palm pulses) so you could see how far you could take these things.Wrist rocks! (Found a clip for the wrist rocks and made this a GIF!)Fingertip (knee) pushupsBack of wrist (knee) pushupsFound some new bridge movements found from this youtube clip so I made this new gif: bridge rotations using a wall… IN A DEEP SQUAT and added it to my tutorial for learning bridge rotations using a wall.Made a GIF of this Shoulderstand Roll and added it to the strength section (even though it’s really skill work but whatever).7/30/2014: The low bridge rotations have two progression exercises, the “Low Bridge Slide” and “Rotations using Wall.” I found the wall progression to be really great so I made a video tutorial on that specifically. Here’s my breakdown of a progression exercise I learned from Ido Portal for rotating in and out of a low bridge.7/9/2014: The floreio section was too long for my liking, so I moved the area where you could combine floreio movements into another blog post all together here: Combining Floreio Movements7/2/2014: Added, prerequisite for rotations into high bridge (rotations in the low bridge!)Updated wrist mobility motions (some were worded improperly). Updated mobility google doc to reflect changes.7/1/2014: Fixed formatting errors that somehow were messed up from god knows what.Added cruel-tutelage of ido portal video featuring many of his speeches from his workshops.6/30/2014: Stopped the html5 clips from autoplaying to reduceprocessor load.6/29/2104: Added forum posts from gymnasticbodiesBasic Info/IntroIdo a ‘movement specialist’ that has been inspiring the world to MOVE, get MOBILE and STRONG.  He believes that one should master their own body with control before even trying to move heavy objects outside of oneself. Watch this video to get a better idea of what he preaches.More info:Ido makes regular updates on his Facebook page.His original blog is and his newer site is IdoPortal.comRead like an assassin: Read Ido’s every blog post, every facebook post, every comment, watch each video 10 times. I have even included a compilation of his best posts at the very bottom of this page.Remember to get off your ass! People spend more time reading about stretching/training when they should actually be moving!How to use this page?This is a general outline of how the workouts may go…Warm up (e.g., jump rope for 5 minutes)Mobility. This is of paramount importance.Hips/LegsShouldersWristsAnklesSkill Work: Choose ONE area to focus on for the day:Floreio movements at your level (e.g., Beginner variant), usually rotating circuit styleEquilibre (Air Baby and Handstand)Locomotion (“Walking” in challenging ways)Strength work, resting adequately in between sets (or sometimes, rest in a squat!)Prehab: Good to do once a week at the end of your workout, basically just do 2-3 runs of the mobility work.I have organized this page and his videos according to this outline to best match the workout routines he has posted. If you have questions about particular moves, look for the “More Info” link that will take you to the relevant blog post with complete details.Get The Floreio Project – Ido Portal, Only Price $57MobilityIf there’s anything you do out on this page, do mobility work. We need to do it. All of us. That’s why I made GIF/HTML5 clips of them.ProTip: If you do all the squat (or shoulder) mobility all in one go, it may be too tiring and you lose quality. To give your legs and shoulders a break, alternate between the four mobility sequences below. Start with squat clinic, then move onto shoulder rom/stabilization, then do squat clinic 2.0, then finish with scapular mobilization. That is the way Ido has ordered this stuff in his old routines.A common question is “Does the squat clinic 2.0 supersede the original squat clinic?” No, it only adds to it. The first squat clinic is all about opening up the hips/legs/toes.  