The 1-Page Marketing Plan Course – Allan Dib


THE 1-PAGE MARKETING PLAN™ COURSEALLAN DIB’S HIGH END COACHING PROGRAM CANNED AND CLONED TO MAKE MARKETING IMPLEMENTATION ACCESSIBLE TO ALL BUSINESS OWNERS. I USED THIS 1-PAGE MARKETING PLAN TO BECOME ONE OF THE TOP 100 FASTEST GROWING COMPANIES IN THE COUNTRYForget Everything You’ve Been Told. This Proven Plan Removes The Mystery And Hype Out Of The Process And Takes  You From Confusion To Clarity, So You Can Generate More High Quality Leads Fast…From: Allan DibWednesday, 10:48amAs the speed of marketing shifts, everyone knows they should have a plan. But until now it’s been a tortured, laborious process and you end up with an unusable document that’s hundreds of pages long— only to be left on a shelf to collect dust. So if you’re like most business owners (who barely have time to eat lunch), and are confused about what to do to get more leads… So You Resort To Watching YouTube Videos And Googling How-Tos On How To Run Ads On Facebook, Instagram, Etc.Often, it doesn’t get a return on investment. And while you get some word-of-mouth business, you know you can’t rely on it. So not knowing what to do, you turn to “experts” who are great at selling the latest bright, shiny object, but usually fall short when it comes to results. That’s what Don did. Over a nine-year period, he paid coaches to help develop his business—over $56,000, in fact. And this didn’t even include the cost of travel, hotels, etc. And while he learned quite a lot about the mechanics and systems of his particular business, no coach or combination of coaches were able to help him develop a plan that would hold up month after month, year after year. Until he discovered the 1-Page Marketing Plan and…GOT MORE VALUE FROM A BOOK FROM AMAZON THAN $56,000 IN COACHINGAnd the book was just the tip of the iceberg of what I deliver to my high-end clients. Have you ever wondered what makes the difference between businesses who thrive and those that fail?So have I… After conducting over 15 years of research—trying every trick in the book with marketing, and having many breakthroughs and failures… I was able to see inside the hearts of hundreds of small business owners and I stumbled upon a formula that separated the most successful companies from those that struggled or folded. I saw that success didn’t come through hard work. It wasn’t that one wanted it more than the other. And it wasn’t about having some complex marketing plan they teach Harvard MBAs. IN FACT, THIS FORMULA BOILED DOWN TO NINE KEY COMPONENTS WHICH FIT ON ONE PAGE – AND OVER 1700 PEOPLE HAVE RAVED ABOUT IT ON AMAZON My name is Allan Dib. I’m a serial entrepreneur, rebellious marketer and #1 best-selling author. I contribute to Forbes, speak to audiences all over the world, and my book has been an Amazon bestseller for the last three years.Since the book was released, it has sparked a worldwide movement and has gone on to sell over 250,000 copies. It’s been translated into 16 languages and has over 1,700 five-star reviews on Amazon–literally helping hundreds of thousands of business owners get clarity on their marketing.And For The First Time Ever, I’m Handing You The Tools To Implement The 1-Page Marketing Plan In Your Business.Now this isn’t your typical marketing plan. I remember spending tens of thousands of dollars in my first venture for a business plan that was hundreds of pages long with graphics, charts, projections and much more. It was an awesome-looking document, but it was essentially a bunch of nonsense, which I ended up shoving in my desk drawer for years—out of sight, out of mind. When I started coaching small business owners, I tried to get them to write a marketing plan of their own. Very few did, though. Why? Because, until now, creating a marketing plan has been a complex, laborious process most small business owners simply won’t do. Necessity became the mother of invention, and the 1-Page Marketing Plan was born. The results people have achieved are extraordinary. In fact, one of the favorite parts of my day is now reading “fan mail” in my inbox. And I can’t tell you how many emails I’ve received saying, “Hey, Allan. Loved Your Book. Is There A Course?” Until now, I’ve had to say, “Not yet.” I had no interest in creating another full-of-fluff course. Like you, I’m a busy person, and one of my pet peeves is sitting through an hour’s worth of rambling content, which could essentially be delivered in 10 minutes. And it needs to be actionable too because all the studies prove we don’t learn by being lectured to. So I went back and looked at all the courses I received in the past, which gave me the maximum value in minimum time. I investigated what they had in common. And it all boiled down to this: