Tape Reading Trader Program


Are you looking to become an order flow scalper? Do you want to significantly improve your trade entries and exit timing? Would you like to learn how to spot and use institutional algorithms to your advantage? In this four hour video program I’ll show you………

Tape Reading Trader Program

Are you looking to become an order flow scalper?
Do you want to significantly improve your trade entries and exit timing?
Would you like to learn how to spot and use institutional algorithms to your advantage?
In this four hour video program I’ll show you………

Tape Reading Techniques

How to identify real key players on the Market Depth

Setting up your trading screens for maximum tape reading efficiency

Exactly where to focus your eyes for optimum pattern recognition

Learn how to spot the supply & demand imbalance shift (market turning points)

Decipher clues on the Time & Sales window

Pick out profitable tape patterns

How to interpret large trader price response

Generate high probability low risk scalp trades

The program is crammed with LIVE VIDEO FOOTAGE of real market action as it happened. Tape pattern recordings are paused, re-winded and commented on at every stage as the price action unfolds. Be 100% clear on what happened in those few seconds of tape action.
This Is The Fast Track Method of Learning To Read The Tape
Many markets covered- S&P 500 E-mini, DOW, DAX, Gold, Silver, Crude Oil, etc
Successful tape reading is the ability to read both the order flow coming through the market and the resting orders waiting to be filled. Understanding the relationship between the two and recognizing how large players try to disguise their tracks is a key foundation to reading tape.

Market Depth (DOM)

See through the games played on the order book

Focus on what IS important – get rid of the noise

Spot the tell tale signs of aggressive market moving order flow

Time and Sales

How to avoid falling into the common time and sales window trap

Why using just the Time and Sales to tape read DOESN’T WORK 

What you SHOULD be watching to get the real order flow picture

Advanced Tape Strategies and Algorithm Spotting

Iceberg Hunting – Institutions try to disguise their MARKET MOVING orders with these

I discuss in detail how to spot these orders BEFORE they complete and most importantly how to profit from them

I’ll also explain in detail how human behavior affects the tape and how you can predict the next potential move

I discuss which trading algorithms are being used right now in the markets by the big market moving players

The logic behind them, the advantages, disadvantages, their vulnerabilities and importantly how to spot them

See a recording of me spotting and identifying a lazy algo – Watch how he moves his order with mine

The program is designed to take you from beginner to a confident tape reader within 4 hours. After completing the videos you’ll have the strategies and skills to go and read tape in a professional and skilled manner.
Dozens of traders who have taken the course tell me they are amazed at how powerful tape reading can be, and wish they’d devoted time to learning it sooner.
It may be a technique that is decades old but reading order flow, price action and tape remains one of the best trading strategies to date.

Program Feedback

“This is a massive help for me, and I’m sure others too that are trying to get to grips with orderflow/tape rather than just looking at price chart bars.”
“Just thought I would write and let you know that I am seeing the tape patterns more and more, exactly as you teach them on the videos”
“First trade yesterday reading the tape….Took 22pts on YM” 
“Your tape reading concepts, videos and ideas have helped me enormously. Even though I’m not a master at it like you yet, when I am patient and wait for the tape (especially reactions to big orders) to give me signals, I always notice a great improvement in my trades. I just noticed a lifting large bid on the DOM almost exactly how you described it in one of your videos. I thought about how you described it as representing a group of traders not getting their fills lower, starting to panic a bit and increasing their bids. I took a quick scalp and it worked great.”
“I’ve only been through your Tape Reading Programme once so far but I just wanted to send through my great appreciation for your time and efforts for putting together a fantastic tape reading programme”
“I have been trying to get some instruction on tape reading for a long time and your offering is definitely the best going around. Great work”
“You are the first person I’ve seen that actually explains where your eyeballs are focused and what is in the periphery – something which most take for granted, and thus cannot explain/quantify.”
“Looking through your videos, you sound like a real pro, with a lot of knowledge, great mindset and a great way of explaining things.”
“Just wanted to say thanks for sharing your knowledge. Managed to put it into practice – caught a good move today after the cash moved up to 12500”
“I just wanted to say I enjoy your videos immensely. They’ve really helped me in my own trading.”
“You’ve taken a very complex area and broken it down extremely well. Well done!”
“I have become more serious about my trading than ever before. Thus i am watching the video very slowly several times over. It is very useful and was exactly what i was looking for.”

 Here’s What You’ll Get in Tape Reading Trader Program