The Art Of Wuji Hundun Qigong 2022 – Daisy Lee


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Archive: now $79 $297, The Art Of Wuji Hundun Qigong 2022 – Daisy Lee Course.Experience the ancient practice of Wuji Hundun Qigong to focus and relax your mind, body, and spirit — awakening energy and turning chaos into celebration.Wouldn’t you love to move beyond “making peace” with chaos and disarray…… and instead learn how to transform and use your energetic resources and strength to fuel profound growth and expansion?To become like a palm tree — strong, flexible, and resilient through calm and stormy weather.As we learn to move with the world’s energies, Qigong’s exercises create a powerful center and calm to navigate life with ease and grace, even when those around us are off-kilter.Wuji Hundun Qigong is a series of movements used for centuries to heighten the physical body and the workings of this world.According to Daisy Lee, the founder of Radiant Lotus Qigong, the ancient 800-year-old system of Wuji Hundun Qigong imbues you with the strength, centeredness, and flexibility to tune in to grounded subtle energies, allowing you to learn and adapt in each and every moment. With a combination of 18 movements, breath, and relaxation, Wuji (the emptiness before creation) Hundun (chaos) Qigong is strong medicine for the rest of your life.Much like jazz improvisation, this flexible practice can become a powerful prescription for healing and renewal — rebalancing your body, mind, and spirit — based on your changing needs every day.This practice is open to anyone who’s actively searching to move through the inevitable waves and stillness of life…… and desiring practices to remain flexible during these times of change.Join Daisy Lee in a powerful 7-week course to learn the philosophy and movements of this ancient practice.Wuji Hundun Qigong was passed down to Daisy by her late teacher, Master Duan Zhi Liang. His ancestors taught it for generations to protect the health and safety of royal families in China.Used for both fighting and healing, this empowering Qigong practice was initially taught behind closed doors and is now available for all to repair injuries, restore movement, and regain calm and balance.In this essential program for these times of increasing global instability, Daisy will guide you through the core fundamentals and practices of Wuji Hundun Qigong…… to support the uninterrupted flow of Qi, life-force energy, through the joints and tissues and optimize your healing and renewal.Daisy’s authentic, nurturing essence is infused in her teachings, and you will be held in a space of caring and support as you learn 18 movements of this powerful practice…… which you can use throughout your life as you continue to adapt to the flow of chaos and creation, with ease and grace.The 18 Movements of Wuji Hundun QigongHow Can You Make Chaos Work for You?Who Is Master Duan?During this empowering and profound healing journey, you’ll explore:Authentic teachings on the philosophy and movements of Wuji Hundun Qigong, an ancient 800-year-old system — and how to integrate them to open up the energetic bodyAn understanding of the art of “holistic rebalancing” between Wuji (the point of stillness before creation) and Hundun (chaos) with tools to deal with the ebbs and flows between bothThe priceless exercise of learning when and how to let go of stress and find equilibriumHow this ancient practice can repair injuries, restore movement, and help you regain calm and balance amidst times of chaosA variety of tools and practices for improved circulation, blood oxygen levels, digestion, and eyesightMovements to enhance strength and physical balanceHow to experience more restful sleep, decreased anxiety, and better ways to cope with stressAnd much more…This reparative, restorative Qigong practice will have you considering everything in your life differently. This is not a rigid Qigong practice.With the tools to deal with the chaos in the world — through holistic rebalancing and vertical alignment — you will learn to tune in to the subtle needs of your body and the world around you.What You’ll Discover in These 7 WeeksIn this 7-week transformational intensive, Daisy will guide you through the invaluable practices within the essential teachings of Wuji Hundun Qigong to awaken your energy body… walk through the turbulence of chaos and the joys of creation… and experience the alignment of holistic rebalancing within, for ultimate healing and resilience.The Power of Livestreaming VideoYou’ll connect with Daisy and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Daisy’s transmissions. Or you can listen to just the audio by phone.(Can’t make it live? After each class, the video and audio recordings will be available for you to download or stream in a high-quality format at your convenience.)Course Sessions Mondays at Noon PacificThis course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Daisy. