
Taylor Welch – Inbound Closer

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Taylor Welch – Inbound Closer
Congratulations! Here’s Taylor With Important Next Steps for Maximizing Your Commissions Over the Next 21 Days
If you’re truly committed to quitting you 9-to-5 as fast as possible…
So you can make Inbound Closing your full-time hustle…
And start earning daily, $980 commissions as early as this week…
Let me show you how I can hand-deliver you pre-vetted clients with cash-rich, profitable and thriving businesses…
… who are already pre-sold on your credibility and skill!
Sounds like a good way to short-cut the process, right?
Well, as Payton explained to you on the last page…
The Inbound Closer isn’t the only business that I own and operate.
I also own a $21MM company where I teach online businesses how to grow from hix-six or seven figures, to $10MM and beyond, using inbound marketing and closing processes…
In total, I have 757 business owners who trust me as their mentor, and every single one of them rely on Inbound Closers to help their inbound leads move forward.
The poorest of these business owners charge $9,800 for their high-dollar offer…
And all of these business owners would make perfect clients for you!
Just imagine if I vouched for your credibility and skill.
As their mentor, these business owners already follow my advice to a “T”…
So you can bet your bottom dollar you’d land your first client…
And start swimming in those $980 commissions the moment I connect you.
That sounds like the fastest route to a 6-figure year, right?
Well at this point, I’m sure you’re probably wondering…
“How do you plan on connecting me with

these pre-vetted and pre-sold clients, Taylor?”
That’s a smart question…
And you probably understand that I want the best for my mentees…
So I thought long and hard about how I could create an exclusive environment…
Where I could connect pre-vetted business owners with our most committed Inbound Closers.
At first, I didn’t know how I could ensure the group stays high-caliber on both sides…
But eventually, I came up with the perfect system for the job…
A “Client-Connection Mastermind”
Who either earn 6 figures or more right now, or will be in a matter of weeks…
And more than 312 pre-vetted business owners (my personal clients) who meet three criteria:
They charge at least $5,800 for their high-dollar offer

They attract 7-10 inbound leads per day minimum

And they’re actively hiring closers like you

Each of these business owners are hand-picked specifically because they are searching for Inbound Closers like you…
They invest a minimum of $18,000 to get access to this connection service…
And as you can see here, they need closers like you badly.
Every screenshot you see to the right shows a pre-vetted business owner…
Practically begging to shower you in $980 commissions…
Because we have a shortage of Inbound Closers in the group right now.
Take Heather for example…
“We are hiring again… multiple opportunities across several companies… average compensation is $70-150K annually… with potential as high as $200K”
Or take Pete…
“We’re hiring… too many leads to handle… you get base pay, plus commissions”
Or how about Sterling…
“Looking for closers… make $12-20K per month before bonuses while changing lives… we have one guy right now and he made $10K last month”
And here’s Tanner…
“Looking for another closer… $10K ticket price for our offer and we get about 500 applications from inbound leads every month”
Even if you closed 5% of Tanner’s leads… which is low when you follow our script… you’re looking at almost $25,000 in commissions per month.
Pretty crazy, right?
Just take a look.
“Hiring three new closers… 500-700 applications per month… my top two guys make $25-30K in commission per month”
That’s right, $30,000 per month…
In fact, here’s Cole who started around $7-8K a month working with me…
And quickly reached more than $40K per month.
Pretty incredible, right?
And yes, even as you watch this video right now…
Because we almost always have too many leads, and too few people to close them.
Just imagine what your life would look like if I gave you the same opportunity I gave Cole, and you earned $40,000 per month too!
I’m telling you, that’s a real possibility with the right client…
And I’ve got 312 clients waiting for you in this group, including myself.
I’ll show you how to qualify for a spot in just a second…
But first…
Just like any of the people you see in this screenshot.
As you can see…
We’re flooded with new “wins” everyday.
Take David M for instance…
David went through our Inbound Closer trainings…
And quickly proved he was committed to becoming a world-class closer…
So, I invited him into our Client-Connection Mastermind…
Vouched for him…
And then hooked him up with my client, Aleric.
Aleric runs a marketing agency where he charges $9,800 for his high-dollar offer, and he averages about $230K per month in new business…
Problem was, he had too many leads to handle himself, and wanted to hire a closer right away.
That’s when I connected him with David.
Within weeks, David started earning his first commission checks…
And since Aleric does more than $230K in business per month, I’m sure you can see why David earns an easy 6 figures in commissions per month…
In fact, if you do the math on what you could make closing for Aleric…
Since the industry minimum is a 10% commission…
That would be $23,000 in commissions per month,

deposited straight into your bank account
Not too shabby if you ask me…
But that’s just one example.
How about Kaleo M?
Like David M, this Kaleo went through our Inbound Closer trainings too…
And qualified for a spot inside the Client-Connection Mastermind…
Because he wanted to start earning commissions right away.
So after seeing his dedication, I vouched for him…
Just a couple days later…
One of my clients, Andrew, reached out saying he needed closers…
As you can see from the post, Andrew wanted somebody who knew their way around the real estate industry…
Because he’s a consultant who teaches people how to move their real estate business online.
Well, as it turns out, Kaleo has experience in real estate…

