The BPM Method 2020 – Depesh Mandalia


Want to learn how we use Facebook’s ads algorithm against them to unlock better predictability, stability and profitability without hacks, constant creative refreshes and anxiety?Introducing The BPM MethodFor Facebook Ads.Take control of your Facebook ads performance today.Running A Business Is Stressful. Reduce Your Anxiety & Improve Your Facebook Ads PerformanceSo You Can Focus More On Your Product, Marketing, Funnels and Customer Lifetime Value.Running Facebook ads can be stressful and feel unrewarding at times.Even if you’ve had success, it seems Facebook are against you.What if I told you that YOU can control the algorithm in your favour?From: Depesh Mandalia, a Marketer of 15 years and Facebook Ads pro.To: You, the Facebook advertiser that deserves betterGet The BPM Method 2020 – Depesh Mandalia, Only Price $137 Dear reader,WARNING: this message contains powerful advice and direction and is intended for good use, to improve the lives of you and your customers.It contains the same advice that I’ve shared on stage, podcasts, masterminds and forums around the world.The same guidance that I’ve applied to take businesses from 5 or 6 figures to 7-figures and more in revenue, profitably and consistently.The same guidance that’s helped thousands of others apply it to their business too.However you got here, to this website, I want you to know that if you experience instability, unpredictable results and feel you’re constantly chasing new and shiny ways to manage Facebook ads, you’re not alone.In fact for the 7 million+ advertisers on the platform, it is getting harder and harder to get consistent, profitable results.CPMs rising, conversions bouncing up and down. Competitors spending more and more.Businesses are dying because the platform they once relied on has become too difficult to maintain profitable results.But here’s the thing; we’re able to bypass that.We use Facebook’s algorithm against them.It’s not some marketing hook to get you interested.Neither is it against ads policy, or anything Facebook would disagree with.In fact Facebook have taken MY advice in helping more advertisers to get more consistent results too.I’ve managed well over $40M in ad spend through my agency, and well over $10M personally in various businesses.You learn a lot by doing – not just from your successes, but from failures.I failed for 18 months with Facebook ads before I ‘got it’.I wish I could have bypassed that, but back in 2012 the knowledge and experience you have available to you, a button click away, was not available back then.In 2014 something clicked. I took an Ecommerce business from $800K revenue to $8M with one shift in my approach.In 2015 I scaled to $26.5M.But it wasn’t until 2016 I took a step back and actually tried to reverse engineer exactly how I did that.How was I able to go from spending $100 per day at a loss, to spending $200,000 PER DAY profitably?What I’ll share with you here might surprise you.Expertise is not in knowing what to do when things are great – because anyone can increase budgets – it’s knowing what to do when things don’t go to plan.Without the losses I made, and knowing how to RECOVER from them I wouldn’t have been so successful with Facebook advertising.They say you need over 10,000 hours to really call yourself an expert. Well I’ve been in advertising on Facebook since 2012 with my ads running 24/7 in some form or another since then.Did you know that aeroplane pilots practice crashing?Why would they do that?When you learn something, whether it’s learning how to fly, or to play a sport, software coding or even planting seeds, following a step by step plan is often enough.But why is it that you can follow the exact step by step instructions in a recipe book, including the same ingredients, but with a very different outcome to the masterchef dish in the pictures?Experience and failure.The power of experience and failure is what gives certain people an unfair advantage.Learning how to deal with in-flight turbulence, engine failure or other ‘edge cases’ is what differentiates good pilots and excellent pilots.And learning in ‘test mode’ vs actually having lived through those experiences creates ELITE pilots.The kind of pilot you’d want flying YOUR plane on an 8 hour trip across the stormy oceans right?In 2016, I wrote down my success path, but more importantly, I also wrote down my many failures.In 2017, after launching my Facebook ads agency, I finally created a repeatable formula, so that I could teach my team to implement the same, with my support.And since then I’ve been sharing it with others looking for the same success path, built on MY failures.Failures I’ve made so you don’t need to.Like walking down a path and being told exactly where the trapdoors are and, if you find one, how to avoid them.Or, if you do happen to fall in, how to get out.And through this I discovered something so basic, which powered everything we achieved successfully through Facebook advertising.The power of RELEVANCE, TIMING and TRUST.Your ads serve only to PULL people out of Facebook (or Instagram, Messenger).Your ads are only one part of the journey.A key to my success in 2014 was simply shifting away from hacking my ad account and constantly refreshing creatives, testing new audiences… to focussing on creating relevant ads, served at the right time and building trust through my funnel.In fact I condensed this down to what I call The Advertising CORE-4.Just 4 things you need to make Facebook advertising work for you.Get this right and advertising on Facebook becomes easier, predictable and so much less stressful.With simple tweaks and changes to these 4 pillars can make a far bigger impact than constantly editing your campaigns, hacking, copying, stressing…Get The BPM Method 2020 – Depesh Mandalia, Only Price $137 Product. Offer. Audience. Funnel.Just 4 elements of a sustainable, successful ad campaign that help you to create consistent success regardless of what happens on Facebook.Understanding how to influence these allow you to take full advantage of Facebook’s algorithm. To (ethically) use the algorithm against them.To allow you to spend less time in ads manager, and more time in improving your customer’s experience, driving higher average order values and more loyalty and repurchases.I want you to experience the freedom, structure and most importantly, repeatable path to success we use in our agency and 1000’s of students around the world also use.If you’re looking to transform your fortunes with Facebook ads, earning back higher consistency and profit, together