The Art Of Trailer Editing by Film Editing Pro


The Art Of Trailer Editing by Film Editing ProWhat is The Art of Trailer Editing?An online video training course that will teach you how to edit trailers & promos in all genres – comedy, action, suspense & drama.Learn trailer-specific editing techniques used only in this unique style of cutting. These are very different from those used in other forms of editing.40+ 1080p HD tutorials, plus raw HD practice footage with full audio splits and a 950+ piece library of premium trailer sound design & music.…designed for anyone who needs to:Promote a filmDrive sales and trafficMarket online contentAnnounce a product or eventImpress a distributor, studio or clientStep-by-step trainingLessons are designed to teach you real trailer editing skills you can use.MODULE 1 | WELCOMELesson 1: Welcome to The Art of Trailer EditingAn overview of the course and a bit of information about what you’re going to learnLesson 2: How this Course is OrganizedA review of the course structure with the various types of lessons, live editing practice and moreMODULE 2 | INTRODUCTION TO TRAILER EDITINGLesson 3: Main Types of Trailers & PromosComparing the different kinds of trailers, teasers and promos and understanding the function of eachLesson 4: Four Challenges of Trailer EditingDiscover why the craft of trailer editing is so different from feature editingLesson 5: Key Trailer Editing Tools & VocabLearn all the different techniques and terminology frequently used in the trailer worldLesson 6: Amateur vs Professional TrailersCompare two trailers from the same film and review which works better and whyMODULE 3 | PLANNING A TRAILERLesson 7: Research & Organization WorkflowsThe important steps you need to follow before you begin editing any trailerLesson 8: Positioning the MovieDetermine your marketing, targeting and cutting style and how it affects your final trailerLesson 9: Telling the Story Quickly and SimplyHow to get people to watch your movie with a succinct and interesting trailer storyLesson 10: Arranging the Trailer StructureA step-by-step walk-through of the planning and paper-cutting stage of a trailerMODULE 4 | ESSENTIAL TRAILER EDITING TECHNIQUESLesson 11: Choosing the MusicUse a smart music auditioning strategy to choose the perfect cue for your cutLesson 12: How to Use Sound DesignLearn professional trailer sound design techniques to enhance the moments in your trailerLesson 13: Laying the Foundation with AudioHow and why to begin your trailer by actually cutting the audio bed firstLesson 14: Creating the Big Trailer MomentsHow to carve out and accent your trailer’s most important parts with advanced editing techniquesLesson 15: Storytelling with StyleLearn flashy editing techniques for creating a trailer that will hold your viewer’s interestLesson 16: Cutting Professional MontagesHow to cut an emotionally-moving, exciting and understandable montageLesson 17: Working with Graphics & VoiceoverBest practices for creating and using high-quality graphics & narrationLesson 18: The Importance of Un-ResolutionExplore this fundamental strategy of trailer editing to keep your audience wanting moreMODULE 5 | DRAMA TRAILER TECHNIQUESLesson 19: Storytelling & Character DevelopmentHow to tell a story about people and places your audience will fall in love withLesson 20: Creating Emotion in a CutDramatic editing techniques to stir emotions in your audience and help a trailer resonateMODULE 6 | COMEDY TRAILER TECHNIQUESLesson 21: Essential Comedy ToolsPowerful audio and visual tools for helping jokes and moments feel funny (even if they’re not)Lesson 22: Crafting a Story with JokesHow to build a comedy trailer by smoothly stringing together the best jokes in the filmLesson 23: Style Tips for Comedy EditorsSpecific comedy editing tips to add energy, style and visual interest to a trailerLesson 24: The Power of the Music StopHow to use the most important comedy editing technique that existsMODULE 7 | ACTION TRAILER TECHNIQUESLesson 25: Beat-Driven & Rhythmic AccentsThe complete guide to creating exciting, perfectly-timed action accents in your cutLesson 26: Building Intensity with Hit GridsLearn how to use sound design to easily build up the intensity of your music cueLesson 27: Creative Sound Design TechniquesCreate a highly memorable trailer by combining creative pieces of sound design MODULE 8 | SUSPENSE & HORROR TRAILER TECHNIQUESLesson 28: Essential Suspense & Horror ToolsPowerful audio and visual tools for building suspense and scaring your audienceLesson 29: The Sound of SilenceHow to effectively harness the power of silence in your next suspense trailerLesson 30: Creating Organic Sound MotifsUse organic sounds from your film to create a custom, rhythmic sound motifMODULE 9 | THE EDITING WORKSHOPLesson 31: Edit Workshop: The Project OverviewTake a closer look at the trailer we’ll be editing in this courseLesson 32: Edit Workshop: Setting Up the ProjectA quick guide to setting up your project and importing your filesLesson 33: Edit Workshop: Organizing the ProjectPreparing to edit with proper trailer organizationLesson 34: Edit Workshop: Creating the Paper CutPlanning your story, positioning and structureLesson 35: Edit Workshop: Building the StructureBegin editing your trailer with a proper audio foundationLesson 36: Edit Workshop: Filling in the PictureAdding picture and building montages in your cutLesson 37: Edit Workshop: Sound DesignMake your trailer come alive by adding layers of sound designLesson 38: Edit Workshop: Bringing It All TogetherAnalyze and troubleshoot problems with your trailerLesson 39: Edit