Ted McGrath – Product to Millions


Ted McGrath – Product to MillionsHave you ever wondered how to create an Online Product… Where to Even Start?ORMaybe you already have a product and customers aren’t knocking down your door?Here was the toughest part for me…I created a product and I didn’t know how to sell it online.And talking to MOST marketers is like listening to ALIENS or a foreign language.I had questions like..How do I make an offer online?What is a Sales Funnel?You know…those opt in pages, sales pages, and order forms you see online but have NO IDEA how to set it up for yourself?And even If I did know how to set it up, what do I even say in the email copy or on the sales page.And EVEN when I started to make sales…I had no idea how to scale my product and get it in front of MILLIONS of people.Are you in a similar boat?TRUTH: ALL I EVER WANTED WAS TO MAKE A BIG IMPACT AND HAVE A GREAT LIFESTYLE FOR MY FAMILY.TO DO THAT, I NEEDED PRODUCTS THAT SOLD EVERY SINGLE DAY ON AUTOPILOT, SO I COULD BRING IN THE CASHFLOWAND SERVE MY TRIBE.You see, I was never a marketer, a tech guy, or an engineering mind.I’m a coach, speaker, and also theater performer that wants people to hear my message, so I can change their lives.Heck, I started out selling insurance…and I didn’t even know how to send out an email then.So How did I do it and How can You do it?It had to be simple, step by step, and scalable.I wasn’t going to do it if It couldn’t serve A LOT of people.Especially since I had this constant feeling of never Being GOOD ENOUGH or Smart Enough.So I created The Product To Millions Formula, that starts with 3 ESSENTIALS:Essential # 1 The Fastest and Easiest Way To Create Simple Products and Get Them Up To Sell ASAP.Most people are trying to create their masterpiece.They are perfectionists…So they procrastinate and never get their masterpiece up.They try to create a BIG product and sell it for hundreds or thousands of dollars when that’s not the answer to scale online.Do you want to make a BIG impact or a small one?The answer is to scale your products to hundreds, thousands, and even millions.Essential # 2 Once I created the products, I never wanted to show up live again to deliver the product or sell it.These products sell every day on autopilot and I bring in thousands of dollars a day.I was tired of spending ALL my time in front of customers because I felt trapped, with NO FREEDOM.Don’t get me wrong, I love leading my seminars and spending time with my high end clients, BUT I didn’t want a scarcity model relying on time for dollars.Essential # 3 This Product To Million formula has to have no limit .Once you learn this, you can use it over and over again.You can use it for your Low Tier, Mid Tier, and High Tier Offers.You Can use it for your NEXT brand.I use this formula for FOUR of my brands.I keep expanding my reach globally because I know how to use the Product To Millions Formula.Once you UNDERSTAND and APPLY, Nothing will stand in your way of getting leads, customers, and changing the world.Once I had the Essentials set, then I created The MAP, and I want to share this Map with you today and Inspire You To Sign up For PRODUCT TO MILLIONS.This is a Deep Dive 6 step Video Training On How To Create Your Products, Make Offers, Write Email Copy, Rock Your Sales Videos, and Create Recurring Revenue…So you have the LIFESTYLE, FREEDOM, and ABUNDANCE you deserve, While Serving Your Audience around the globe.Step 1, Module 1: The Product To Millions Map Overview of The 6 Step Product To Millions MapWhat is a Funnel?Most people don’t really understand funnels, and if you don’t understand you won’t succeed.A Sales Funnel is a Series of Sales Pages That Offer Your Products To Clients and Bring Them Along The Customer Journey To Your End Goal and Their Transformation.Defining The End Goal of the FunnelDo you want your funnel to help you sell books, coaching programs, fill seminars, or create recurring revenue or ALL OF THE ABOVE?Knowing why you want to build a Product Funnel and How To Create it is ESSENTIAL.My 5 Step framework for Creating Products and Marketing Funnels That Scale FASTStep 2, Module 2: The Ultimate Offer Sequence How To Create Your Free Gift So You Can Collect Leads and Grow Your Email ListCopy my 3 Highest Converting Opt In Pages and Design Yours in 3 minutesHow To Create Your Headlines and The Perfect Images That Increase ConversionsMy pages convert as high as 67% with cold traffic from Facebook (no video, just plain simple text)How To Design Your First Offer (In Module 4, I show you how to structure and Price Your Product)This Module is about Designing Your Offers So You Can Rock Your Messaging and Understand The Map Of Your Offers.Creating Your Upsell Offer To Your 2nd ProductWhat makes an Upsell workWhy Upsells are critical to Scale Your BusinessHow Upsells can help you scale your advertising budget (this lesson is for more advanced marketers BUT everyone must learn this early on)My Top 3 Secrets For Pricing Offers for Your Market PlaceHow To Scale These Offers With Facebook MarketingOnce you know how to create offers, your next step is to create RECURRING Revenue.This is one of the EASIEST products to create and launch in…The Ultimate Offer Sequence Step 3, Module 3: Rapid Recurring Revenue How To Create a membership program that brings in profits and recurring revenueThe Key To Launching Your Membership Program in 7 days or LessThe Secret To The $1 Trail For More sign ups and More customersMy 5 day mini Campaign that got me 108 customers quicklyStep 4, Module 4 : The Product Creation Formula Discover My Simple Formula For Creating Your Products That You Can use OVER and OVER Again3 Keys To Structuring Your Products With Videos, Downloads, and Audio FilesDesigning Your Multi Product Strategy For Your Customer Journey From $7 Products Up To $200,000 Consulting Programs(I cap it at $200,000 because that’s what I charge for my one on one consulting)Step 5, Module 5: The Simple Sales Copy Template I give you 5 of my highest converting pages to model That Has Customers Jumping To BuyMy # 1 Secret To Tripling ConversionsMy 8 Step Sales Copy Formula So You Learn How To Write Masterful Copy (for people who have NO IDEA how to write copy and for veterans who want better converting copy)Here’s a little taste…Acknowledge The Previous ActionIntroduce New Offer Or PromiseClearly State The ProblemWhy This Worked For MeThree To Seven Things In The ProductThe Value PLUS The Cost of InactionThe Pricing and The GuaranteesFAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions)How To Write and Structure Upsell CopyMy 3 Email Value/Offer Sequence To Drive Customers back To Your OfferMy 20 Email Sequence To Turbocharge Your Profits and BuyersStep 6, Module 6: Rock Your Sales Video In 7 Minutes How To Bring it Powerfully and Emotionally in Your Sales Video and ALL videosMy 11 Step Framework For Videos That SellThe 3 Keys To a Powerful CTA on VideosHow To Position Your Authority and Value For CustomersCreating Your 60 Second Life Story For ImpactThe Key To Case Stories To Sell MoreMy Video Teams Formula for Music, Text, and Emotional VideosThe Home Studio Set up To Film Your Own Videos