with freeing up more time in your day, then today is the first step in that direction.You see, we combine brand-marketing with performance marketing to create a truly unique approach, that works.The Brand-driven Performance Marketing Method, or BPM Method for short.What’s it worth to you to earn back hours of time each day from worrying and hacking in ads manager?What’s it worth to you to use systems to not just succeed once, but succeed time after time?What’s it worth to you to be able to not just learn this for yourself, but to train your team in creating the same success?What’s it worth to you to have support from my team to help you master everything in The BPM Method?Read on and be prepared for a massive positive shift in your business, and your life.Depesh Mandalia.Founder of The BPM Method.STRUCTUREThe BPM Method is a set of frameworks designed to allow you to take a bottom up, step by step approach, or to dive in to the areas you need the most help with right now for the most immediate and biggest impact.ART & SCIENCEThe BPM Method is a marketing training program, designed for Facebook advertising. The training combines creating avatars, copy, landers, funnels and messages that serve the right person at the right time. The program also balances the art, with science, using data-backed testing, optimisation and scaling together with data insights for fast, efficient decision making.SUPPORTWe’re in the trenches every day, through our agency and our own Ecommerce, Lead Gen, Digital Products and Affiliate offers. The BPM Method comes with 6 weeks of support so you get your questions answered by the right people to maximise your results and shorten the time to success.Ready To Master Facebook’s Algorithm To Work In Your Favour?The BPM Method is a set of online training modules to deliver higher predictability, consistency and profitability.For Ecommerce: The BPM Method will allow you to take control of profitability and consistency, showing you the path to higher average order values, higher conversion rates and lower costs whilst building a path to higher lifetime value using our experience of generating over $100M in revenue across a wide variety of niches.For Digital Products: Use the same system to build the right funnel path, to drive a higher uptake of your offers, generating higher conversion rates and order values for sustainable growth.For Existing Offers: The BPM Method is designed to allow you to build around and grow your offers. An offer simply requires an idea of who you’re selling to, and a product or service that has a meaningful purpose; this is half of the success of Facebook advertising, The BPM Method will deliver the rest.​For Existing Marketers: The BPM Method is designed for those that know their way around the platform. Knowing the basics of how to navigate the ads platform and how launch campaigns is a requirement to fully embrace The BPM Method.What’s Included?Private MastermindPrivate group access to BPM Method Mastermind, helping you to both learn and to execute faster with peers.Full Online Program AccessFull access via our online BPM Method training portal and private Facebook group including past coaching calls.Setup MasteryEverything you need to setup a high performing campaign, including your business manager, ad account, page and campaigns.Offer BuildStrong offers are the hidden secret to breakout success. Learn our 5W Avatar process, 3N Ads Formula and how to craft the Perfect Ad for sustainable success.Funnel BuildA great offer needs a great funnel. Apply what goes into creating funnels that Facebook will reward you for to maximise conversion rates & order value.Structure TestingImplement our Graduation Testing Method to control your testing process to unearth ads and audiences that work, without the guesswork.OptimisationThe biggest thing missing in most ad accounts is optimisation. Learn what to look for, how to setup your reporting for fast insights and the right actions to take, when, to make the biggest difference.Growth & ScaleGrowth is more than just increasing budgets. Understand what it truly means and takes to grow into 6, 7 and 8-figures using our formulaic approach to growing and scaling.I’ve Made The Mistakes  So You Don’t Have To“The BPM Method is for committed entrepreneurs running their own business, marketers running ads for the company they work for, and agencies or freelancers helping clients with Facebook ads.Those that benefit are already spending money on ads, and come in from various intermediate and advanced levels.It is NOT for those that have never advertised on Facebook. You’re getting The BPM Method training together with a private group and network of like-minded people on a similar journey.This is a marketing-led training program that will continue to pay back for years to come with skills and knowledge that will change your life.”– Depesh Mandalia, Founder of The BPM Method1. Building Stability and Consistency> The Right Structures For Consistent Profit & Scale> Knowing Your Audience & How to Influence Them> Serving The Right Ads For Higher Profits> Policy Compliance Support, Pixel Mastery and more…2. Creating Predictable Outcomes> Simple Yet Effective Test Processes> Data-Driven Decision Making> Fast-Insight Custom Reporting> Full Testing Support> CBO Mastery and more…3. Unlocking Hidden Profitability> The Best Audiences At The Highest Value> Full Funnel Conversion Rate Initiatives> Highly Engaging & Converting Ads> Profitable Retargeting Framework> Learning What To Do When Things Go Wrong (And How To Recover and Stabilise)4. Growth & Scaling> Learn To Properly Scale In Every Situation> Unleash The Power of Manual Bidding> Slow & Fast Scaling Models> Saving Time with Rules & Automation> Our Support All The WayReady to Accelerate Your Growth?THE BPM METHOD FOR FACEBOOK ADSVideo & Written Based ‘Do It Yourself’ Learning Via a New Online Training PortalInstant Access To All Online Modules From Account Setup, Marketing Strategies, Testing, Optimisation, Scaling and Automation – THE Only Ads Management Training & Reference Guides You’ll Ever Need​Includes CBO Cookbook Insights, SMC Ads Policy Compliance Checklist, Mega Audience Cheatsheet, Worksheets, Downloads, Reference Guides and More.​Access To The PRIVATE BPM Mastermind Facebook Group​Regular updatesCourse Lifetime Access & Updates​Special Software & Service DiscountsGet The BPM Method 2020 – Depesh Mandalia, Only Price $137 Tag: The BPM Method 2020 – Depesh Mandalia Review. The BPM Method 2020 – Depesh Mandalia download. 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