Teal Swan – Ancestral Healing


Unlock the Power of Ancestral Healing: Rewrite Your Family’s Past, Reclaim Your Future

Heal Generational Wounds, Embrace Ancestral Wisdom, and Forge a Path to Personal Empowerment and Fulfillment

Get lifetime access to Teal’s Comprehensive Ancestral Healing for $697

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How An Innocent Curiosity Uncovered A Path to Miracle Convergence

One day, the idea of knowing more about my ancestral past became intriguing. I wanted to know my ancestors. I had no idea how this simple curiosity would change my life at its very core. On my ancestral journey, there have been so many moments of profound discovery… as if the skies opened with beams of light pointing me in new directions and revealing the very elements of my identity. I call these my ‘celestial ancestral’ moments! I uncovered major events, stories, and even small details that were like windows into who I am. As I dove into my own genealogy, I had a startling realization…

I was not the one that didn’t fit in my family.
My parents were the odd ducks of our lineage!

My parents were the misfits. In fact, my family tree is riddled with generation after generation of people that aimed for and accomplished greatness. From a great many business titans of early America to politicians and accomplished war generals. There are high society socialites with impressive titles and charities and pilgrims that crossed the Atlantic Sea on the Mayflower to establish a new country. The ambition may have skipped a generation, but when I discovered the motivations and personalities of these people in my lineage, I realized that I fit right in. And suddenly, I felt belonging with people I had never met and a new belonging in my family. Suddenly, I wasn’t so alone.

In Your Ancestry Lies the Essence of Who You Truly Are,

the Salve For Your Pain,

and the Keys to Unlock Your Intended Potential

Many people that have not yet sought the
root causes
of their life struggles, nor go back to examine their childhood and formative years. But they will often stop there. They do not connect with the continuum of their life force. Because most people only consider their experiences and situation from birth; they are forever perplexed and seeking to discover and understand themselves. Yet our traumas and triumphs and the essence of who we are, our identity, are all entrenched much deeper, below the surface of our lives, as with most ‘roots.’

Hello… I’m Teal Swan.

I didn’t feel like I fit in with my family while growing up. I didn’t think we had much in common.

My parents seemed quite content with a small life. They didn’t value success on any grand scale. We lived a simple life in the wilderness, and they worked stable salary jobs with no ambition for any greatness. Yet I found the conformity of defined expectations difficult and even painful. No matter how hard I might have fought against my differences, the entrepreneurial spirit could not be stifled or bridled. Being so different resulted in deep loneliness.

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Hear from the people who have had
success with Teal’s Ancestral healing course

Brendan Smith
I didn’t know that I needed this, but Teal did. Thank you. What you guys do is amazing. It all made so much sense as to why I am the way that I am, and this was the first time I’ve heard about how important ancestral healing is. Before Teal made me aware of it,
I was completely unaware of the existence of “ancestral healing” and how powerful and life changing it is
You’ve given me more than I could have asked of anyone, thank you.

Dr Kanika Gupta
No words – loving every bit of it once i was able to align my parts howsoever long and repeated efforts I had to make.
The course is such that I would actually keep coming back again and again till was able to do it

Chirasree Banerjee
The course has been helping me immensely.
I have unlocked deeper realizations and memories from the past and seeing where in what realities I gave my power away & can retrospect through layers that have held me back in shame of right and wrong
. Thank you Teal for everything. I can’t thank you enough for helping me through each and every situation and changing my life at each phase. I literally have all your courses and ,I can’t thank you enough.

Your Ancestors are Influencing and Affecting You Everyday
Our experiences in our lives are only part of who we are. You can have wounds that are rooted in your ancestry that unless you uncover and resolve, can keep you fated to a lifetime of pain.

The Triumphs of Your Ancestors are Your Triumphs

The Traumas of Your Ancestors are Your Traumas



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