Terence Watts – Abolishing Anxiety Complete Version


Terence Watts – Abolishing Anxiety Complete VersionWhat You Will LearnDon’t confuse Free Floating Anxiety with Generalised Anxiety Disorder! Many people believe that they are one and the same problem – but there is actually a radical difference between the two… the sufferer of GAD will tell you that “Almost everything makes me anxious,” while the one with FFA will say: “I haven’t a clue why I’m anxious – I just am, all the time.” This BWRT® programme will work effectively with either situation though it is one of the very few programmes that is designed from the ground up to be effective with FFA. It is probably one of the most in-depth anxiety protocols available and designed in a similar format (though with quite different material) to the outrageously successful BWRT® Defusing Depression. FFA has a variety of side effects, some of them physiological, that the sufferer probably does not connect with the condition. It can even be the cause of anxiety or depression that flares only at particular times, or where a sufferer feels as if they are somehow in the ‘wrong body’. If your client’s anxiety is resolvable, this is the tool that will give you more therapeutic leverage than you might ever have thought possible. If you work with anxiety, it’s the ‘magic wand’ you and your clients have been waiting for! On this complete course, you will learn how to: Define the Reptilian Personality Base DriverPersonalise the protocols for the Base Driver requirementsDiscover the presence of agendas that may be hidden from the clientAscertain if the anxiety is ‘focused’ or ‘centralised’ – and provide specifically styled therapyDiscover the possiblity of hidden trauma from the pastUse the brand new Anxiety Stop emergency protocolUse the Anxiety Acceptance protocol where the client does not want to relinquish an agendaUse a Level One protocol that has been specially modified to work with anxietyUse the brand new Focused Anxiety ProtocolUse the brand new Contralised Anxiety Protocol. PLEASE NOTE: We are not a medical organisation. We do not advocate working with anxiety without there having been prior medical consultation and subsequent agreement by the client’s GP or other medical consultant to any ongoing therapy. We work solely with the psychological aspect of this condition. The detailed Therapy Running Order section, along with client work sheets, allows you deliver a flawless therapy from the start – if your client wants to get better, this programme will provide the best possible chance of getting them there. The dedicated course is ‘pure BWRT®’ and not just a ‘remix’ of other protocls and nor does it combine any other style of working. It’s BWRT® through and through!Is this suitable for me?Suitable for all registered practitioners from Level 1 up, this is the perfect material to use when the client is anxious all the time but has no idea why. Also dispels entrenched Generalised Anxiety.There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.