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to adapt to changes in your life with greater ease and grace.Module 1: Primordial Chaos — Nothing Stays the Same (June 27)Daisy Lee’s 107-year old teacher, Master Duan Zhi Liang, was the family lineage holder of Wuji Hundun, an ancient self-healing Qigong system. This system was originally taught only to the elite and those who guarded them… and Master Duan was born into a family of protectors and healers of royal families in China.Daisy will share some of the key concepts from Master Duan’s Qigong, along with an introduction to the philosophy and movements from the Duan family lineage.This will be the first time Daisy will share Master Duan’s Wuji Hundun Qigong on The Shift Network. Her intention is to continue the legacy of her late teacher’s wisdom and for the practice to live on in perpetuity.In this session, you’ll:Explore the key concepts of Wuji (creation) and Hundun (primordial chaos)Discover the principles of movement in spirals and circles rather than sharp, abrupt anglesBecome aware of who you are and how you’re built in order to understand how to best move through the worldReceive a deepening exercise to become familiar with the names and create mnemonics to help you learn these new Chinese wordsModule 2: The Role of Gravity in Chaos (July 11)The role of gravity in chaos is to support balance and trust in the body. When the body is stable and steady, the mind is calm and emotions settle.You can be the silent eye of the storm when everything around you may be whirling in a frenzy.We cannot stay in a perpetual state of chaos or we would either implode, explode, or fall apart. That’s why we harvest energy from the earth to support balance, alignment, and dignity. And yet, the body — the joints, the tissues, the spine, the eyes — must remain supple, mobile, aware.In this session, you’ll:Find out how to balance chaos and stillnessLearn to appreciate the subtle, yet deeply important, role of gravityExplore a deepening exercise of Wuji Hundun Qigong — barefoot on the grass, on the land, or in the sea Remind yourself of your connection to all that surrounds you in the macrocosmModule 3: Yin & Yang — The Balance of Dark & Light (July 18)We live in a world in which contrasts are necessary — one thing cannot exist without its opposite. A seed of dark remains in light, and a spark of light lives within the dark. To appreciate true balance, we must sometimes experience being off-balance. To understand effortlessness, we must put in effort. The same movements done with a different intention can be a weapon or an agent of healing.Every day you’re alive, you have choices to make that affect you, your loved ones, your community, and the Earth. What are the seeds you want to nurture and grow?In this session, you’ll:Explore the concept — and real life examples — of yin and yangDiscover movements to release burdens, cut through ignorance and lethargy, and aid in healing and vitalityLearn digestive practices to work out the kinks in your body and in your mind — to prevent stagnation that can lead to illnessEmbrace how to send the message to your body and brain that you’re ready to do the work, by taking time to process thoughts and emotions as opposed to being reactiveModule 4: The Taijitu — The Law of Opposing Forces (July 25)The Taijitu — the classic Yin Yang symbol — represents the law of opposing forces. You’ll learn the art of balance through opposition. In Western therapeutic understanding, they’re isometric exercises that help open the body’s joints and sinews on a physiological level.We are the microcosm within the big circle of life, the spot of light in the dark and silent void before life erupts into being.In this session, you’ll:Discover how to create balanced energy within and around youEmbrace the confidence to manage challenges in your life and transform them into opportunitiesDiscern what self-knowing truly means — to absorb the essence that is within the movements of Wuji HundunRecognize that to be a leader, you must first govern yourself well — by letting go of arrogance, control, and pettinessLearn your limits by pressing against themModule 5: Be Like Bamboo — Remaining Flexible in the Face of Chaos (August 1)The humble bamboo is known for its multitude of uses within one plant.Bamboo is strong enough to hold up buildings, yet flexible and malleable enough to bend and shape into furniture, flooring, chopsticks, and clothing.It grows well in water, yet can survive dry periods by retaining the water inside each joint.Bamboo is the ultimate teacher, showing us how to be flexible yet strong. Because it’s nature is to serve, it will be treated like a friend wherever it lives.Bamboo teaches us how to gracefully and eloquently move through chaos while maintaining our connection to the stable earth force, and the light of opportunities that await the discerning warrior. Bamboo expresses the multi-dimensional nature of life.Like bamboo, you can flex, open, and spiral to avoid unnecessary confrontation. Yet, when it’s unavoidable, you can meet it with strength and resilience. This is