Sybervision, Steve DeVore – Neuropsychology of Self-Discipline


Sybervision, Steve DeVore – Neuropsychology of Self-DisciplineToday we live in a culture where many people want instant success—wealth, a beautiful body, warm relationships, and knowledge, This “I want it now” mentality is called “instant gratification” and is the number one reason people fail. (See the Stanford Marshmallow Study)Life’s Real WinnersPeople who reject the value of instant gratification and develop the skill of self-discipline are life’s real winners. These are people who are able to set goalsand harness the motivational strength to see it through to their successful fruition— day by day, week by week, month by month, and, if necessary, year by year. They know that any worthwhile achievement takes time and sustained effort. They are willing to pay the price. They are self-starters, doers, and finishers.The good news is that self-discipline is a skill that can be learned. The Neuropsycholgy of Self-Disciple is where you learn it.The Secret Revealed.The Neuropsychology of Self-Discipline is a self-paced audio program that consists of 10 audio sessions and a digital study guide. It is based on research conducted by author Steve DeVore and Dr. Karl Pribram at the Stanford University Neuropsychological Research Laboratories. He studied over 100 of history’s greatest achievers (see The World’s 100 Greatest People Audio Collection) and identified the characteristics they had in common, From these characteristics he distilled a powerful formula for self-motivation— the secret of lasting success.With this knowledge you’ll be able to transform your desires into goals. And, you’ll supercharge those goals with an emotional fire that will consistently sustain your efforts until your goal is achieved.A Seven-Step Process.The Neuropsychology of Self-Discipline teaches you a seven-step process to develop this power of self-discipline.In the first three steps you are taught to identify your goal, to realize that it is attainable and to believe that you can achieve it. These steps build an emotional fire within you that drives you forward with passion.In the three final steps you create a plan for achieving your goal, you identify what you specifically need to do to achieve it, and you develop the patience, persistence, and perseverance necessary to succeed—no matter how long it takes or how difficult it becomes.The closer you get to your goal, the more your passion to achieve builds. And finally, self-discipline becomes a self-perpetuating process.With the skill of self-discipline, you’ll be able to persevere in your efforts to achieve career success, sculpt a beautiful body, learn a new skill, or achieve with excellence any other goal you desire.CONTENTS:1. Self-Discipline: Your master key to achievement2. A Profile of Success: The 10 characteristics of the self-disciplined achiever3. The Fire Within: Seven steps to developing iron-willed discipline4. The Power of Purpose: Determining what you really want to achieve5. The Magic of Mentors: How to learn and draw inspiration from models of success6. The Magnificent Obsession: How to transform your dream into a sensory-rich vision of success7. Power Planning: How to turn your vision into a step-by-step blueprint of achievement8. The Time Connection: the seasoning of an achiever9. Mega Learning: How to master the knowledge and skills you need to achieve your goals10. Vision Quest: Winning through persistence and perseveranceSteve DeVoreMr. DeVore is the founder of SyberVision and the developer of the acclaimed SyberVision learning system based on research he conducted at the Stanford University Neurological Research Laboratories. Mr. DeVore collaborated with Dr. Karl Pribram the founder of the modern day science of neuropsychology in the development of his learning systems. DeVore conducted extensive field research in personal achievement and self-motivational systems at Stanford working the with Stanford Department of Education and the Department of Athletics. He is reknown for his work in visual modeling—how we learn and assimilate (neurologically, psychologically, and cognitively) skills and behaviors from the obsersvation of others. He has designed training systems for both collegiate and professional football, basketball, and baseball teams, the U.S. Olympic Training Center, and the United States Air Force (simulator training for B1 pilots flying at 500 mph at 100 foot altitudes .He also developed the highly acclaimed “The World’s 100 Greatest People” audio biographical collection. It was the research from this collection combined with his study in the neurological and psychological sciences that led to the development of The Neuropsychology of Self-Discipline. His published works have generated nearly $500 million in worldwide sales.