Tarzan Kay – The Course Launch Copy Kit: CLCK


File Size: 1.1 GB, Imagine writing sales-worthy launch copy all by yourself (without kicking and screaming as you go)Tarzan Kay – The Course Launch Copy Kit: CLCKImagine writing sales-worthy launch copy all by yourself (without kicking and screaming as you go)You understand the importance of copy and copywriting for your business. You know that there’s an outrageous amount of writing that you need to do now that you have a course to sell to the world.It can feel really overwhelming. Like standing in the middle of a crowded indoor concert venue and not knowing how you’re going to make it to the bathroom through the sea of people surrounding you, overwhelming.I’ve pulled together my favourite copy swipes, mini-training videos and more to help you become the BEST copywriter for your business.If you find yourself ready to launch a course but overwhelmed by the content and copy bits and pieces of it all. You’re in luck:INTRODUCING THEA Jetpack For Your Next Launch, including the Copy Swipe Library, Video Masterclass, & Launch Planning Trello Board6-Figure Sales Page Template & Prep Workbook: You can (and are!) committed to your course launch and you’re ready to rip off the band-aid. You know what you need to do, you just need the detailed plan to do it.Email Sequence Cheat Sheet: It IS possible to write snappy copy from swipes. Copy that represents YOU and helps you feel confident and really proud of what you’re offering to your audience.Promo Email Swipe File:I know, I know. Everyone wants to hire a copywriter but here’s the what of the WHUT: no copywriter is going to be able to find your voice for you! You find your voice by actually writing. These swipes will get you started!The Cart Close Email Training + Template: Ever find yourself totally just done with someone else’s launch because it’s all just too much to even consume? I’ll share what to do at the END of your launch, to keep prospects engaged.Launch Planning Trello Board: It’s the roadmap! Every piece of copy for your launch, laid out in Trello. THE project management tool for keeping track of all the copy that needs to be written. Please note: this does not include ALL the copy—it’s a plan to keep you on track.A New Way Of Launching: CLCK is a more do-able style of launching that respects the type of tactics and number of emails you’re personally comfortable sending. Let’s create a world where launching is fun and everybody wins!The copy kit to end all copy kits! Because you already know how much work goes into a launch and you are eager to find a few shortcuts and copy hacks that will make all the difference in your first launch.A PLAN THAT YOU CAN FOLLOW FROM CART OPEN TO CLOSE:An email sequence cheat sheet for at-a-glance planningThe 6-Figure Sales Page Template (people have been asking if they could buy my template for YEARS…now you can!)The Email Sequence Swipe File—say ‘bye to email sequence overwhelm! I’m giving you TWO FULL PROMO SEQUENCES to swipe and make your ownSales Page Prep Sheet-a workbook to get you ready to build out the money makerThe Pattern Interrupt Cart Close Email Video Lesson that gets your subscribers to sit up and take notice right at the endAnd introducing, my brand-spanking-new, TRELLO Board Launch Copy PlanHERE’S A PEEK BEHIND THE CURTAINEMAIL SEQUENCE CHEAT SHEETSALES PAGE PREP WORKBOOK6-FIGURE SALES PAGE TEMPLATEEMAIL PROMO SEQUENCE SWIPEPATTERN INTERRUPT CART CLOSE EMAILTRELLO BOARD LAUNCH COPY PLANCLCK is the “wow! I can handle this” course launch copy solutionCLCK offers unique swipes for days! They’re unlike any swipes on the market right now, full of stories, example bullets, exciting layouts and a whole new style of marketingCLCK will help you bake your mission and values into every piece of content you create (without having to fake “expert status”)BONUS #1: THE PERFECT BONUS STACKWho wants a big boring stack of PDF bonuses?? No one! In this short training, you’ll learn how to plan a tantalizing bonus stack for your launch that’s the perfect mix of access, accountability and implementation-based extras.BONUS #2: HOW TO USE MYERS-BRIGGS PERSONALITY TYPETO CONNECT WITH YOUR SUBSCRIBERSJoin Tarzan and Jessica Butts as we deconstruct Myers-Briggs types and use them to write scintillating