Workshop: Final Mixing & TweaksFine-tune your audio mix and polish your cut to perfectionMODULE 10 | WRAP UPLesson 40: Reviewing Key Lessons LearnedA quick review of key lessons learned in the courseLesson 41: Your Next Learning StepsSuggestions for taking your trailer editing skills even furtherThe Trailer Editing WorkshopFollow along and cut your own trailer with us1080p HD Source FootageDownload a professionally-shot short film with full D/M/E audio splitsThe best way to learn editing is by actually doing it. This footage was specifically chosen to present you with common trailer editing challenges you’re likely encounter on your own projects. Use all the new trailer skills and techniques you’ve learned to gain a high level of mastery in this editorial art form.Premium Trailer Music & Sound LibraryWork with professional quality audio to create the perfect audio mixA 950+ piece library of premium trailer music and sound design. Sound design and music play a HUGE role in the trailer editing process. We’ve worked closely with our partners at Alibi Music to hand-select the perfect library of cues you’ll need to craft an amazing audio bed.Trailer Graphics & Script PackUse professional trailer scripts and custom graphics to enhance your cutGraphic cards can be very useful in supporting the story of a trailer and adding a bit of style. Use the included 14 scripts and graphics, or choose to create your own.Real Hollywood InstructorsGet a unique opportunity to learn exactly how a professional trailer editor works125+ Years of Combined ExperienceGet access to cutting-edge training from some of the best trailer editors working in the entertainment industry right now.We’ve taken 125+ years of combined trailer editing experience and compiled the best secrets, editing strategies, techniques, workflows and shortcuts.Award-Winning Trailer EditorsThese are award-winning trailer editors who have honed their skills and risen to the top of their field.Awards include:3 Grand Key Art Awards31 Gold/Silver/Bronze Key Art Awards15 Golden Trailer AwardsHow does The Art of Trailer Editing compare to other training options?We’ve already seen how The Art of Trailer Editinghas helped many other editors improve their skills. What would it cost for you to learn these techniques someplace else?We like to be candid with all your choices, so you’re fully informed.OPTION 1: FILM SCHOOLYou could try learning how to edit a trailer by enrolling in a full-time film school and hope that the curriculum includes plenty of trailer editing training…but most don’t.FACT: only about 8% of film school classes teach any form of editingPlus, film school is pretty darn expensive.Most film schools are not designed to train editors.You might be lucky to get 2 or 3 classes dedicated to editing, along with a bit of outside lab time cutting together a final project.But their focus is not on really teaching the craft of editing. It can’t be – there just isn’t enough time!OPTION 2: TRADE SCHOOLYou couldtake individual editing classes at a trade school.But these are still pretty pricey.Additionally, they’ll typically only cover the fundamentals and often the instructors don’t have a great deal of real-world industry experience.So far, none of these are great options.OPTION 3: ONLINE TRAINING WITH FILM EDITING PROIf you choose to enroll in a course with Film Editing Pro, you can feel confident that the training is specifically designed to do three things:Give you hands-on, real-world editing skills you can actually useShare knowledge from full-time professional editorsNot empty your walletStep-by-step instruction, expert tutors, affordable pricing.Here’s just a sample of what you’ll learn in “The Art of Trailer Editing”…6 comedy editing tips to make sure your trailer gets laughsHow to analyze your trailer for critical weak pointsA step-by-step method for quickly rough-cutting a trailerThe 3 main types of trailers and promos2 quick fixes that will improve your trailer graphicsHow to craft a flowing comedy trailer using the best jokes in your filmDiscover how to properly use hits and whooshes to highlight key momentsAdvanced techniques for manipulating your film’s audio for use in a trailer4 crucial story moments every trailer should haveThe best techniques for polishing your cut to look 100% professionalHow to paper cut a trailer scriptHow to use silence to carve out a scary momentThe big differences between amateur and professional trailersHow to correctly plan and prepare for the trailer editing process to ensure successEssential strategies for organizing your shots and character linesHow to correctly position your trailer in the marketplace to avoid targeting the wrong audienceHow to craft beat-driven moments in an action trailerHow to build emotion in a drama trailerThe importance of using “un-resolution” whenever possibleKey trailer editing tools and vocabThe #1 technique for keeping your viewer engaged for 2:303 strategies for combining shots into effective trailer momentsThe secrets to maximizing the humor of a joke in a comedy trailerHow to layer sound design to build suspense before a scareWhich story elements to include and which to leave outHollywood tricks for creating tension in your next horror trailer4 big challenges of cutting a great trailerThe best tools for polishing your trailer and exciting your audienceProfessional sound design techniques to build intensity throughout your cutA detailed guide on how to create rhythmic sound motifs using organic film audioHow to edit music cues to fit your trailer’s timing and accents There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.