Taylor Welch – The Acquisition Bundle


Taylor Welch – The Acquisition BundleFROM TAYLOR WELCHBusinesses grow (and decline) on a giant “wheel” of sorts.There are periods of growth.And periods of decline.After all, what goes “up” must come “down,” but things in decline rarely stay in decline forever. This is the normal ebb & flow of business.What if, though…?…There was a way to power through the DECLINE phase quickly… and elongate your periods of growth?– AND WHAT IF –… there was a way to install it right into your business, so that you’re never plagued with lousy seasons of decline against your will, ever again?If such a thing existed, and if it could be installed directly into your organization — would you want it?Consider this page your “install instructions.”  There’s only one catch:You will pay me $1,000 to access the materialIt will require process to actually deploy into your marketWho puts the price right at thetop of a page like this?WHAT AM I, CRAZY? NO…I’m doing this in the hopes that you need more customers — and this letter is written by someone who currently has too many. I don’t need you to invest into yourself, you need you to invest into yourself… I only have 100 licenses for this material.  So I’m filtering hard from the get-go.  If you’re still with me, let’s make some money.The Most Requested TrainingI Have Created To Date…Yes, this is the most requested playbook in our arsenal… and it’s been a LONG time coming.Most of the copy you see across my organizations runs through me in ideation stage and final QC stage. I’ve had a hand in most of it…I love writing copy.  So, here’s what we’re gonna do:I’m creating this playbook as core curriculum for my team, and our clientsYou can access a copy in your library by participating in this bundleIt’s called “Copy Magic” and I’m never selling it at scaleYou can own a copy only here, only now…How to Think About This BundleIf you already have Group to Clients, enjoy… but think of all these individual playbooks as “amplifiers” or multipliers. Here’s what I mean:Having the community playbook will make your customer acquisition costs cheaper. Having customer acquisition will make your community ascension more effective.And obviously, learning my methods for writing potent (and fast) copy will take everything else to the next level. This page, for instance — I’m writing while at a business conference… a few weeks ago I flew to Dana Point and wrote this during a break.The frameworks inside my Copy Magic playbook will speed you up without sacrificing your quality of wordsmithing. This is the craziest deal this brand has put together, ever. And it will 100% sell out before you think it will.All major keys for you to scale through market slumps are included. And honestly, anything you need to take out a competitor just by being better and having MORE customers — included.Why am I including all of this?Simplest answer: because I can.And it’s the holidays.You deserve to be happy — and rich. So I’m going to help you do that.The reason I’m only giving 100 licenses to this material is because my methods are cutting edge. They work in multiple industries. We can turn on campaigns and begin creating customers within 72 hours — the last thing I want is to be copied 1,000 different times in 1,000 different industries.I believe in abundance and surplus. I also believe in not being stupid. We are open sourcing our playbook for all things growth and customer acquisition — ‘tis the season… but that generosity extends only to the quick movers who know what they want and go after it.My goal with this bundle is to create a better relationship with you. And transparently, I want you to pay me money for the rest of your career. Not because I want to take from you, but because I know that everything you invest into will be returned in greater measure.Some of the biggest names online trust me and my team to train them with our research, frameworks and tools for getting more customers and creating predictable acquisition. I would love to show you how it all works and how you can escape the rate race of “chasing” for business.There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be to post a review.