So it was a perfect match.
That’s when I connected the two of them…
And a couple days later, Kaleo shared this “win”:
“Just landed my first closer job… It’s 30-40% commissions on a $2,500 product… 40+ inbound leads per week”
Now, $2,500 might not sound like a lot…
But with 30-40% commissions, that comes out to quite a lot of money.
In fact, if you do the math, that comes out to exactly $1,000 in commissions per close…
And when you factor in how many leads Kaleo gets per week; more than 40…
Even if Kaleo only closes 20% of his calls…
He’s averaging just over $32,000 in commissions per month!
Are you starting to see how “rinse and repeat” these results have gotten?
I’m telling you, you’re no different than these guys…
Because they followed the exact steps you’re following right now.
But we’re still not done…

Because I’ve got time for one more example.
This is Anthony A.
Anthony went through our trainings to become an Inbound Closer…
And like both David and Kaleo, he stood out to me…
Because, although he had never been a closer before…
He showed a level of commitment that’s rare among people with no experience.
So, I invited him into the Client-Connection Mastermind…
Let everybody know he was an up-and-coming badass with a future…
And days later, a spot opened up on my personal team!
That’s when I posted in the group…
And said, “If you have drive and stay coachable, I’ll make you rich”.
Anthony jumped on the opportunity right away…
Because, although he was nervous at first…
He knew my companies do a little over $1.2MM in revenue per month…

And he wanted a piece of that money.
Obviously Anthony didn’t get rich right out the gate…
But soon enough, he started clearing $10-12K in commissions…
And if you look closely at this screenshot to the right, you’ll see how Anthony recently closed $56,400 in just two days…
Which comes out to exactly $5,640 in commissions for just two days of work.
Today, Anthony pockets just over $29,000 in commissions per month!
Pretty insane, right?
Especially considering he had never been an Inbound Closer before…
But that’s just what happens when you qualify for a spot in this Client-Connection Mastermind.
And you had high-caliber clients practically handed to you on a silver planner…
Because I turned you into a world-class, closing master…
Vouched for your credibility and skill…
And then connected you with an a-list client!
It’s simply the fastest way to start earning those thousand-dollar commission checks…
And turn this into your full-time, six-figure hustle as soon as possible.
So at this point, I’m sure you’re probably asking…
“How are you going to turn me into a world-class closer?”
“And how are you going to vouch for my credibility and skill?”
Well first, you’re right…
These are my personal clients who trust me as their mentor…
If you want me to connect you with my personal clients, and vouch for your skill…
Then you’re going to have to prove you’ve got what it takes to get big results for my clients…
And I need to make sure sure you’re armed to the teeth with the most advanced Inbound Closing mentorship on the planet.
There’s just no other way.
That’s why I want you to ask yourself…
Are you truly committed to releasing the breaks on your earning potential…
And becoming a world-class closer who rakes in massive profits for your clients…
And consistent, high-dollar commission checks for your bank account?
Does that sound like somebody you’re willing to become?
Are you hungry for the 6-figure income you deserve?
I thought so, and I believe in you…
I want to help you build on everything you’ll learn in The Inbound Closer program…
… by certifying you as a master closer who works under the mentorship of the best closer on earth
That’s right…
The best closer on earth.
He’s my friend and closing mentor, Eli Wilde.
(That’s him to the right, next to me in a red shirt)
Eli closed more than $100 Million in high-dollar sales last year alone…
He’s worked in the background as Tony Robbins’ lead closer for 15 years…
And today, he’s the lead trainer for Tony Robbins’ personal team of Inbound Closers…
Helping his team rake in millions of dollars in commissions per year.
Again, Eli is hands-down the best closer alive today.
His track-record proves it…
And once you have his advanced closing methods downloaded into your brain…
You’ll be so effective at raking in massive profits for your clients that…
Here’s how it goes down:
Inside this Certification Program, you’ll learn every nuance for becoming a world-class Inbound Closing professional
In modules one and two…
We’ll optimize your belief system and mindset…
Using a 2-step, high-performance program for identity-reengineering…
So you can become more confident in life, and on the phone…
Rewire unconscious beliefs that have kept you trapped in a limited existence…
And install a clear vision that pulls you into a future you design.
Your friends and family will be shocked when they see your transformation…
And you’ll command respect from everybody you interact with.
In modules three and four…
You’ll learn the fundamentals of leadership and conversation-control…
By walking hand-in-hand with Eli through successful closes you can model…
And the exact closing system he used to close $100MM in deals for Tony Robbins last year.
This system has already helped my team add a combined $760K to their annual income…
And has helped new closers, like you, accelerate to $15K months within weeks.
In module four, Eli’s breaks everything down for you, literally word-for-word…
Which means the moment you get on the phone for the first time…
You’ll feel like you’ve been closing 5-figure deals for years.
Finally, in modules five through seven…
Eli will coach you through his “9-figure closing script”…
The advanced closing script he developed after closing more than 3,300 high-dollar deals…
Along with his advanced methods for client attraction, and how to structure your first high-commission deal…
So you can maximize your effectiveness, and your earning potential, from day one.
As you can see…
This certification program has everything you need to become a master closer
So yes, if you want to start earning your thousand-dollar commissions right away…
And you’re ready to become a certified, world-class closer who earns six figures or more…
Then I’m sure all of this sounds like outstanding news already…
Because it’ll fast-track you out of your 9-5…
But I have even better news for you…
I hope to see you in the Client-Connection Mastermind