The second squat clinic is all about mobilizing the spine to help improve the squat.Hips/Legs/Spine (Rehab your squat)All the floreio work always starts/ends with a squat so you bet your ass you can’t skip this. Ido’s Squat Clinic (More Info)Dynamic Soleus StretchHip Rotations on all fours (note how he rotates only on the balls of his feet or his toes)Squat Hip RotationsStatic Toes Stretch (good stretch if you have plantar fasciitis)Dynamic Toes StretchStatic Squat PositionDynamic Squats Ido’s Squat Clinic 2.0: Do 10-30reps if dynamic or 10-30secs if static (per side)  Start with knee push aways (If possible, straighten elbow completely)Knee push away / Hold knee out (static hold)Sky reaches (if possible, extend range)Sky reach (static hold)Buddha prayers (Extend range by fist against fist)Squat bows with thumbs up (extend range by fist to fist or down to your elbows)Squat bow (static hold) ShoulderThese require the use of a resistance band.Tips: It’s impossible to recommend the ‘perfect’ band because everybody has different levels of strength and flexibility. So I recommend you just get a set like this that comes with multiple resistances and have handles, allowing you to do both arms at once.Ido’s thoughts: “Thera Bands may be good, but test them first and make sure you get enough tension out of them. For me, even the stronger ones are a bit too easy, but it may be suitable for you.”If you have a theraband, I have found that doubling up the black theraband (black=”special heavy”) feels perfect for shoulder dislocates but too easy for everything else. One step heavier than that (the silver one; “super heavy”) feels more effective for strengthening the rotator cuff. But again, these don’t have handles and it’s better you just buy that set so you are good for life. An old/used bicycle tube, free at any bike shop, may work as well.Basic Shoulder ROM and Stabilization Routine (More Info)10-15 reps of external rotation10-15 reps of lateral raise to 45deg (0:13)Arms Overhead: 10 rotations clockwiseArms Overhead: 10 rotations counter-clockwiseArms Overhead: 10 forward and backwards. Hold the stretched position in the end for 10sec. (0:21)Arms in a T position with band behind: Repeat the same protocol (0:39)10 cw/ccw rotations, 10 reps forward & back, hold final stretch for 10secArms down with band behind: Repeat the same protocol (0:58)10 cw/ccw rotations, 10 reps forward & back, hold final stretch for 10secScapula Mobilization routine (More Info)Band Scapular Push UpsOverhead Straight Arm Pull Down (0:27)The Whippet (0:48)Band Dislocates (1:13)WristIt is IMPERATIVE that you warm up the wrists each and every time. I stress this because it is what has made wrist sprains a thing of the past.Ido’s recommended wrist warm up is here. However the video is not the easiest to follow.As an alternative, this video by GMB is a lot easier to follow and quite excellent:Finger PulsesPalm Pulses (Johnny Sapinoso doing handstand palm pulses)Side to Side Palm RotationsFront Facing Elbow RotationsSide to Side Wrist stretch (lean/push away)Rear Facing Wrist stretch – palms downRear Facing Wrist stretch – palms upRear Facing Elbow Rotations (star trek vulcan salute)Forward Facing, Lean Forward as much as possibleExtras:Wrist rocks (GIF!)Fingertip (knee) pushupsBack of wrist (knee) pushupsAnklesI found this article by a student that had attended his workshop and shared the ankle series.10 Heel Raises. On 10th rep, take 10 steps forward and 10 back while on toes.10 Toe Raises. On 10th rep, take 10 steps forward and 10 back while on heels.10 Inversions (lift inner arches to go on the lateral aspect 10x). Then, 10 steps forward/back on lateral aspect.10 Eversions (roll onto medial aspect of foot 10x). Then, 10 steps forward/back on medial aspect.Skill: The Floreio Movements“Our ultimate goal with the Floreio practice is to be able to flow freely on the ground, using our body and the space around us to create this physical expression.” -IdoIdo Portal has combined his skills from capoeira and other movement arts to come up with what he calls the Art of Floreio. He has poured in countless hours of work into breaking down these movements into their SIMPLEST motions so that even beginners could have a starting point. I have done my best to organize them. The beauty of these movements are that they build active flexibility and strength in new ranges you’ve probably never had to get into before. Plus, they’re