they had the minimum effective dose of how-to processes so you could execute each strategy immediately. So I sat down and created a program. Something so simple anyone could follow it. Something I could 100% guarantee would work for anyone who applied it.And That’s How I Created The 1-Page Marketing Plan CourseYou’ve never come across a program like this. Nobody is teaching this sort of essential information to business owners in such a practical way. Only a few come close, but they don’t truly understand how to simplify it so it’s dead easy for the busy entrepreneur. This is totally and completely unique. Why? Because instead of doing random acts of marketing— grabbing at different tactics which work with disappointing degrees of success, hustling and pushing yourself, but struggling to get an ROI—you’ll have a marketing plan and structure in place in just seven days. From there, you can start systemizing your business and getting in front of more qualified prospects every week.THE MOST IMPORTANT MARKETING STRATEGIES FROM TODAY’S LEADING EXPERTS IN THEIR FIELDSIt’s impossible to be the best in every field. That’s why I’ve contacted the very best in podcasting, LinkedIn strategy, SEO, team building, PR and more. You’ll have exclusive access to their training and templates. Everyone I’ve chosen is the golden standard in their field – including Dmitry Dragilev (get featured in the national press without spending $30,000 + to hire a PR agency), Charley Valher (how to launch a killer podcast), and Paul Higgins (how to dominate Linkedin).Sound good?Well then, let’s dive in and take a look at what’s inside.Get The 1-Page Marketing Plan Course – Allan Dib, Only Price $77Introduction: Why The Quality Of Your Product Or Service Is OverratedDo you have this rags to riches dream, where customers will stumble across your business and realize you’re the answer to their prayers?Hate to burst your bubble, but that’s just not reality.The most successful businesses—say Nike, or Apple, even Porsche—understand that it isn’t their excellent service or awesome product that helps them to stand out. It’s how they market it.So here it is. I’m going to share with you exactly how I started, grew, and exited my multi-million-dollar businesses using marketing.You’ll learn:The secret to becoming a great marketer. Get this right and money will start flowing into your business fast and furiously.Why direct response marketing is the key to generating high-quality leads for your small business almost instantaneously and why any other marketing strategy is just flushing cash down the toilet.How to use The 1-Page Marketing Plan to supercharge your sales and build a tribe of raving fans who will repeatedly buy from you. I know it’s the blueprint to success because it’s the one I use to market my business.Module 1: How To Find A Hungry Crowd, Who Will Jump Through Hoops To Do Business With YouEveryone knows the business world is becoming more and more competitive, right? So how do you stand out instead of being shopped on price?Do you want to know what the most successful business owners do?They understand how to niche effectively, so instead of their customers saying, “Oh, you’re just like company X,” they say, “I can’t believe I finally found you.”Yet barely 1 in 100 businesses do this effectively–which is why the things you’ll discover in this module will give you an overwhelming advantage over your competitors.Here are some highlights:A simple checklist you can fill out to home in on your dream customer. Wish I’d known this when trying to grow my IT services business. Thankfully I cracked the code; you won’t believe how easy it is to follow.The most important questions to ask to discover exactly what’s going on in your target market’s head. You can create Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram ads that stop your target market in their tracks.A step-by-step template for creating your ideal customer avatar. If you’re running ads without this, you’re leaving thousands of dollars on the table.Module 2:  How To Create Advertising Messages That Give You An Instant Edge Over Your Competition (Without Being Pushy)If your advertising is flopping like a dead fish, it’s time to stop blaming your customers and truly understand how to deliver a unique experience.That’s right, selling more is not about ramming a message down their throats. Think about this: Is that the way you like to buy?Of course not. You want someone who has empathy for your situation and communicates in a way that serves you.Here is just a sample of the insights you’ll discover in this module:One of the single biggest mistakes business owners make in their ads, which bores your customers to tears, and yet almost everyone does it.How to craft a