The Blueprint Sell Yourself Online – Brennan Dun


Tired of crappy job board clients and waiting around for referrals?Most freelancers are reactive, meaning they wait for work to come to them.They wait for someone to realize they need a new website, a new app, or someone to help manage their ads, and then they seek out someone like you. The problem is that equation is entirely out of your control… Will someone come knocking on your door this month? Who knows.And when we have no idea where our next project is coming from, we end up making concessions so we can keep the lights on. Maybe we scrape the bottom of the barrel of Craigslist. Or we end up accepting a ridiculously low rate just so we have something to keep us busy.You need a system that proactively generates work for you – without you needing to stay on top of it!This probably sounds like a pipe dream. Automatically find clients…?Without needing to network or any of the usual lead generation advice…? Yeah, right. There are so many companies you could help, but if you’re waiting for them to:Realize that they have a problemRealize this problem can be solvedRealize that someone like you can solve itSearch around and find your contact form…then you’re missing out on a lot of companies that you could really help.The system is fantastic to get clients and grow your network in a very organic way without being spammy. I know my business is going to change for the better if I do the work and step a little out of my comfort zoneSergio Romero, MarketerBut what if you had an automated system that met companies right where they are now – before they know they need someone like you – and, over time, educated them towards realizing that they need someone like you?In this course, I apply everything I learned in growing an agency that brought in over $2 million a year and kept 11 of us fed. My agency couldn’t afford to “hope and pray” that we’d have enough work to keep us afloat. (Our payroll was $100k+ a month!)This course is also the by-product of over eight years of experience in helping hundreds of freelancers and agencies take ownership over how they get work. I’ve also leveraged everything I’ve learned in building large audiences at scale online, and apply these strategies and tactics to getting high-value consulting clients.This course is unlike anything you’ve come across.It’s not simply a course on building on audience or fusing together a bunch of one-off tactics that kinda sorta might help you find clients who are looking for people like you.Instead, it’s a framework for figuring out a compelling value proposition, and building out automated systems that meet people where they are right now and – over time, and only when they’re ready – pitches them on working with you.The result? A steady and consistent stream of project leads. An audience who respects and trusts your abilities to help businesses grow, and is your secret weapon in referring you to their peers.But most importantly, the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you have a stable business with clients lined up, ready to work with you when you have the bandwidth.This course presents a brilliant approach. It allowed me to maintain “who” I am while positioning “what” I do to different market segments or verticals. I have taken dozens of online programs, but this is the most comfortable approach to date. I didn’t have to totally revamp my website, my copy, etc. I just focused my strengths toward a specific vertical. It also “feels” lower risk, i.e. if it doesn’t work, I just reposition the offer RATHER THAN reposition “me.”Ari Zelmanow, ResearcherWhat’s InsideThis course is composed of 62 lessons (over 6 hours of HD material) that walk you through, step-by-step, creating assets that generate you leads. You won’t just learn in this course – at the end of it, you’ll have automated systems, a service offering sales page, and other tools that help you attract and convert high-quality clients.Course OverviewIn the first module, I overview the System and ensure that you and I are on the same page. I’ve also included reference material that you’ll use as you move through the course.Your Positioning StatementWhat are you offering and why should people care? Rather than pigeon hole yourself into a single specialization, we’re going to position your funnel – and not your business. In this module, I work with you to create the end goal: what are you offering, and why should a client care?Writing Your Internal ManifestoOnce you’ve researched a basic statement, we’re going to turn it into a meaty Internal Manifesto that you use to pin down every aspect of the system we’ll be creating. We’re also going to get your Manifesto in front of the right people – ideally scoring a first client or two in the process.Creating A Marketable DocumentYour manifesto is great, but it’s for your eyes only. We’re going to comb through the data you’ve been collecting when validating your Manifesto, and normalizing everything you’ve captured and turning it into something that you can actually put in front of prospective clients.Shipping Your Service OfferingNow that you’ve created your marketable document, it’s time to show it off to the world – or at least the people who make it through the funnel we’re about to create together! You’ll learn how to design and write your Service Offering, along with how to craft the perfect call-to-action that leads people to take that first step of hiring you.Creating A Content ArsenalWhen someone first comes across you, they’re probably not ready to commit to meeting with you, let alone hiring you. This is the big mistake a lot of freelancers make. Here we’ll talk about the role of content: what to create, what it’s “job” is, and how to get people who consume your free content to become a lead.  