
Susann Shier – Ignite Your Intuition

Original price was: ₹59,100.00.Current price is: ₹6,972.00.


The Foundational Course
In this ever-changing time of great unknown, what is the one thing we each inherently carry that we can trust to guide us in our life?
Susann Shier – Ignite Your Intuition
Our intuition!
This course shows you how to use your intuition as the key for the manifestation of your soul gifts.

Gain simple, profound methods to access your intuitive guidance to bring you clarity, direction, support and unconditional love
Receive clear communication from your guides that you can trust
Learn how to discern which messages are true and which are not
Unblock the fear keeping you from trusting and using your intuition
Practice manifesting from the level of your true purpose
Experience clear direction in daily and life long choices

Since your “Ignite Your Intuition – The Voice of Your Soul Workshop, I have made very powerful choices and with each step my confidence grows.
—Michael Croniak