
Teresa Garland – How to Work with Children: A Sensory Approach

Original price was: ₹18,000.00.Current price is: ₹1,992.00.



Successfully deliver sensory strategies
Eliminate control battles, while keeping the child regulated

Teresa Garland – How to Work with Children: A Sensory Approach

Design sensory add-ons to classwork, homework and therapy

This workshop focuses on the art of working with a child. Using the “10 core elements of good sensory interventions” as our guide, we will discuss strategies for therapists, educators and caregivers to deliver sensory interventions. Topics include: grading activities for the just-right challenge; making the child an ally and partner in interventions; keeping the child regulated; ensuring the child’s safety; and setting up the environment. We will also discuss ways to seamlessly incorporate sensory input into the day.

How to Work with Children: A Sensory Approach (0.83 MB) 29 Pages Available after Purchase


10 core elements of sensory interventions
Make use of goals, opportunities and creativity
Build a rapport with the child
Use the room as an ingredient for self-regulation
Design interventions: keep the workload down
Make it fun!