really, really fun and make your brain work differently. (Ido says the human mind craves movement complexity.) And if you do any of these for time (e.g., Role for 3 minutes nonstop), it doubles as metabolic conditioning.These are the 6 bread and butter movements. Start by learning the beginner versions of each.RoleAu CortadoCorta CapimRotations Into Low BridgeRotations into High BridgeQDR Rotational Push Up“Notice the quality of movement, the fluidity and control. These things are what makes this practice unique. Quality is central here. Its better to shoot for an easier variation, but perform it with control, quality and fluidity, than to do a harder one but not controlled, ugly and rigid.” – Ido1. Role (More Info. Useful for transitions, gaining momentum, etc)Role (Start/end in a deep squat, the feet stay in contact with the floor at all times.)2. Au Cortado (‘Cut Up Cartwheel’) (More Info)Half Au Cortado (don’t look at the ground, bend the knee of the lifting leg)Au Cortado (as you come around, bend the knee of the second leg/hip like you did with the first one)Au Cortado Presses3. Corta Capim (‘Grass Cutter’)Corta Capim Spin Progressions (More Info)Use your hands to spin slowlyUse hands only when about to lose balanceNo hands, keep center of mass above pivot pointReverse Corta Capim Rotations (More Info)Tip: watch how the planted foot lifts to let the leg pass4. Rotations into Low Bridge (More Info)For someone used to only getting into a static high bridge but never a low bridge or rotating within it, this is quite a great feeling.Rotations into Low Bridge (Beginner)Bridge Rotations using WallOne Arm Wall Bridge RotationsLow Bridge SlideRotations into Low BridgeRotations into One Arm Low Bridge (Advanced)5. Rotations into High Bridge (More Info)Prerequisite: Rotations into Low BridgeRotations into High Bridge (Beginner)Rotations into High Bridge (Advanced)6. Queda De Rins (‘Stab/Fall of the Kidneys’) (More Info here and this article)QDR Rotations (More Info)QDR Rotational Push Ups Beginner Start here!QDR Rotational Push Ups Intermediate & AdvancedQDR Circles (Very advanced; More Info here)Static, One Arm QDR Progressions (More Info)Prerequisite: QDR Rotational Push UpsStatic Queda Batido Progressions – easy to advanced3 point support closed position QDR resting the upper knee on the non supporting elbow.3 point support closed position QDR knees in the air.3 point support open position QDR.2 point support open position QDR. (no head)1 point support + fingertips open position QDR.1 point support QDR.QDR Batido Progressions (More Info)Prerequisite: Static QDRQueda Batido – Easy VariationQueda Batido – AdvancedCombining Floreio Movements for a Closed System Flow (CSF)This section has moved to another blog post, to reduce the clutter:The Floreio Project: Combining Floreio MovementsGet The Floreio Project – Ido Portal, Only Price $57Skill: Equilibre (Hand-balancing)Note: Please make sure you did the wrist mobility drills as it’s imperative you avoid unnecessary wrist pain during hand-balancing work! (It can put you out for days/weeks!)Air Baby Progressions (More Info)Frog Stand (Crow Pose) (Note: If you have trouble with this, my video tutorial is here)Air Baby ExtensionsExtend into positionExtend back and externally rotate hip to open itStatic Air Baby Progressions (requires mastery of the air baby extensions)Two ArmsOne Arm + FingertipsOne Arm + 2 FingersOne ArmHandstand Progressions (More Info)HS Body Line Wall DrillHS Straighten Into LineOut of HandFreestanding HS down into PikeStraddle Press and downPike PressLegs adduction/abductionAlternate bending lower legsStraddled rotationsBent leg straddled one-leg extensionsLight swayingLight one arm shift onto finger tipsLight one arm shift onto one fingerOne arm handstandStraddled one arm handstandOne arm handstand kick upBent leg straddled one-leg extensions into one arm hsBlock workHandstand Block ClimbsSkill: Locomotion ConditioningLocomotion = “Walking” in challenging positions.Martial artists often study animals and mimic them to add to their movement repertoire and to capture the ‘essence’ of the animal behavior. Each movement