
Tamara Andreas – Core Transformation Foundation Video Training

Original price was: ₹43,500.00.Current price is: ₹5,810.00.


The complete 3-Day Core Transformation Foundation training, now on streaming video. No DVDs to ship or scratch! Just log in and watch the videos.
Tamara Andreas – Core Transformation Foundation Video Training
People have experienced all sorts of profound changes with Core Transformation including…

Changing problem emotions and behaviors (i.e. anger, self-consciousness, procrastination, fear)
Losing weight
Improving relationships
Overcoming depression and anxiety
Healing addictions
Finding fulfilling work
Improving all aspects of health
Creating an overall sense of inner peace, wholeness, and well-being

You might ask how one technique could be responsible for helping people experience results in so many different areas of life? Through Core Transformation you find that what you perceive as limitations in your life are actually doorways toward resolution.
Discover how you can experience personal transformation, integration and spiritual healing through the Core Transformation process taught on this streaming video training. Over seven hours of video including live training, demonstrations, and follow-up reviews, guiding you step-by-step through three gentle and profound processes:

Aligning Perceptual Positions
Core Transformation
Parental Timeline Re-Imprinting

Why teach more than one process? Because we find that participants who don’t “get” Core Transformation right away often “get” Aligning Perceptual Positions, and vice versa. Parental Timeline Re-Imprinting then deepens the changes experienced with Core Transformation. So teaching all 3 methods leads to more people getting the changes they are wanting.
This is a complete workshop experience, specially designed to be accessible to everyone. No prior background is needed. However, seasoned NLP practitioners already using these processes will find that this treasure trove offers additional skills and insights useful toward cultivating greater understandings and precision for your practice.
You can own this program for less than half the cost of a live seminar with the benefit of being able to review the material as many times as you want, and without the expense of travel or time away from work.
What you’ll receive:

9 videos capturing ALL of the demonstrations, questions & answers from a full 3-day workshop
The enhanced Participant Manual & Workbook detailing each process, and including worksheets you can print to use again and again (PDF)

If you’re ready to learn these powerfully effective methods for personal change, invest in this classic training today.

What people are saying about Core Transformation:
“My issue had to do with feeling unworthy. And I expected at the end to feel worthy… but instead, when I got to my core state, I didn’t feel worthy, neither did I feel unworthy. It was like the whole concept of being/feeling (un)worthy did not exist to me anymore. I was just being…that felt sooo good.”

— Fatih K., Belgium

“What a treat! I will use this for the rest of my life and career as a Polarity Practitioner. (It) is so valid and powerful.”

— Ellie Simmons, RPP, RPE, Colorado, USA
“The seminar was incredible for me in that [when I went back home dealing my mother] I felt a deep calmness and ability to let things go, where I would have made an issue with it before. My mother is very controlling and is constantly giving orders. I came through that experience with a perspective that allowed her to be ‘herself’ and me to do what I needed to do for me.”

— Training Participant
“My ‘stuck’ career is now moving forward in a positive direction, and I attribute this directly to Core Transformation. It moved something out of my way that I hadn’t realized was there.”

— J., Denver, CO
“[The Training] gave me some new tools to help myself and others quickly become clearer, cleared and focused on the present possibilities for inner connection and peace. Many thanks to Tamara for her excellent ability to listen, observe, understand and provide honest, helpful feedback.…the program was beautifully taught and …the exercises really anchored the concepts on a practical level. The biggest shift I had was the experience of letting go of what initially seemed like limitations anchored within me since childhood. The CT process made it amazingly quick and easy to…see walls dissolve and to be freed, to live fully in the present, to “time travel” to my present self!”

— Chris Darby, Clinical Certified Hypnotherapist, Aloha Wellness Int’l, LLC
“I continue to be stunned at the power and effectiveness of the training. I’ve been searching for decades for tools that could help me understand and CHANGE issues that had been holding me hostage for a lifetime. Core Transformation is more powerful, easy, useful and effective than anything else I’ve seen and I continue to use it often.”

— Anonymous Participant

Course Curriculum
Core Transformation Foundation Video Training

Core Transformation 3-Day Training
Video 1 – Introducing Core Transformation (57:49)
Video 2 – The Core State Exercise (50:19)
Video 3 – Refined Guiding: Core Transformation with a Positive Part (29:49)
Video 4 – Perceptual Positions (21:52)
Video 5 – Aligning Perceptual Positions, Introduction; Aligning Observer Position (63:47)
Video 6 – Aligning Perceptual Positions: Aligning Self Position; Integrating the Process (45:37)
Video 7 – Returning to Core Transformation; Growing Up a Part (40:16)
Video 8 – Working with All Parts (71:54)
Video 9 – Parental Timeline Reimprinting (45:56)
Your Free Month of the Core Transformation Practice Group