learning and adapting to Hundun, or chaos.In this session, you’ll:Unlock how to respond rather than reactExplore ways to gracefully and eloquently adapt to chaosFind out how to become still and observe what is around you, while invoking vertical alignment and deriving inspiration from the multi-dimensional nature of the CosmosReceive Master Duan’s signature movement, Tuo, “snake hands”Discover movements to release tension in the torso to manifest greater ease and functionality in the rest of the bodyModule 6: Remembering — The Microcosm of Body Within the Macrocosm of Earth (August 8)Connecting the realms — as a human evolving on the planet — we seek to understand our nature in the macrocosm. However, in these modern times, we’ve come to rely on speed and convenience, without slowing down often enough to reconnect with the bigger picture.We walk on the sidewalk instead of finding a new path through the woods. We forget we’re surrounded by powerful oceans and rivers, even as the water within us seeks to be reconstituted and refreshed. We forget to honor the forests, the mountains, and the wisdom of the elders because we are blinded by streetlights, satellites, and the veneer of power.The cost of forgetting is high as we risk our health and spend our wealth paying for its recovery. Yet all is not lost. Wuji Hundun is a path toward remembering by reconnecting with the greater forces around us for inspiration.In this session, you’ll:Receive a visualization practice to submerge in the Moa movement — divining the limitless mysteries in the ocean and on the EarthMerge with the Xun movement by seeing and feeling the diversity of terrain beyond the walls around you — the valleys, mountains, rivers, and oceans nearbyPay homage to the Cosmos with He — connecting to the stars, the sun, moon, and the infinite space around and above youEmbrace all elements as guides along your pathDiscover an expanded awareness of life on Earth as the same innate intelligence lives within the microcosm of your human body, mind, and spiritModule 7: Integrating & Experimenting With Your Limitless Potential (August 15)Now that you’ve learned all 18 “notes” of the Wuji Hundun “scale”, what songs will you create with what you’ve learned — so that your body, mind, and spirit remember the limitless potential within and around you? How does it feel to tune in to what your body needs and find new and different sequences to the movements that will serve you best?In this final session, you’ll:Practice all 18 movements in the sequence you learned, but also “play” Wuji Hundun Qigong by experimenting with variations that inspire youIntegrate and celebrate with your new Wuji Hundun communityEnjoy a Q&A session with Daisy Lee to ask anything that’s come up for you during the courseShare ways you’ll continue to incorporate Wuji Hundun Qigong into your practice — and throughout your lifeHere’s What You’ll ReceiveSeven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Daisy LeeExperience a unique opportunity to be mentored by Daisy Lee, the founder and principal teacher of Radiant Lotus Qigong — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a livestreaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to focus and relax your mind, body, and spirit — awakening energy and turning chaos into celebration. Course sessions are on Mondays at Noon Pacific.Seven Video Recordings of Class SessionsAfter each class, the digital video will be available for you to download or stream in a high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.Seven Audio Recordings of Class SessionsAfter each class, the audio will be available for you to download in high-quality MP3 format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.Seven Transcripts of Class SessionsIn addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.Seven 30-Minute Interactive Group Practice SessionsWith live class attendance, there will be a 30-minute optional interactive practice session directly following each class. You’ll be placed in an intimate group with several other participants on the conference call to interact, share, and do additional practices to help further integrate the weekly lessons. Practice sessions are available for live attendance only and are not recorded for playback. If you’re unable to attend the calls live, the Facebook online community group allows you to connect with each other and find alternative times to interact.Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each LessonBetween class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.Online CommunityOur exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.Get The Art Of Wuji Hundun Qigong 2022 – Daisy Lee, Only Price $79Tag: The Art Of Wuji Hundun Qigong 2022 – Daisy Lee Download, The Art Of Wuji Hundun Qigong 2022 – Daisy Lee review, The Art Of Wuji Hundun Qigong 2022 – Daisy Lee Discount, content marketing masters, is content marketing a good career, is content marketing worth it, what exactly is content marketing, is there a masters in marketing.