Supercoach self-coaching program – Michael Neil


Supercoach self-coaching program – Michael Neil

an you really be coached by a video?

This twelve session video coaching program gives you a front row seat for the kinds of conversations I have with CEO’s and high performers in a wide variety of fields, designed to wake you up to a whole new way of being in the world.
If you’re ready to get more out of yourself than ever before (with less effort, stress, or pressure than you think), I created this program with you in mind.
Here’s what we cover:

• Session One: Getting Started

• Session Two: Introducing the Three Principles
• Session Three: Why Happiness is Closer than you Think
• Session Four: The Power of Hope
• Session Five: A Whole New Way of Thinking About Goals
• Session Six: The Simple Way to Make Decisions
• Session Seven: A Radical New Understanding of Human Emotion
• Session Eight: Productivity at the Speed of Life
• Session Nine: The Difference that Makes the Difference in Relationships
• Session Ten: How to Ask for What You Want
• Session Eleven: The Secrets to a Lifetime of Financial Security
• Session: Twelve: Putting it All Together