The Courageous Content Academy – Jourdan Guyton


The Courageous Content Academy – Jourdan GuytonWhat if…”Just dream with me for one second…what if you finally unlocked the code to creating captivating social media content that kept your audience engaged, established you as the expert, and had them hungry for your next offer?And all you had to do was show up unapologetically you…Because you had a content strategy that was simple to follow on a consistent basis.You can have it all…I’m living proof.Channeling my inner unapologetic self.Zero clients, no direction, and just posting just to post content dreaming my ideal clients would hit that “Work With Me” button. I had to reprogram my relationship with social media and use it for the gain of new leads, customers, and a place to establish my expertise.I started my business from scratch (and unemployment checks) after pivoting from a 10yr entertainment career.Fast forward to today – I am hitting five figure months and have an IG community of +50K after starting my business less than a year ago.Humble moment…shooting content for my online “business”Like many of us, I was forced to pivot due to the pandemic. I found myself collecting unemployment after TV production shut all the way down.I launched this business with hopes to help small business owners create conversion worthy content.This photo was taken as I prepared to put my new business out on the social media streets. I was petrified…Not long after, I began working with 1:1 clients doing done for you content, hashtag research, and content strategy. After six months I decided to try group coaching.I launched my program a few months later…ONE student joined.But I knew that if my social media strategy could bring one…all I needed to do was document my process, double down on what was working, and get consistent and there’d be more where that came from.So I decided to take my content more seriously.Before I knew it, I hit 10K followers on Instagram because I shifted the way I created content.This looked like getting clear on my intentions, going LIVE and creating video content, and showing up consistently to establish my online expertise.I also doubled down on getting that ONE student insane results. She started with 83 followers and left my program with over 17K in her community AND multiple streams of income.When I launched again a few months later, I enrolled 20 students and grew my audience by 30K!After giving myself permission to be unapologetically me on social, the right people saw my content and gained value. The women I’ve been called to serve were able to connect with me because of the content strategy I created.The cherry on top…I crossed the six-figure mark BEFORE hitting year ONE in my business. All because of creating profitable content on social media. From unemployment to unapologetic CEO.That’s my truth…I hope it inspires you…PART 1: THE CURRICULUMProven framework, video lessons, plug-n-play content, and resources to create profitable content.Zero games being played. You will learn the exact strategies necessary to leverage your content and accelerate your success.Get intentional milestones so you can measure your progress and see results faster with built in accountability to keep you consistent.PART 2: THE COMMUNITYExclusive community filled with revolutionary women building their empiresLive 24/7 accountabilityA place to bounce content ideas off of, access to me, and practice going LIVE within this safe spaceMonthly Content Co-Working SessionsPART 3: THE COACHINGGroup Coaching Calls to have all of your content questions answered LIVE.My favorite day of the week!Link up with your CCA community and get your questioned answered from me and get feedback on what’s working in these internet streets.We’ll share our wins, set our goals, and take action.Here’s what you’ll learn:MODULE 1: CLARITYIntro and Module OverviewContent Pillars & WebPosting with Clarity“Booked two new clients and started a new paid offer that is a major success, made my first IG sale!”– Amber K.MODULE 2: CONTENT​Intro and Module Overview​Captions That Captivate​Clear Call To Actions​The Camera Is Your Friend​Reel Talk Workshop​Implementation WorkshopMODULE 3: CONSISTENCY​Intro and Module Overview​Planning Your Content​The Rules Of Engagement​Implementation Workshop“Hey Y’all! I made a reel based on a dance challenge and it has fostered the opportunity to get my September line up for my IG Live Series “CHOP IT UP” moving! From this post, other food bloggers/caterers/foodies have reached out inquiring about being a guest on the show!”– Brittany O.MODULE 4: CASHFLOW​One IG Live = Endless Pieces Of Content​Asking For The SaleWATCH FRAN’S VIDEOholistic health coach“My community grew by 200 people in one week – after I had implemented ‘Reel Talk’ and a couple of other things from CCA. So I just knew it was… it’s working.”Are you interested in? The Courageous Content Academy – Jourdan Guyton Download, courageous content academy, courageous content academy awards, courageous content academy address, courageous content academy awards 2022, courageous content academy award winners.Purchasing The Courageous Content Academy – Jourdan Guyton course now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.