Supercharge Your Chakras – Dr. Anodea Judith


Purchase Supercharge Your Chakras – Dr. Anodea Judith courses at here with PRICE $ $Are you ready to harness your life force and feel every cell in your body awaken and rejoice?Are you ready to clear out old patterns and issues that block your full potential and be more centered, healthy and whole?Are you excited at the prospect of bringing your body, emotions, relationships and creativity into true alignment with your soul essence?If so, keep reading…The path to enjoying vibrant health and energy that sustains you 24/7 AND activates all of your gifts, power and creativity begins with a more sophisticated way of working with your natural energy.As a spiritual seeker, you’re already aware that the life energy flowing through you is responsible for your sense of aliveness. You’ve likely also heard about the chakras, the seven energy centers situated along your spine which channel that life force into different areas of your life.Just as a solar panel downloads the energy of the sun to use for electricity, your seven chakras “download” cosmic universal energy to “electrify” your body, mind and spirit with vitality.The question is, how can you work with your chakras to enhance your life force, manage it effectively, and master its flow through your entire being?The Supercharge Your Chakras program answers that question. It will help you understand and optimize your natural energy system to give you the kind of activated, inspired, zesty experience of life that until now has seemed out of reach.But first, let’s talk a bit more about the chakras.The Chakras are the Architecture of Your SoulThe chakra system, which originated within the yoga tradition of India, has been growing in popularity in the West, largely in response to the four decades of teaching and publishing efforts by a number of writers, including the #1 bestselling author on the chakras, Anodea Judith.Her work as both a yoga teacher and somatic therapist enabled her to develop a unique combination of techniques that engage with the energy that’s stored in matter and transmute it step by step through each chakra.These techniques, based on the principles of yoga and bioenergetic therapy, can be learned and practiced by anyone. They’re also fun to use with partners and extremely useful for working with clients in the healing arts.Arranged in a logical sequence with deep philosophical implications, the chakras are the gears that run the vehicle of your body as you travel along your soul’s journey.Seen even more deeply, the chakra system describes the architecture of your soul.Chakras are swirling vortices of life force energy, aligned along a central channel that connects heaven and earth through the core of your body. Learning to “hold your center” is the first step in activating your chakras. Yet there’s so much more to learn about balancing and maintaining a healthy energy flow while facing the many challenges of life.Chakras are the energetic “pipes” that bring water into every part of your bodily “house.” A blockage or leak in your energetic system can impact the entire system in unanticipated and insidious ways.As we grow up, we routinely and unintentionally create constrictions in our chakras. For instance, if we assert ourselves and are punished for doing so, we might close down our third chakra (the power center), which inhibits our sense of power in the future.That’s how our psychology, which we associate with our mind, gets tangled up with our energy system and body. Traumas, fears and negative experiences can lead to long-term imbalances in your energy system that can then manifest as negative, deep-rooted feelings and emotions, chronic stress, and even disease.Understanding the chakras and life force, along with mastering tools you can use the rest of your life, can help you reclaim your vitality, manage your emotions, activate your power, open your heart, expand your creativity, uplevel your vision for your life, and elevate your consciousness.Expanding Your Capacity for ChargeAnodea has taken her teachings around chakras to another level with a whole new body of work she’s developed around Charge, or what she has playfully called an acronym for “Consciousness Having A Really Genuine Experience.”When you have a charge, you know it. Think of it as a strong buzz of energy moving through your system. Whether it’s excitement or fear, sexual arousal or anger, we’re far more affected by charge than we realize.We typically create energetic blocks to protect ourselves from types of charge that feel overwhelming. These blocks later become obstacles that prevent us from living in the full force of our aliveness and mastering our energy body.During the Supercharge Your Chakras 8-module program, you’ll receive essential teachings and practices that will enable you to open, channel and balance your charge through each of the seven chakras. As a result, you’ll see yourself and others through an empowering new lens, and come away with a set of helpful practices you can use for the rest of your days.Energy to Fuel Your LeadershipJust as a periodic detox of your physical body can restore health, practices that cleanse your energetic body can open you up to new possibilities for vitality, creativity and joie de vivre.You’ll become a better creator and romantic partner, a better leader and speaker, a better entrepreneur and teacher.Few teachings deal with your energy system as a whole and show you how you can balance and integrate all levels of your being. Supercharge Your Chakras is so effective because it leverages this whole-system approach.Supercharge Your Chakras offers you a journey of real transformation in the way you live, breathe, work, relate and even play, as well as opening you to a more embodied, integrated and “divine” humanity.You may have studied aspects of the seven chakras in your spiritual practice. Yet you’ve likely only scratched the surface of what you can actualize, express and share by harnessing the deep energies of your body-mind and discovering how to optimize your charge.When you understand how to REALLY work with your chakras, they become more effective “condensers” of cosmic energy. When you can translate the highest universal energies all the way down to the most concrete and grounded parts of your life, that’s when you become a radiant agent of positive change.So is it time for you to tap into the sacred secrets of your energy system to not only become the powerful, fully alive human being you’re designed to be, but also serve as a model for others?That’s exactly why this virtual program with Anodea Judith