message that guarantees you a standing ovation from your target audience. Trust me, this is the stuff winning advertising campaigns are made of.Absolutely the easiest way to get into your prospects’ minds so you know exactly what to write in your ads. Almost nobody does this, yet it makes creating ads and content SO much easier.The #1 secret to making an advertising campaign work is the offer. Follow this three-step process to make your business the natural choice. Don’t underestimate the power of this process—it could literally double or triple the result of any ad once you get it right.Module 3:  The Best Place To Advertise For Your Business To Maximise Your Return On InvestmentBusiness owners lose a fortune by advertising in the wrong places. So how do you ensure you don’t make this mistake?Well, without asking the right questions, it’s hard to know for sure.However, I’ve been coaching business owners on marketing for six years. I’ve attended the school of hard knocks. I’ve seen what’s worked and what hasn’t.And as a result, I’ve created a unique methodology that can keep you from falling into the trap of wasting money on advertising you should never have run.Let me give you a glimpse of what you’re going to walk out of this implementation module with:Why mastering email sequences is the key to converting more and more leads into customers. Get this right, and you’ll be sipping pina Coladas on a remote island three quarters of the year.The biggest trending media before 2020-21. Jump onto this before it’s too late because it’s going to go from a $500-million-a-year medium to a billion-dollar advertising medium. This is where you can get maximum results and exposure for minimum spend.The exact process I followed to write, publish, and sell 250,000 copies of my book. Get the never-before-shared blueprint of how I strategized a bestseller.Dmitry Dragilev, Owner of JustReachOut, breaks down the new rules of PR. You will learn how to identify and get featured in your business’s most critical publications without spending $30,000+ to hire a PR agency.Charley Valher, the #1 podcaster in Australia, shares everything you need to know about launching a knock-your-socks-off niche podcast.Paul Higgins, the best LinkedIn Strategy Specialist I’ve ever been exposed to, shares his secrets to dominate LinkedIn.Module 4:  Never Worry About Lead Generation Again; Filling Your PipelineOnce someone replies to your advertisement, you’re only part of the way there.Do you want to know what the most successful business owners I know do to almost instantly increase the effectiveness of their advertising by as much as 1,233%?They have a methodical system for capturing their leads, and you’ll discover exactly how to do it in this module, including: The single most important piece of content you need in your business right now. Forget about creating hundreds of pieces of content a month and following all the gurus’ wisdom; this is the single most important thing you must do.My recommendations on the best CRMs. I will share a specific checklist to make sure you’re getting the best follow-up software for the intricacies of your business.What never to do in your advertising if you’re selling anything over $100. You’d be stunned at how many people do this, and it’s almost always an expensive mistake.The ultimate checklist for how to create a website that converts visitors into leads. I’ll also explain what to write on the top fold of your website to make your visitors automatically trust and value you. Almost everyone gets this wrong, yet it’s so critical and super simple to fix once you know how.Why you can’t hack Search Engine Optimization anymore. That’s why I’ve got my go-to SEO expert Gert Mellak to show you exactly how to get your content to rank #1 on Google without spending a dollar on advertising.A comprehensive checklist of everything you need to build a virtual business. It’s a technical masterclass designed to help skyrocket your sales.Module 5:  How To Take Prospects From “Who Are You” To “I’m Thrilled To Be Talking To You”There’s a big difference between someone who reaches out with a slight interest and someone who’s ready to buy. So how do you bridge that gap?There’s a step-by-step process—which works almost every time—and you’ll be learning all about it in this module, including:Exactly what to say in the first few interactions with your prospects to deliver that “wow” experience. This can turn an I-don’t-care-about-you prospect into an I-have-to-do-business-with-you prospect—and you won’t believe how easy it is.What to send to your prospects and clients to potentially triple your repeat sales. The World’s Greatest Salesman did this. If it worked for him, it will work for you too!My awesome team