copy your audience can’t get enough of.BONUS #3: HOW TO SET UP YOUR PROMO EMAILS FOR EASYUPLOADING BY YOUR VAAn easier-than-Betty-Crocker-cake 15-minute video tutorial on how to set up your emails in a Google doc so you can see your entire email stack at a glance—reducing overwhelm and confusion for you (and your team, if you have one!)BONUS #4: PLAN YOUR LAUNCH CALENDARWant to know what a soup-to-nuts launch looks like, all planned out on a calendar? Check out mine! You’ll also get your own printable planner, plus a video tutorial on what to leave out and what to add in, according to your launch experience.How would you feel if you had an IMMACULATE plan (think Trello Board that makes you weep tears of relief, immaculate) for your Course Launch Copy?You sit down at your desk, click a few links, and VOILA! Your Course Launch Trello Board appears and you start typing away, confident this is the right first step to getting your launch copy dialed in.You don’t miss a beat. You know just what to do.You’re not frantic or worried about how you’ll ever get those 1000 tasks done, you’re simply taking it one step at a time.Carrying water, chopping wood.Plus, the hard work? It takes time, let’s be real, but The Course Launch Copy Kit will be a foundation to support you as you go and the feeling of a launch copy avalanche disappears.Sounds too good to be true, right?But I assure you, it’s not!It’s gonna be amazing!There’s so much actionable content to get you going. So many real-life examples to help you as you look around your copy plan and think “WOW! This is a lot of copy! WAIT! I can actually handle this!”Successful course launches stem from sending a lot of emails. It’s part of their DNA.Over the course of the last five years I’ve learned, failed, succeeded, learned, failed, succeeded, learned and succeeded. (And failed some more – it turns out that’s how we learn!)Woo-wee! What a ride.HERE’S WHAT I KNOW TO BE TRUEYou’re not a dabbler, you have industry experience and you’ve spent money on courses. After all the time and investment, you’re more than willing to invest if it’s coming to create even a few inches more ease.You’re looking to rip the band-aid off as you launch your course for the first time.You want a plan that you can feel confident (and comfortable) executing.(Who am I to tell you what you want, but if you’re here this is my best guess…)The Copy Launch Course Kit is the assist you need to get up and running.Right now the marketplace can be really weird.It can make you feel like you have to sacrifice your integrity to get more sales. It can make it seem like false scarcity is the only way to sell.I share this “bullshit detection” with you, but the truth is you already have it. You’re a walking bullshit detector and so are you potential customers.My mission is to offer services and products that make you feel really good about what you’re putting out into the world.The more you lead with respect for the customer, the more success your stories and copy will land and the more your bottom line will increase. The best marketing makes you feel good. It’s idea-sharing at its finest.It’s leadership in the marketplace.Sure, it’s a slow build and a slow burn, but you have to start somewhere and that somewhere is here:The COURSE LAUNCH COPY KITLET’S SAY GOOD-BYE TO FALSE SCARCITY AND FALSE URGENCY.Get immediately download Tarzan Kay – The Course Launch Copy Kit: CLCKLet’s say HELLO to clickable copy that allows you to be you and allows your clients to buy without anxiety.Yep. That’s right. It’s time to create a new model for launching. It’s your turn to write tantalizing copy that makes your prospects sweaty with desire, but doesn’t force them into a purchase by triggering unresolved trauma and ancestral wounds (which for a lot of marketers is standard practice!)It’s time to stop the widespread use of persuasion strategies that shame your prospects for having the wrong mindset or buying the wrong courses or following the wrong gurus.You know what I’m talking about, the standard “Pay me a thousand dollars and you’ll be earning 6 figures tomorrow” type of messaging that maybe worked in 2019 but doesn’t work anymore.As you look at where you’re going and what’s next in your business, remember that it’s smart business to be