Systems For Success 7.0 – Mike Lipsey


The Industry’s Leading Commercial Real Estate Downloadable Video Training SeriesDeveloping the most diverse and comprehensive commercial real estate video training series available for download and online viewing, Mike Lipsey and Team have surpassed the commercial real estate industry’s standards with Systems for Success 7.0. Encompassing 75 modules touching on an array of industry specific and key topics there is something for everyone. After purchase, all modules will be available for online viewing and download.Get Systems For Success 7.0 – Mike Lipsey, Only Price $197Prospect more efficiently, sell better and win more business with Systems for Success 7.0. Purchase today for immediate access to over 75 training modules.Business DevelopmentThe Business Development Machine1.1 Best Database Wins1.2 Building Momentum Using Today’s Technology1.3 Using an e-touch campaign and social media to build your brand1.4 Utilizing the right print to reach your prospect1.5 Cultivating relationships with your clientsSelling by Phone 7.02.1 Mike’s best practicesPerformance Leasing 7.03.1 The Listing PresentationBest Practices for Tenant Rep 7.04.1 Tenant Rep Prospecting4.2 Advising Your Clients on Cost of Occupancy4.3 Considerations Beyond RentThe Perfect Tour 7.05.1 The Tenant’s Experience5.2 Flash Tours5.3 Making it MemorablePresentations that Win 7.06.1 5-Step Classics6.2 Advanced Presentations – 50/50 Yellow Pad6.3 Preparing for the Presentation6.4 Presentation Show Stoppers6.5 Closing the Presentation Fundamentals of Commercial Real EstateEssential Commercial Real Estate Knowledge7.1 Understanding the Market7.2 Brokerage Basics7.3 Commercial Real Estate Finance BasicsBrokerage Jumpstart for Rookies8.1 Brokerage Jumpstart for Rookies8.2 Getting Past Your Call Reluctance Part I8.3 Getting Past Your Call Reluctance Part IIMaintaining and Expanding Existing Relationships9.1 10 Steps to Nurture – Grow – ProtectBrokerage Management10.1 Accountability for Rookies10.2 Building a Brokerage Firm Part I10.3 Building a Brokerage Firm Part IIGet Systems For Success 7.0 – Mike Lipsey, Only Price $197Deal Making FinanceInvestment Sales: Finding the Outlier 7.011.1 Calculating a BOV11.2 Winning Investment ListingsLease vs Own12.1 Why Lease vs Own12.2 Lease vs Own Part I12.3 Lease vs Own Part IISale Lease Back13.1 Intro to Lease Valuation13.2 Building the Lease Valuation Model – Part I13.3 Building the Lease Valuation Model – Part IILease Buy Out14.1 Lease Valuation Basics14.2 Lease Buy Out Case Study: Creating an Excel Workbook14.3 Lease Buy Out Case Study: ResultsCommercial Real Estate TeamsTeam Brokerage 7.015.1 Teams: The Five BoxesHow to Create a High Performing Team16.1 Components of a Team16.2 Personality Insights Part I16.3 Generational Gaps16.4 Personality Insights Part II16.5 Accelerating Your Career with DISCTechnology in Commercial Real EstateMarketing and Branding in a Digital World17.1 Personal and Company Branding (Messaging and Follow Through)17.2 Your Marketing and Branding Kit (Deliverables and Campaigns)17.3 Digital Marketing KPI’s, SEO and the Software for Everyday ManagementKnow How to Leverage Your CRM18.1 The role of a CRM18.2 Create a Winning Database18.3 Winning Business with a CRM Bonus Modules: Lipsey ClassicsSelling by Phone19.1 Improving your call to contact, contact to meeting ratio19.2 Research to closingTeam Brokerage20.1 Team Types: Teams, Partnerships, Alliances20.2 Personality Insight – What are your strengths20.3 Building the Team Machine20.4 Measuring the Team Machine and CompensationNegotiating to Win21.1 Negotiating Tactics (Part I)21.2 Negotiating Tactics (Part II)The Perfect Tour22.1 Process to Best in Class Tours22.2 Best Practices for ToursProspecting at it’s Finest – Emerging Markets 10123.1 Emerging Markets 10123.2 Building the Right DatabaseInvestment Sales for Private Clients24.1 Understanding Private Owners/Investors24.2 Ownership Types (Private)24.3 Maximizing Value on Every Listing24.4 Buyer QualificationDeal Making Finance (1031 Exchange)25.1 1031 on a Macro Level25.2 Calculating DepreciationBonus Modules: Professional DevelopmentTime Management26.1 Schedule Your Success26.2 Sustainable PlanningTeam Dynamics27.1 Five Activities that Make You MoneyCalculator Workshop28.1 Keystrokes for CalculationsClient Discovery And Needs Analysis29.1 Open probes – Closed Probes29.2 Client Discovery And Needs AnalysisGet Systems For Success 7.0 – Mike Lipsey, Only Price $197Tag: Systems For Success 7.0 – Mike Lipsey  Review. Systems For Success 7.0 – Mike Lipsey  download. Systems For Success 7.0 – Mike Lipsey  discount.