leader, Claire, will teach you how to hire and train the best team possible and how to get your marketing structure up and running.Module 6: How To Set Up A System Which Virtually “Closes The Sale” For YouOk, this is where you’ll discover how to create the trust and demonstrate enough value to motivate your leads to become paying customers.Positioning yourself correctly here is critical, so you can put yourself into a position where they’re chasing you, instead of you chasing them.And you’ll discover the exact process for doing it in this module, including:Why the odds are stacked against you if you are a small to medium business. This is probably why you’ve struggled until now, but I’ll show you what you can do to level the playing field and stack the odds in your favor.Quick ways to instantly create trust and credibility when selling. Turns out, 99% of salespeople don’t get this, and the vast majority do the exact opposite. This will give you an overwhelming advantage over your competition.How to charge higher prices than your competition without getting resistance from your customers. Think you’re in a commodity business? Learning this will change everything.I’ll be sharing my top tips on how to attract a better quality customer, deal with fewer problems, and make more money. Pssst—we’re talking about selling high-ticket items so you don’t want to miss this.Module 7: How To Use Checklists, Systems And Smart Technology To Turn Prospects Into Raving FansBuilding a tribe of raving fans is crucial to your business success. Yet, it doesn’t matter how good your intentions are. To pull this off you need to implement systems in your business and make smart use of technology. Here’s what you’ll discover in this module:The exact math you need to increase the average lifetime value of a client. Lifetime value can make your profits soar, and once you set up these technologies, you can be bumping-it-up almost automatically.The four most important systems in your business. Very few business owners have these in place, but the difference they can make to your bottom line is jaw-dropping.The must-have checklists and operation manuals you need to create to free up your time, and more importantly, rake in dollars.The bottleneck you must eliminate. Wondering why you can’t break through to the next level of your business? This is probably why.Module 8:   Where The Real Money Is Made: Exactly What To Do To Boost The Lifetime Value Of Existing CustomersTo do this, you need to master your key numbers and have strategies in place to get your existing customers to return to your business over and over and over again.In this module, you’ll discover:Five simple strategies you can implement in the next 30 days to collect more money from your existing customers.A quick and easy email and letter campaign you can send to reactivate lost customers. If I had a gun to my head and needed to make fast money, this is the strategy I would implement immediately.Not all revenue is created equal. So, I’ll show you how to identify the vampires from the snow leopard customers and avoid polluted revenue. Just use my checklist to see if a client is worth keeping. This process will free up a remarkable amount of productivity in your business—while minimising the headaches.Module 9:  How To Set Up A Deliberate Process For Getting A Predictable Number Of Referrals Every MonthMost businesses wish and hope for referrals but don’t have a deliberate process for making them happen.Passively relying on word-of-mouth won’t bring new customers through your door. To win this game, you need a robust marketing referral program that actively brings in new clients on a weekly basis.In this module, you’ll discover exactly what to do to make referrals a reliable part of your business.You’ll learn:Three proven ways to ask for a referral without seeming needy or desperate. This takes the discomfort out of the whole process and makes people want to refer you business.How to use the law of 250 and the ask system to get all the referrals you’ll ever need.How to get dozens, even hundreds of referrals, at once. Just send out this letter or email and you could see more referrals than you ever dreamed possible.Exactly how to uncover previously hidden profits. I’ll show you how to set up the perfect profitable joint venture.Four tried and true methods to monetize your existing customer base. Get The 1-Page Marketing Plan Course – Allan Dib, Only Price $77Tag: The 1-Page Marketing Plan Course – Allan Dib Review. The 1-Page Marketing Plan Course – Allan Dib download. The 1-Page Marketing Plan Course – Allan Dib page marketing plan example. 1 page marketing plan summary. 1-page marketing plan resources. one page marketing plan allan plan on a page template