really careful about WHOSE templates and swipes you’re following. You can create new ways to get your clients in the door and stoked about what you’re selling.All without pit sweat and night terrors.Join me in finding new ways together. Ways that don’t create nail biting, FOMO, but instead create avenues for success and the possibility of joy, not only for you but also for your customer.I’ve been the behind-the-scenes “secret weapon” copywriter for some of your internet heros. Then I decided to be my own go-to copywriter and build a business training people like you to write copy.The knowledge I’m passing on to you in CLCK came from writing literally THOUSANDS of emails and dozens of sales pages for my clients (back when I had a client-based business). I started doing my own launches 4 years ago, and every time I launch I get real-time feedback on what’s being taught as “standard practice” and how it actually shakes out in real life.After all those launches, I started to get real skeptical (or maybe cynical?) about some of those standard practices.I’d become an uncommonly skilled copywriter who could find those magic words to make almost anyone buy almost anything…and that’s not necessarily a good thing!Thing is, with great power comes great responsibility.Because we don’t want “just anyone” in our programs, do we? If you’re like me, you’re not on the “make the most money possible no matter who gets trampled on” business model.IN ALL MY YEARS OF LAUNCHING, I’VE LEARNED A LOT ABOUT HOW TOProtect myself from burnout by not over-complicating my launchesProtect my audience from getting sucked in by slick words, and making big purchases they’ll come to regretThat takes time, but I’m passing some of what I learned on to you with this offer. In the past, I tried to do a lot of stuff all by myself. But you don’t have to!With CLCK, for only $27 you’re going to get the lessons that I’ve learned to create CLICKABLE copy that’s heavy on persuasion but doesn’t take advantage of those beautiful humans who joined your email list!I believe that anywhere you can take a shortcut or two to solve some of your launching problems, do it!Lke me, you’re here for the long game, right? As you dive into The Course Launch Copy Kit that game will have a foundation that helps you launch without tears. (Or at least, fewer tears. A launch wouldn’t be a launch without a few tears ?)In my days as a copywriter, I wrote 1000s of emails and sales pages. I know what works and what doesn’t work because I’ve seen it all and tested it time and again.I want you to get the headstart I didn’t have and The CLCK Way is a good place to get started.Maybe you’ve considered other launch email programs or purchase swipe copy and templates that didn’t measure up to their fabulous promises. Programs that promise – or even guaranteed! – you’d be on your way to 7-figure success if you just follow the right formula.I call it “The Launch Spectacular, Spectacular With Your Name In Lights” Guarantee.THIS USUALLY INVOLVES A GUARANTEE THAT:YOU’LL MAKE X-FIGURES (INSERT YOUR NUMBER)Your first launch is a learning launch! You learn and launch and iterate, and the money comes a little at a time before it comes a LOT at a time! Along the way you’ll fail a bunch, but that’s okayALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS DO MOAR STUFF!I’ve tried the Do Everything approach (all the bonuses, gazillions of emails, webinars, etc.). It’s exhausting and doing more stuff doesn’t always mean getting better resultsMONEY IS THE ONLY SUCCESS INDICATORThere are sooo many better success indicators! Students who get results. A diverse audience. Podcast interview requests. People sharing your sales page without being asked.Here’s the good news: with the Course Launch Copy Kit you’ll get everything you need (and a lot of behind the scenes looks of how my team and I have done things in the past) to begin launching and keep launching successfully.Are you ready for the headstart to help you launch?Are you ready for CLCK-worthy copy that goes BOOM in the inbox?Grab The COURSE LAUNCH COPY KITPLEASE NOTEThere are no refunds and here’s why:This is an enormous amount to give people for $27It’s extremely low-riskMonths of work have gone into creating this offer (actually years!)I want you to stand