Shipping Your Freebie OfferingBefore your leads are brought to your Service Offering, we’re first going to educate them about their problems and help them understand exactly how to solve them. In this module, I’m going to help you write and build a start-to-finish automated system that nurtures leads and prepares them to be your next client.Filling Your PipelineIf a tree falls in a forest, does anyone hear it? And if you create some free content and put it on your website, will anyone ever see it? This module is all about getting the right people to discover you, and to keep the traffic coming. With each channel, we’re going to get people not to find your service and hopefully hire you – but rather, to self-select to take that next step to learn from you. After you’ve educated a lead, they’ll be automatically pitched on your Service Offering, effectively automating your project requests and consultation meetings.Nudging The 98%The majority of leads who move through your automated funnel won’t be ready to work with you right away. However, these leads become a part of your larger audience. In this module, you’ll learn how to keep your leads engaged over time, turning them into future clients and/or getting them to refer work to you.The View From 10,000 FeetNow your system is complete. You have a number of channels that are consistently sending the right people to you, and your content arsenal is converting them into leads. From there, these leads are being educated about why they need to hire a company like yours, and you’re convincing them that you’re the best for the job. The final module is all about how to analyze, experiment with, and quantify the value of your entire system. This will give you the data you need to scale up additional funnels, and throw more fuel on the fire for the channels that are sending you the best, highest-value clients.Lifetime Updates and Personal SupportWhen you buy, you’ll get lifetime updates and support from the DYF.Great great great! The best so far for me is learning about my intended clients and their businesses – this will NEVER hurt and will make me a more desirable *knowledgable* hire in the future.Patterson Watkins, Culinary ConsultantWho’s behind this course?I’m Brennan Dunn, and for the last decade I’ve been working with clients. I started out as a freelancer, and after 3 years my business grew to an agency of 11 employees and a $2 million in annual revenue.I love freelance consulting, but I’m hell-bent on helping other freelancers learn how to master the BUSINESS of freelancing. A lot of us (myself included) started freelancing because we’re technically solid… but end up learning the hard way being successful is much more than just being good at what we do.In addition to this course, I also write and podcast weekly for my audience of over 50k+ freelancers. I also host two worldwide conferences for freelancers.(“What’s with the robe, Brennan?!” We hosted our last European conference at an all-inclusive Japanese resort. It was a blast – and a bit weird! – presenting on stage in a kimono.)The long road… or the shortcut?In Module 7, I’m going to teach you how to put together the perfect Freebie Offering.What’s a Freebie Offering? Well, it’s an automated sequence that you’ll create that’s tasked with creating clients. Its only job is to meet someone right where they are today, and to then prime them to be ready to be receptive to your offer.In that module, I teach you how to pitch people who have made it through. “Do you want to take the long road… or the shortcut?”Choosing the long road means that you’re going to take it upon yourself to radically overhaul the way you sell and market yourself. You embrace an attitude of trial & error, and get to work consuming a ton of blog posts, podcasts, and so on with the intent of developing your own system for selling.You’re going to likely scrape your knees (metaphorically) a few times. Things won’t work how you expected they would. You grasp at tactical straws, trying to find “the one thing” that will finally give you what you’re looking for – a fully automated system for getting your business in front of the right people and convincing them to hire you.Some people eventually get what they need.It took me over a year of trial & error, business coaches, and heavy testing to figure out what would finally work for my agency.And then, in 2011, I started teaching others. And now, eight years later, I’ve become a much better teacher (it took me a while to realize that knowing how to do something doesn’t mean you know how to teach it!)But over the last eight years, I’ve also been able to really refine how I should be teaching others. More data and more experience has led to countless tweaks and adjustments into what I believe is the single best system available for actually acquiring clients, without hype and fluff.You could take the long road. You could attempt to try to figure this out all on your own…Or you could take the shortcut and enroll in The Blueprint, execute on what I teach, and get exactly what you need to bring your business to that next level.As a small agency, we had never gotten a single quality lead out of our website, and so had neglected it for a long time. We were finally getting around to revamping it and decided to buy the Blueprint. It felt like it had been created specifically for us. Since then, we have gotten real leads who we have never spoken to before.Andrew Askins, Developer and Agency OwnerEnrollment Closes Soon. Get Instant Access Now.Complete Course10 in-depth learning modules62 lessons of HD video“Over the shoulder” walkthrough tutorials90-day “Virtual Course Club” email accountabilityLifetime access to the DYF Community (1,000+ members)Lifetime access to a private community of just Blueprint studentsLifetime updatesGet The Blueprint Sell Yourself Online – Brennan Dun, Only Price $137Tag: The Blueprint Sell Yourself Online – Brennan Dun Review. The Blueprint Sell Yourself Online – Brennan Dun download. The Blueprint Sell Yourself Online – Brennan Dun discount. blueprint selling. blueprint selling rocket league. blueprint seller daeger. blueprint sales. amazon selling blueprint. blueprint iris sellin charakterisierung. blueprint siri sellin charakterisierung.