The Bear Traps Report PRO Subscription – Sample Issues


The Bear Traps Report provides a unique look at risk management, a value added perspective across all asset classes.” Format File: 4.79 MB

The Bear Traps Report PRO Subscription – Sample Issues

Financial Advisors, Family Offices, Hedge Funds, Portfolio Managers, Trade Desks and Retail Investors all use THE BEAR TRAPS REPORT to manage global political risk
I am an avid reader of Bear Traps, it’s a must read”

Niall Ferguson, Senior Fellow, the Hoover Institution
The Bear Traps Report provides a unique look at risk management, a value added perspective across all asset classes.”

Rene J Canezin, Harvard Management Company
I’ve learned quite a lot over the past year and especially during this turbulent time in the past weeks your publications have helped a lot. My portfolio is up by a good portion but what is more important to me is that I have learned so much and your work has done much more in that process than you can imagine.”

Max Plate, Plate Active Equity
After reading your daily (Bear Traps Institutional Chat Recaps) for a couple months, I can say I think you do the most value added actionable work I’ve ever seen after nearly 30 years of consuming research. You blend macro with micro, using both induction and deduction in your cross asset, cross signal analysis.”

Tom Kurtz, Family Office
One of the most comprehensive perspectives, a look across all asset classes. It gives us a 20,000 foot view of global risk coming at us from markets, Bear Traps is excellent.”

Omeir Jilani, National Bank of Abu Dhabi
With the overload sell-side research it’s easy to sort through the noise using Bear Traps. It gives me conviction when speaking to my clients about the macroeconomic landscape and how we’ve positioned their portfolios.”

Shiraz Ahmed, Raymond James

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I worked with Larry at Lehman and he is both a very good person and a talented trader. The Bear Traps Report is a stand out among its research peers”

Bobby Dziedziech, Managing Director Jefferies International Limited
I don’t touch the markets without a long phone call with Larry (Bear Traps founder). He might very well be a market genius.”

J Madejski, Founder, Auto-Trader
The Bear Traps report is the most concise, advanced research platform we’ve seen. It puts global market risks into perspective – every week. Our confidence investing clients’ capital is enhanced meaningfully with them in my corner.”

Jack Corbett, Morgan Stanley
Larry McDonald and his team have been advising me for over 20 years. The 21 Lehman Risk Indicators have been very accurate at calling market declines over the last couple of years. I highly recommend his research to any institutional investor.”

Jim Rappaport, CEO, New Boston Fund
Larry McDonald give the keynote speech at our financial advisor risk summit. Bear Traps provides a unique overview of global political risks, which are moving markets like never before.”