The Coach – Luisa Zhou


The Coach – Luisa ZhouYou know those coaches in your industry who sell out every single program they offer?Maybe they even have a waitlist for their private coaching.And their prices are 2x, 3x, or maybe even 10x what yours are.Want to know the difference between that coach and you?It’s not that they’re that much better than you at coaching.It’s also not because they’ve been around longer, have a bigger audience, or have more testimonials than you either.(Although of course all that helps, there are plenty of coaches with all of those things and more who still don’t have those kinds of results.)So what is it then?This truth might sting a bit (but then we’ll make it better):It’s that your ideal clients don’t have the respect or appreciation for you and your coaching, that you deserve.The most successful coaches are of course good at what they do.But, let’s be honest:That’s NOT the reason they’re so sought after.The real reason is because they’ve managed to claim an exalted spot in their audience’s minds as one of…THE Coaches.And this is what makes the world of difference.Because, as you’ve probably already experienced:If your ideal clients don’t see you that way, then unfortunately, you’re just part of the “noise.” As in, just part of the humongous sea of coaches that saturates your industry, undifferentiated from any of those countless others.And what happens when you are just another “commodity” coach?Well, you have to compete on pricing, hope you win those coach “interviews” (which somehow no one ever wins), and grind it out every day, hoping that eventually you’ll reach a tipping point where things get a little easier.Bleeechurggh.If that doesn’t sound like your jam, well, I’ve got good news for you:Becoming thought of as one of those top coaches? Is something you can start doing RIGHT NOW. (No matter where you are in your business.)Well, first, let’s talk about the things you actually don’t have to do.I (and you, because I’ll teach you how too) don’t have to…>> Share every aspect of my life on social media. (In fact, as of writing this page, I’ve been taking a four months long, and counting, break from Instagram…it’s nice.)>> “Follow up” or “convince” anyone to buy from me.>> Do sales calls, even for my five-figure plus coaching packages…because my clients don’t need them to be ready to buy.>> Worry about my clients not paying or not getting results…because they’re respectful, highly motivated, and ready to do the work.And yet, even with all the things I “don’t do,” my private coaching has always been full. With dream clients regularly applying for my coaching even though I very rarely promote it.Again…because I don’t have to.Because that’s what happens when you’re considered one of THE Coaches in your industry.So if you know…You are good at what you do.You want to help people.You have the skills and experience to back it up.And now you just need some help getting your ideal clients and industry to see all that too…Well, I’d love to provide you that help.Which brings us to…A 4-part video series to help you become one of THE Coaches in your industry – with the full client roster, premium pricing, and long list of testimonials to match.Video 1PositioningYou’ll learn how to quickly become seen as a leader and go-to in your industry so that your dream clients are reaching out to you. (Contrary to popular belief, this does not rely on how long you’ve been doing this or how many testimonials you have. I’ll give you tangible to-do’s that you can start using TODAY.)And of course, I’ll give you tangible tactics for implementing all your options:Option #1: The most powerful and fastest way to immediately rise to the top of your industry…if you can swing itOption #2: Something you can use to quickly stand out, no matter how “new” you are to your industry. And also instantly attracts the best, highest-quality clients.Option #3: Using a skill anyone can quickly learn. Plus, it’s also natural, fun, and dare I say it…kind of “easy” too. And will build such a connection with your audience that you’ll have people reaching out, ready and excited to buy from you.Video 2ResultsIf you want to be known as a top coach (or really, even just stay in business for any amount of time), you’ve also got to be able to deliver on client results.No matter how good you are at the thing you help people with, actually being able to help them with it—aka coach—is a whole other skill set.In this video, I share my best tips from coaching 1,000+ clients, and helping them get unparalleled results. You won’t find these anywhere else, because, well…few people have had the coaching experience (or success) I’ve had to go through to be able to figure out these tips.With what you learn in this video, you’ll quickly become known for unmatched client results…which will compound your status as one of THE Coaches – allowing you to raise your prices and attract even more clients.Video 3MoneyAn unfortunate fact of life for most coaches:To get more clients, it’s easiest if you already have lots of clients. That whole “we want what other people want” Law of How Humans Work and do you solve this chicken and egg situation?By using this video and the 11 fast and simple ways you’ll learn to make more sales and boost your bottom line as a coach asap (that don’t require a ton of additional work, a new “product,” or complicated strategies).Video 4ConfidenceLast but definitely not least…Your skills, experience, client results, heart, none of it…will be able to make a difference…if you don’t feel confident in your ability and deservedness of being seen as a top coach.That’s why we’ll dive into the actual specifics for building your confidence. NOT fluff advice like, “You’ve got this!” or “Just banish that imposter syndrome!”In fact, I’ll break down the 3 tangible parts to boosting your confidence and owning your power as a coach (without having to “just feel more confident,” brag about how amazing you are, or flaunt your private life on social media).So that you attract the best, highly motivated, high-quality clients…who respect you, your time, and your prices, and are a dream to work with.Buy Now!Shopping Information– We provide digital products. Most of products will come to you immediately. But for Pre-Order product, we need 3-7 days to order it for you.– After you order, the system will create your account and send it to your email. And after your payment, you will receive the download link at the account or directly via your email. If you have any problems with your order, you can contact: .– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC+8).Let’s get things started! We will go with you!