provides a different and valuable component in the workout, from mobility to strength endurance, stabilization and more. (More info)Locomotion Conditioning Routine BeginnerWalking while swinging into HS (alternates the kicking up leg each time!)Duck Walk (walking in squat)Bridge WalkHorse Walk (horse stance in motion, keep your butt low)Lizard Walk (stay low to the ground)Ostrich WalkLocomotion Conditioning Routine IntermediateHandstand walksStay closer to ground in lizard walksLocomotion conditioning routine AdvancedHandstand walking with elbow to kneePush explosively in ostrich walksMore Locomotion [Research]Extra: Lizard walk to QDR rotationSupplemental info: The ‘walking while swinging into HS’ with alternating the kick up leg has vastly improved my control in a handstand and helped even me out.  The duck walk, horse walk and ostrich walk are sometimes in the “mobility” section of Ido’s old routines.Strength WorkSupport Holds using Stall bars (Swedish bars) (More Info)Swedish Bars Front SupportSwedish Bars Back SupportRTO Support Hold: If you have rings, check out my tutorial to learn a proper support hold on the rings.Tripod Headstand Press Work (More Info)Gatherings Beginner VariationsMoving fluidly from Frog Stand to Tucked Headstand and reverseMoving fluidly from Frog Stand to Tucked Headstand and extending legs and back downGatherings IntermediateVariation 1: Raise one leg as you set your head down and raise the other up to get into headstand, then bend knees, flex hips (tuck), straighten legs to ground and reverse.Variation 2: Raise one leg as you set your head down and raise the other up to get into headstand and do pike presses.Gatherings Advanced (freestanding handstand recommended)Piked Kipping Headstand Push UpBridge work (More Info)Basic Bridge Push UpsOne Leg Bridge Push UpsOne Arm Bridge Push UpsCore (More Info)Swedish Bench Hanging Leg Raises0-90 Hanging Leg Raises (L to V to L to V…)One Arm Hanging Leg Raises (if this is too difficult, do 0-90 hanging leg raise, holding 5 sec at top for 5 reps)Pulling (More Info)90-90 Iso Pull Up Hang90-90 One Arm Iso Chin Up HangThe ‘Perfect’ Pull UpThis is a combination of an arching scapular pull + pull up.You’re essentially doing a a row in an arching front lever.More info herePushing (More Info)NDA Lateral Push Ups (NDA = Negativa de Angola)NDA Lateral One Arm Push UpsExplosive Leg Work (More Info)Jump onto Box from StandingJump onto Box from SquatExplosive Flipping ExercisesShrimp Squats (More Info)Shrimp Squats (Beginner & Intermediate)Shrimp Squats (Advanced)Harop Curl (NLC) (More Info)Natural Leg Curl / Harop Curl (Beginner)Natural Leg Curl / Harop Curl (Advanced)Full Body Conditioning Combinations (More Info) Note: These side push ups from pistols look easy. THEY ARE NOT. If you want to get better at pistols, check out my video tutorial here.Eccentric Pistol + Side Push Up (Beginner)Eccentric Pistol + Side Push Up (Intermediate)Eccentric Pistol + Side Push Up (Advanced)MiscellaneousShoulderstand Roll (Here’s a vid by kevin secours that talks about how to do the neck roll)Get The Floreio Project – Ido Portal, Only Price $57Even More Info: Workout Routines, Demonstrations, Blog Posts, Facebook Posts, Podcasts Ido’s Workout Routines from his blogThese routines are well thought out and chock full of good info. Each routine has an option for beginner or intermediate.Floreio Workout #1 (Intro to Squat Clinic, QDR Rotational Push Ups, Rotations into Low Bridge)Floreio Workout #2 (Intro to Au Cortado and Rotations into High Bridge)Floreio Workout #3Floreio Workout #4 (Intro to Equilibre and Role and Gatherings)Floreio Workout #5 (NDA Push Ups, Role into QDR)Locomotion OrientedAnother Locomotion Oriented oneMobility OrientedExplosive LegAnother WorkoutPulling and Air BabiesBridge Push Up WorkoutDemonstrations by Ido PortalFloreio ArtFlo(a)wSelf-Dominance (Relevant Post)Out of HandCorta Capim (Relevant Post)Playing with some cubesFreedomOne arm straddle handstand (relevant blog post)Extended Hollow Back HandstandMechanical Advantage Set Planche Push UpsStanding 30 min on handsTraining on the roadPacking for the roadPassive Flexibility