Susanna Mittermaier – Psychologie Pragmatique (Pragmatic Psychology – French Version)


Mag. Susanna Mittermaier est psychologue clinicienne et Facilitatrice Access Consciousness. Elle crée un nouveau paradigme pour la psychologie et la thérapie, la Psycholo- gie Pragmatique, en utilisant les outils révolutionnaires d’Access Consciousness.Purchase Susanna Mittermaier – Psychologie Pragmatique (Pragmatic Psychology – French Version) courses at here with PRICE $25 $10Susanna Mittermaier – Psychologie Pragmatique (Pragmatic Psychology – French Version)Mag. Susanna Mittermaier est psychologue clinicienne et Facilitatrice Access Consciousness. Elle crée un nouveau paradigme pour la psychologie et la thérapie, la Psycholo- gie Pragmatique, en utilisant les outils révolutionnaires d’Access Consciousness. Susanna, née à Vienne, en Autriche, a travaillé en psychiatrie en Suède pendant des années et a son propre cabinet où elle traite des clients atteints de dépression, anxiété, bipolarité, TDAH, TDA, autisme, Asperger et d’autres diagnostics mentaux, avec des résultats remar- quables. Outre la psychologie, Susanna a étudié la pédagogie, la philosophie, la linguistique et a pratiqué d’autres modali- tés. Aujourd’hui, Susanna voyage à travers le monde pour faciliter des séances et des classes de Psychologie Pragmatique et des classes Access Consciousness en plusieurs langues. « Tu es la psy la plus bizarre et la plus joyeuse que j’aie jamais rencontrée ! Mon monde a changé ! » Un clientSale pageSusanna MittermaierWhat if you could turn your past and your problems into the choice, the question and the possibility that contributes to changing your whole life?Is now the time for you to get over being normal and tapping into the true brilliance of you?Mag. Susanna Mittermaier, licensed clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, Radio Show host, Access Consciousness Facilitator, author of the New Book, Pragmatic Psychology- Practical Tools for Being Crazy Happy and worldwide speaker is creating a new paradigm with psychology and therapy, Pragmatic Psychology.Pragmatic psychologist Susanna Mittermaier is known for her revolutionary perspective on mental illness and for inspiring people all over the world to access the greatness they are beyond abuse and disease.Growing up in Vienna, as an Austrian princess she walzed through live with ease and elegance, not realizing that the ease came from the difference she is choosing to be; receiving everything and everyone and judging nothing and no one, embracing the celebration of living. Susanna knows that this is a possibility everybody has! She has an enormous capacity to facilitate lightness, joy and ease beyond what this reality finds normal. She lets the world know that depression, anxiety, ADHD, autism and every other mental illness is a capacity that has not been acknowledged and can easily be turned into possibilities and creating ones´ life greater than can be imagined. Time to employ and enjoy your crazy to create your reality?Mag. Susanna Mittermaier is a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist with years of experience in mental health working with in- and outpatients with all diagnosis. The success of her book leads to many worldwide travels every month to facilitate classes, private sessions and changing the world. The participants in her classes are doctors, teachers, parents, therapists, nurses, socialworkers and everybody who is choosing to empower people to know what they know.Welcome to join to create the world you always have known is truly available for all of us!Purchase Susanna Mittermaier – Psychologie Pragmatique (Pragmatic Psychology – French Version) courses at here with PRICE $25 $10