The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Writing Kick-Butt Sales Copy – Carline Anglade-Cole


This hot-off-the press release is not just a copywriter’s toolbox – it’s a goldmine! And it’s chockfull of real life advice and useful tools EVERY copywriter MUST HAVE to write stellar copy!In 124-page brand-new release – I give it to you straight – and SHOW you how to write convincing copy consistently! In “The Do-It Yourself Guide to Writing Kick-Butt Sales Copy” –you’ll discover:How to find the BIG idea – and create a powerful theme for your copy!3 powerful headline tips to grab your prospect by the eyeballs – and get him to read your sales piece!How to turn features into benefits – and have your prospect salivating for your offer!Testimonials – how to use them for bragging rights!How to overcome fear – and write copy that rocks!How to get your copywriting MOJO back! Simple tip works even for the most experienced writers!How to turn copywriting into a family business – and put those kids to work for you! I did it – and you can too!And much more!Plus – when you order “The Do-It-Yourself Guide to WritingKick-Butt Sales Copy” you get  a VERY special gift!That’s right – I go into my rolodex and GIVE you the names of my favorite clients – and I tell you how to get a hold of them! This little baby is worth a King’s Ransom for a copywriter – but it’s yours FREE! It’s called, “My Little Black Book of Favorite Clients”!And by the way – I don’t just give you the basic info about my clients – I also reveal some little known secrets about them – which will come in real handy to help you strike up a conversation with them and start a copywriting relationship! For example…The health company that’s about to take over the industry giants! They’re growing by leaps and bounds – and they need copywriters RIGHT NOW!How to turn one contact into MULTIPLE job leads! Discover the companies using different corporate names to sell multiple products!The one client you will NEVER get on the phone – but I give you his personal email address so you can reach him any time!Why I don’t like to work with this client – but how that can mean more work for YOU!And much more!Most copywriters guard this information with their lives – or they’d charge you an arm and a leg for it – but not me! I’ll share my clients with Y-O-U – but only in “My Little Black Book of Favorite Clients” – yours FREE when you purchase “The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Writing Kick-Butt Sales Copy” during this limited time offer!Get The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Writing Kick-Butt Sales Copy – Carline Anglade-Cole, Only Price 42$Tag: The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Writing Kick-Butt Sales Copy – Carline Anglade-Cole Review. The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Writing Kick-Butt Sales Copy – Carline Anglade-Cole download. The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Writing Kick-Butt Sales Copy – Carline Anglade-Cole a discount.