Tests (Relevant Post)The cruel tutelage of Ido PortalInstagram postsStraddle Press HS, HSPU to Straddle PlancheFront Pulls to Inverted HangAikido Knee WalksOne Arm Chin UpHandstand Push UpsLizard SprintsOld Boxers Trick (Coin Catching)Ido’s older blog postsMost of his blog posts (and especially the comments) are worth reading, but these are the highlights that are a must:The Floreio Art (A MUST READ, July 2009)Equilibre: The Art of Balance (Jan 2009)Jack of all trades (Nov 2008)Bringing back the style in capoeiraArt and Creativity (Oct 2006)Soft tissue workFucking pigsFreedomIdo’s first blog post everOptimal Eating: An account of Vilhjalmur Stefansson from 1935First day with Claude victoria (equilibre)Second day training with Claude VictoriaClaude’s StoriesOld video clips of Ido’s RodasReview of training with Coach SommersLas vegasFinding new floreio (old clips of him doing it)Informative Facebook PostsYou’ll find interesting posts my Ido here, and if you want more info, he usually replies once or twice to peoples questions in the comments.Four most important concepts to practice, if you are humanAbout the PlancheAbout the HandstandAbout the Front LeverAbout the Rope ClimbAbout the Perfect Pull UpAbout DIET (tl;dr, avoid grains; earn your fruits)Help someoneElevated Shrimp SquatsGrip and Scapular ControlMechanical AdvantageGymnastics in a nutshellFive amateur thingsHollow Back HandstandMoving your body without toysOld School Russian PlyometricsScapular ControlDifference between those that make it and dontChunking vs Chemistry ModelStretching.. good or bad?Real Skill has No PillExpose your practice (This is pretty much my way of life and why my blog has 780+ articles, all free, written by me.)I am color blind (and so are you)Long Isometric HoldsOpen your shouldersBody of a bmw and engine of a ladaWant more? There’s plenty more… You could also read his NOTES and captions on his PHOTOS.Ido Portal in PodcastsFull Interview from Take It Uneasy PodcastIdo Portal on Paleo Diet, CrossFit, Gymnastics, Motivation, Movement & More – RawBrahsThe Improper Alignment Speech (clip from workshop)Ido Portal Interview by Steve AtlasIdo Portal Interview by The Garage WarriorIdo Portal: Price of SpecializationIdo Portal: ComplainersIdo Portal: Improvisation in MovementQ&A on RedditIdo’s posts from GB Forum (Programming / Nutrition)Ido was removed from GymnasticBodies (for whatever reason) but his posts are still on there as “Guest_Ido_Portal_*”. These are a few posts:Gymnastic Work vs Classical work: this post is about isometric holds and how to choose the right progression.The scapula craves complexity: After you could do 5 reps of a pull up, move to a harder variation.Note: If you watch his students videos, you will see they adhere to a specific tempo with the pull ups:  30X1 tempo (3 second eccentric, no pause at the bottom, explosive concentric, 1 second isometric hold at the top of the movement)Ido’s recommended reading listIdo on eliminating grains from your diet: “I have never witnessed someone, in over 10 years of work with clients, who was taken off grains and did not show positive results in health status, body fat, performance. Period.”Ido answering random questions about deloading/programmingHanging Month Resources(PLEASE FORGIVE THE MESS, THIS SECTION IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION, SHOULD BE DONE BY LATER TODAY)Ido Portal recently had a hanging challenge, for people to hang for 7 minutes a day (non-consecutively).  The number 7 isn’t really that important. It’s more just to help inject a simple movement (hanging off things) into their lives!He created a blog post here about it and so did I.Hanging BasicsThe Passive Hang Hang (Arching Scapular Pull In)Side to Side Stationary SwingArching Active Hang Stationary Swing Arm Hanging Work (More Info)One Arm Passive Hang Arm Active Hang Shawerma Routine IntegrationSwing Grip Hanging – Beginner Grip Hanging Routine – Advanced Swing – Figure 8    Get The Floreio Project – Ido Portal, Only Price $57Tag: The Floreio Project – Ido Portal Review. The Floreio Project – Ido Portal download. The Floreio Project – Ido Portal discount.