
Talmadge Harper – Dark Aphrodite 3.0

Original price was: ₹16,800.00.Current price is: ₹2,158.00.


Enter the virtual world of Dark Aphrodite. A beautiful fallen angel who rules an empire of sexual pleasures, mystical creatures and ancient secrets…
What’s included in the download?
Talmadge Harper – Dark Aphrodite 3.0
You will be sent an access code to login a website to for the online Dark Aphrodite Program. This consists of constantly updated mp3s , online diary blog and online skype hypnosis and the Art of the Mind Doll book.
You will also get two online skype hypnosis sessions to assist with the process.
What’s the best way to maximize effectiveness?
The program is structured so you Listen to one mp3 once a day before you go to bed. You can also listen at a time you are relaxed and free of distractions.
What is the expected outcome?
In about 30-90 days you will be able to consistently enter a fantasy world featuring Dark Aphrodite. Think if it kind of like having a lucid dream at will, but the dream is as clear and solid as real life.
What commitment do you have to make?
Listen to one mp3 at least once a day or once every other day for 3 months.
Report each mp3 trip you have in a online diary so I can monitor your progress
A online skype session every month to tweak any issues
What if I have more questions on how to use it?
Every customer gets life time email consultation jus send me an email and I will help you with any concerns.