behind your own buying decision, and soak up everything CLCK has to offer (yes, even when you feel a little overwhelmed by all the resources in there!)Get immediately download Tarzan Kay – The Course Launch Copy Kit: CLCKA PLAN THAT YOU CAN FOLLOW FROM CART OPEN TO CLOSE:An email sequence cheat sheet for at-a-glance planningThe 6-Figure Sales Page Template (people have been asking if they could buy my template for YEARS…now you can!)The Email Sequence Swipe File—say ‘bye to email sequence overwhelm! I’m giving you TWO FULL PROMO SEQUENCES to swipe and make your ownSales Page Prep Sheet-a workbook to get you ready to build out the money makerThe Pattern Interrupt Cart Close Email Video Lesson that gets your subscribers to sit up and take notice right at the endAnd introducing, my brand-spanking-new, TRELLO Board Launch Copy PlanBONUS #1: The Perfect Bonus StackBONUS #2: How To use Myers-Briggs Personality Type To Connect With Your SubscribersBONUS #3: How To Set Up Your Promo Emails for Easy Uploading By Your VABONUS #4: Plan Your Launch CalendarHere’s What You’ll Get in Tarzan Kay – The Course Launch Copy Kit: CLCK– Download Sample files “Tarzan Kay – The Course Launch Copy Kit: CLCK”Course Requirement: Tarzan Kay – The Course Launch Copy Kit: CLCKReal Value: $27.0000One time cost: USD10.0000Frequently Asked Questions For “Tarzan Kay – The Course Launch Copy Kit: CLCK”How to make payment for “Tarzan Kay – The Course Launch Copy Kit: CLCK” ?Please add to cart on this page and go to checkout page. You can also add as many other products as you like and make a one-time payment.We accept several type of Stripe payments such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, Google Pay, Apple Pay and JCB, payments from customers worldwide. Paypal & Bitcoin please contact us.We strongly recommend our customers to make a payment through Stripe & Paypal . Because it is a safest and super security for you as well as for us.Is it safe?100% Secure Checkout Privacy PolicyEncryption of sensitive data and communication.All card numbers are encrypted at rest with AES-256 and transmitting card numbers runs in a separate hosting environment, and doesn’t share or save any info.How can we deliver you the course?After you pay for “Tarzan Kay – The Course Launch Copy Kit: CLCK” on our library, please follow the download links in your account page here: |Tarzan Kay – The Course Launch Copy Kit: CLCK|In some case, the link is broken for any reason, our supporter will renew the download links and notify to your email within a few hours business day. Your patience is appreciated.How long do I have access to the course? How does lifetime access download?After enrolling, you have unlimited download to this |Tarzan Kay – The Course Launch Copy Kit: CLCK|  for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.How to download “Tarzan Kay – The Course Launch Copy Kit: CLCK”?Enjoy “Tarzan Kay – The Course Launch Copy Kit: CLCK” in your account page.Download only one file at a time. Sometimes doing all of the files at once will lead to them all freezing.Also, please do not attempt to download to a mobile device. These should be saved to a computer and then synced to devices such as phones and tablets.You can also learn online instead of downloading, but we encourage you to download for better results and viewing quality during your learn. Lastly, download times are much quicker in the mornings, before noon, Pacific time. during download make sure your device is not sleeping off screen.What is the refund policy “Tarzan Kay – The Course Launch Copy Kit: CLCK”?We’ll Bear The Risk, You’ll Take The Results…Within 30 days of purchased |Tarzan Kay – The Course Launch Copy Kit: CLCK |, if you don’t get anything out of the program, or if your order has any problem, or maybe for some reason, you just don’t like the way it is. Please contact us and we will do our best to assist. Thank you for your understanding.Have More Questions?Our support staff is the best by far! please do not hesitate to contact us at email: [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help!You want to get “Tarzan Kay – The Course Launch Copy Kit: CLCK” now right?!!!YES! I’M READY TO ADD TO CART BUTTON ON THIS PAGE NOW !There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.