Tad James – Hypnosis Trainer’s Support


Technique #1 The purpose of this technique is to have the person in light to medium trance access a state of creativity as a result of the power of imagination existent inside the Unconscious Mind.If used to resolve a problme that bugs the client, have the client start with an empty field on which there is a symbol of the  resenting problem. Close your eyes.Now let’s pretend you see something.What do you see? Describe it.Purchase Tad James – Hypnosis Trainer’s Support courses at here with PRICE $145 $40 Tad James – Hypnosis Trainer’s SupportTechnique #1 The purpose of this technique is to have the person in light to medium trance access a state of creativity as a result of the power of imagination existent inside the Unconscious Mind.If used to resolve a problme that bugs the client, have the client start with an empty field on which there is a symbol of the  resenting problem. Close your eyes.Now let’s pretend you see something.What do you see? Describe it.What color? Now look more closely at the predominant color.ome in on that color. What are the colors in it?And what’s behind that, behind the main color?What color?Glowing or flat?Now go inside …And what’s past that?What kind of ______________________?(If animate things present) What are they doing?(If inanimate things present EG a rock – what is inside the ______?)Now pick an object/person/animal/thing from the picture – now home in close to (pick a spot on the person/animal/thing EG finger, cheek, eye, spot on the fur, hole in the rock etc.)How about the molecules on this spot?Pick one molecule. What’s inside it?Is it hot? Cold?Is it friendly?(Come up with “left field” questions for the client – the purpose is to expand imagination for finding new solutions)Is there a surface to it?The inside – is there any solid?How thick?Is there anything in the air?What else is happening?What colors?Yeah?What else?Tell me the story of that place….When done: Open your eyes…EXAMPLE: (Adaped from Rappoport)A: Let’s just be generic. Close your eyes.Q: Okay.A: Now let’s pretend you see something.Q: I already do.A: What?Q: A bird made out of stone.A: Wings?Q: Yes.A: What color?Q: Gray.A: Now look more closely at the gray.Q: It’s gray with green shadows. There are silver streaks in the gray.A: Home in on one of silver streaks. What are the colors in it?Q: Silver, a little gold.A: And what’s behind that, behind the gold?Q: A…skin, a rib‐cage. Bones.A: What color?Q: White bones. Very white. They’re glowing.A: Glowing bones.Q: Yeah.A: Now go inside the bones, inside one bone.Q: A lot of space. Spongy, sort of. Weak. Gray light. Like a sky.A: And what’s past the sky?Q: Hills.A: What kind of hills?Q: Green, pretty low. Like English countryside. There are a few people on the hills.A: What are they doing?Q: Walking. One guy is tilling the soil.A: With what?Q: A hand plough. It’s made out of wood and iron. The iron is rusty, old.A: How about the molecules?Q: Of iron?A: Yeah.Q: They’re…bluish. Very blue.A: Pick one molecule. What’s inside it?Q: A blue sun. A small blue sun.A: Is it hot? Cold?Q: Warm. Just warm.A: Is it friendly?Q: Sort of neutral.A: Is there a surface to the sun?Q: It’s more like a haze. Yeah, there’s a surface.A: Solid?Q: More like a crust.A: How thick?Q: About two feet. But there are spaces inside the crust. Like old bread. Air holes.A: Is there anything in the air?Q: Some little…bugs. Microorganisms.A: What are they doing?Q: Swimming in the air. They have little pincers.A: What color?Q: Gray. Brownish. Shadows around the pincers. Whitish shadows. Pale white. They have yellow parts, the shadows. Pleasant yellow. Nice yellow. The…it’s like…warm shadows. There is…A: Yeah?Q: Water around the shadows. Little ponds. There are pieces of wood or stems floating in the ponds. Very quiet ponds…A: Great. Now leave that place there and open your eyes and come back into the room…Hypnosis Trainer’s Training Slides & ManualsThis is a material used in Tad James’ ABH Hypnosis Trainer Class.In contains manuals and presentation files.And also has practitioner and master practitioner workshop materials for the trainers to use.Manuals1DaySelfHypABH hypnosis trainingelmanhypHypnosis Master PractitionerHypnosis Master Practitioner.ImaginationHypnosis PractitionerPresentation scriptsSlidesANLP Hypno 2010ANLP Hypno 2016 FINALANLP Timer HypnoHypnosis 3 day 2010MP Hypno 2010MP Hypno 2016Purchase Tad James – Hypnosis Trainer’s Support courses at here with PRICE $145 $40