Systems For Success 5.0 – Mike Lipsey


Commercial Real Estate Video Training and CoachingMike Lipsey and Team have done it again, offering the industry’s most comprehensive compellation of training available for download and online viewing. 50 modules touching on an array of industry specific and key topics such as Business Development, Presentations, Selling by Phone and Team Brokerage. After purchase, all modules will be available for online viewing and download.50 Modules, 14 Hours of Industry Leading Commercial Real Estate Video TrainingProspect more efficiently, sell better and win more business with Systems for Success 5.0. Lipsey’s Video Training Series is available for immediate viewing and will present proven strategies for elevating your practice.SYSTEMS FOR SUCCESS 5.0 IN ACTIONSystems for Success 5.0 is the foundation for training our newest as well as our senior associates. The videos and follow along participant guide is the perfect training solutionSystems for Success 5.0 has transformed how we train our associates. From the moment, an associate joins the firm, we begin them on a weekly “Lipsey School”. Easy and convenient for them to watch.I purchased Systems for Success 5.0 as a single user. The ability to have Mike at my disposal at any time has made a tremendous difference. I love that I can go back and watch the material to reinforce best practices when I need that extra push.SFS 5.0 Sample VideosMore About Systems for Success 5.0All New Modules. Topics and Titles Included. Available for Download and Online Viewing.The Business Development Machine1.1 Creating the Machine1.2 E-Innovation (E-Comps, E-Touch, E-Gift)1.3 Leveraging Social Media – Building Your BrandSelling by Phone2.1 Improving Your Call to Contact, Contact to Meeting Ratio2.2 Research to ClosingPresentations that Win3.1 Presentations that Win (Classic and 50/50)3.2 Needs Analysis, Discovery and the Deep Dive3.3 Winning the Assignment with One Visual3.4 Closing Techniques – Minor Point to Deal SwaggerAll About Tenant Rep4.1 Identifying Today’s Best Prospects4.2 Best Practice to Forecast Occupancy Cost4.3 Blend and Extend and Reverse Blend and ExtendPerformance Leasing Plus5.1 Performance Leasing PlusTeam Brokerage6.1 Team Types: Teams, Partnerships, Alliances6.2 Personality Insight – What Are Your Strengths6.3 Building the Team Machine6.4 Measuring the Team Machine and CompensationTeam Architecture7.1 Team Architecture (5 Activities that Make You Money)Scheduling Your Success8.1 Schedule Your Success8.2 Sustainable PlanningIdentifying Emerging Markets9.1 Understanding Trends9.2 Prospecting with Intel9.3 Capitalizing on Attention to Win BusinessInvestment Brokerage10.1 About Private Owners10.2 Ownership Types (Private)10.3 Maximizing Value on Every Listing10.4 Buyer QualificationStrategy for 1031 Exchange11.1 1031 on a Macro Level11.2 Calculating DepreciationLease vs. Own12.1 Lease vs. Own – Which is Best and for Who20 BONUS MODULES INCLUDEDLimited Time Offer. With the Purchase of Systems for Success 5.0, you will also receive Lipsey Legacy Modules touching on material that is regarded as some of Lipsey’s greatest hits! Available for Download and Online Viewing.Negotiating Tactics13.1 Negotiating Tactics (Part I)13.2 Negotiating Tactics (Part II)Best in Class Tours14.1 Process to Best in Class Tours14.2 Best Practices for ToursClient Discovery and Needs Analysis15.1 Questioning Techniques – Open Probes Closed Probes15.2 Client Discovery and Needs Analysis – RUN CLEAR Whiteboard and More (LEGACY Module)15.3 EXERCISE – Interviewing a Prospect15.4 EXERCISE – Client DiscoveryPerformance Leasing16.1 Introduction to Performance Leasing16.2 Using a Measurable Process to Lease Space16.3 Winning Business with Accountability16.4 Pricing and Document FlexibilityProspecting Emerging Markets 10117.1 Emerging Markets 10117.2 Building the Right DatabaseKeystrokes for Calculations18.1 Keystrokes for CalculationsEstablishing the Cap Rate19.1 Establishing the Cap Rate19.2 6 Step Process to Valuation19.3 Investment ComparisonLease Types20.1 Lease Types (Part I)20.2 Lease Types (Part II)Tag: Systems For Success 5.0 – Mike Lipsey  Review. Systems For Success 5.0 – Mike Lipsey  download. Systems For Success 5.0 – Mike Lipsey  discount.