The 2015 Advanced SEO Certification Course – SearchEngineNews


The 2015 Advanced SEO Certification CourseInteractive Online Training begins on Monday, March 23rd @12pm PDT / 3pm EDTIf there is one constant in the field of SEO, it’s change! But you already knew that. You also know that success depends on separating yourself from your competition. That’s why you’re dedicated to staying abreast of that change. Because, when you do, you can…Use change to your advantage!Of course, I don’t have to tell you that some people resist change. We both know that’s foolish because, by embracing change, you gain your edge!And without an edge, you’re just one of the crowd … eventually everybody catches up and that makes it hard to stand out. But, because you know that, you also know there’s no better investment you can make than investing in YOU.So, today I have great news. The upcoming Advanced SEO Certification Course that begins on March 23rd is about…synchronizing ALL of the Advanced SEO Strategies while harnessing the changes in ways to gain your distinct advantage.Let’s get straight to the details.Beginning on Monday, March 23rd you’ll be learning the latest strategies for:Microformats, also known as Google’s rich snippets. These have become an important ranking factor that can produce dramatically higher click-through rates. But recently, there have been critical changes you need to know about that are focused on “quality and quantity” as well the rise of “topical authority” and the effect it has on rankings. This section covers everything you need to know about:* vocabulary * Marking up a product page * Marking up a location * Event markup * Combining multiple markups * Author Rank Defined * Snippets Quality Guidelines * Trouble Shooting Problems Video Optimization is an essential skill regardless of whether you’re an SEO, Web Designer, or Online Marketer. Not only is Video a powerful content tool, but the use of Video in ways that Google will like is critical to your success. In this category you’ll learn everything you need to know about:* Youtube Video Optimization * Universal Search Video * Facebook Video and Power of Tagging * Open Graph and Microformat Markup * Video Sitemaps Image Optimization is far more important that most people realize. When all else is equal between one site or another, it is often the image optimization that decides the advantage in rankings. By understanding every nuance and strategy for optimizing your images, you position your pages to take advantage of every little detail done right to create top ranking pages. In this category you’ll learn everything you need to know about:* Optimizing Images for Faster Loading * Core Ranking Fundamentals * EXIF Data and Geotagging * Image Sizes and Ranking * OpenGraph & Microformat Markup * Image Sitemaps * Troubleshooting Ranking Problems in Image Search Next Generation Link Building Strategies – Google crushed link building vehicles in 2014 while updating their Webmaster Guidelines with strong warnings against Article, Press Release, Advertorial and even Guest Blogging links. In this section you’ll learn how to distinguish between good and bad links as we focus on Next-Gen link building strategies for 2015. The topics include:* Recognizing which link building strategies are now obsolete. * The growing importance of Natural link building in 2015. * The 4 characteristics that make a link Google-friendly * The 9 classes of links that are still worthwhile * The list of best tools and techniques in the post-Penguin link worldGoogle Penalties are to be avoided like the plague. But Google’s moving target of ‘best practices’ doesn’t always make it easy! That’s why it’s important to stay current on what’s acceptable. The strategies that are working today could lead to a Google Penalty Smackdowntomorrow! This section will teach you everything you need to know to remain in Google’s good graces.* What’s a Google penalty (difference between ban and penalty) * Common causes of Google penalties (why a site gets penalized) * Different kinds of Google penalties (manual vs automatic) * Checking for a Google penalty (tools and best practices) * Cleaning up a Link Profile (link pruning 101) * Creating a Successful Disavow File * How to unwind a Google penalty (secrets of a successful reconsideration request)Course Materials and LogisticsThe course will be LIVE and held entirely online. That’s right, you’ll be attending from the comfort of your office or home. Prior to the beginning of the course you’ll be admitted into our Web-based teaching system that seamlessly streams live audio while displaying the course content. There is no need to call into a phone line.Ramon Williamson will be your host. He’s top-notch and will be with you the entire time to ensure you get the most possible benefit and to make extra-sure you don’t get lost anywhere along the way.Recordings of the course will be provided. You’ll be able to download MP3s and a copy of each day’s slides after each session. Once the entire course is finished, we’ll release the complete video recording. Everything will be available to you from within Schedule and DatesFive Sessions over Two Weeks.Four LIVE 60 minutes Training Sessions with Q&A (typically a 45min presentation, followed by 15min Q&A which may run a bit longer)PLUS an Entire One Hour LIVE Session dedicated to 100% Q&ATime of DaySessions begin sharply at: 3pm ET / 2pm CT / 1pm MT/ Noon PTWeek #1, the dates:March 23rd, Mon – Session 1 – Advanced SEO Strategies: John HeardMarch 25th, Wed – Session 2 – Google Penalties: Casey MarkeeMarch 27th, Fri – Session 3 – More Advanced SEO Strategies: John HeardWeek #2, the date:March 30th, Mon – Session 4 – 2015 Link Building Strategies: Casey MarkeeApril 1st, Wed – Complete Q&A + Graduation Day: John and CaseyThe Separation is in the PreparationThis is your ‘golden opportunity’ to separate yourself from the competition by leveraging “change” to update and advance your SEO skill set. You’ll be able to…present yourself more authoritatively,and gain the confidence you need to close more prospects…which will make you more moneyIn about 6 hours you’ll elevate and update your essential SEO/SEM Advanced skills …and any NEW problems you encounter can be quickly solved within The MasterMind Group.By the way, this is the only Advanced SEO BootCamp we have scheduled for 2014.It’s the pre-requisite for the Social Media, Mobile, and Web Site Audit Courses that we’ll be doing later this year. That’s why we’ve made it affordable to you in time, effort, and money. There’s no doubt the potential earning power of a motivated person will far more than offset the tuition. You already know the fees collected from a single client will dwarf the cost of the course (duh! …many of our MasterMind Members report making that much or more in a single hour of consultation).Of course we know you’re busy. Everyone worth their salt is busy these days. That’s why we’ve streamlined everything to give you maximum benefit with minimum hassle. It may not be a good time, but there will never be a better time. If you delay your training now, then you delay your success… and procrastination-hesitation is never the way of a winner!Below is the signup form. Complete and submit it to get yourself registered today. Act now because space is limited to just 35 seats and you must register before the end of day Wednesday, March 18th to get the discounts. Once you’ve completed your registration we’ll confirm your participation and be available to answer any questions you may have regarding the course itself as well as the logisticsTag: The 2015 Advanced SEO Certification Course – SearchEngineNews Review. The 2015 Advanced SEO Certification Course – SearchEngineNews download. The 2015 Advanced SEO Certification Course – SearchEngineNews discount. coursera seo. seo fundamentals. advanced seo techniques 2018. seo full course. seo expert course.