has been created. It’s a rare opportunity to be personally mentored, guided and inspired by an expert in the field, as you explore and embody the next level of your potential.This 8-module journey offers you a psycho-spiritual makeover to align your inner and outer landscape. As you integrate and align your energy systems, your core mission can be more joyfully expressed in the service of people you’re here to guide, teach, heal or inspire.When you say “YES” to this healing and evolutionary journey, you’ll discover how to create the energetic foundation for:A more grounded and consistently prosperous lifeGreater access to satisfying, deep and authentic emotionsJuicier relationships and an open heartA more exciting and fulfilling sex lifeIncreased clarity about your power and your purposeAccess to higher possibilities for your creativityExpanded capacity to communicate in a clear and compelling wayPractices (both physical and spiritual) for each chakra to awaken and balance the inner with the outerInsights into any emotional and spiritual wounds so you can release blocked energyAn expanded ability to attract and serve people through your business or workA deeper sense of spiritual unity and fulfillmentThe truth is that it takes the clear expression of all levels of your energy — vision, reflection, inspiration, heart, power, passion and muscle — to birth a new possibility for your life.In this sense, the chakra system is not just an “upwardly mobile” system for ascending to higher levels of transcendence, but a way to manifest your consciousness more purposefully and bring your dreams into reality.Anodea is uniquely qualified to serve as your trusted guide to living a more enlivened life. She’s sold more than 500,000 books and DVDs about chakras and built a strong reputation as a practical teacher for a reason: her methods work!She can help you light up your chakras… and your life!Greater Connection Through VideoAnodea will be teaching her sessions via pre-recorded video to provide a powerful connection and transmission. This video connection will be easy to use and will greatly increase your learning and transformation. After each video broadcast, you will have access to question and answer sessions previously recorded during Anodea’s live course, so you can benefit from the questions of other Supercharge Your Chakra students.Get Supercharge Your Chakras – Dr. Anodea Judith, Only Price $62What You’ll Discover in These 8 ModulesAnodea will guide you through time-tested techniques for aligning, balancing, opening and healing the natural flow of energy in your system.Each teaching, discussion and training session will build harmoniously upon the next so you’ll develop a holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to clearly and consistently manifest life-affirming energy.With each module, you’ll be given specific exercises and practices to explore the teachings in more depth and integrate this new wisdom into your whole being.Module 1: Understanding Your Life Force & the Architecture of Your SoulYou’ll begin by gaining an understanding of your life force as “charge” and discovering how it behaves. You’ll then examine the basic structure of the chakra system and how charge and the chakras work together. This understanding provides the basis for developing the chakras more deeply in the modules that follow.In this module, you’ll:Gain a whole new perspective by viewing yourself as an energy-based beingDiscover how to track your own energy or “charge” with simple techniques you can use anytime, anywhereUnderstand how to balance your energy, without becoming overcharged or undercharged, and why that balance is vitally necessaryStudy the basics of the chakra system as a model for optimum health and wellbeingExamine the basic energy currents of liberation and manifestation that enliven the chakrasCome away with a simple diagnostic system for understanding chakra imbalance through excessive and deficient chakrasExplore the importance of living in your CORE as Consciousness Organized in Relation to EnergyBe given a simple technique for unlocking bound-up charge in any part of the bodyModule 2: Chakra #1Plugging Into the Ground & Drawing Energy Up From the EarthThe first chakra is where everything begins. Its element is earth, which represents everything solid in our lives. Matter is stored charge — we plug into matter to receive energy, much like the two prongs of a plug push into a wall socket to receive electricity. This chakra allows us to feel safe and secure, allowing us to create prosperity and maintain a healthy body.The first chakra is activated through the legs and base of the spine. It provides the stability for our later work with your energy system and forms an essential foundation for your life.In this module, you’ll:Recognize the importance of energetically grounding your body before attempting to uplevel your energy systemUnderstand how to wake up your leg channels through a vital technique for grounding which you can practice anytimeEstablish the value of structure for building up charge in the bodyDiscover how grounding combats fear and insecurity, transforming their charge into something the body can use effectivelyExamine how the body is a battery to be charged, and how weight issues are directly related to your ability to move charge through the bodyDevelop the feminine and masculine aspects of grounding and understand how we all need to use both, regardless of our genderTransform the survival reactions of fight, flight, freeze or fold into solid grounding and harnessing of your life forceModule 3: Chakra #2Moving Through Emotional Charge Into PleasureWe’re all familiar with the charge of emotion. Fear can heighten our charge, unexpectedly leaving us in contraction; anger can hurl intense charge at another person, causing harm; sadness can leave us drowning in tears, disconnecting us from our power.Emotion is movement of energy, which relates to the water element. Blocked emotions lead to blocked energy and rigidity in the body, which blocks our capacity for pleasure. Learning to manage these emotions is essential to moving energy through your body. You’ll discover how to do that without repressing them or being thrown off balance.In this module, you’ll:Explore what happens physiologically when emotions are blockedDiscover how to release emotions safely, harvesting their energy without getting lost in a quagmire of feelingsBe given vital second chakra exercises for enhancing your sexualityExamine the “happy hormones” and their relationship to the pleasure center of the brainExperience how to keep the energy flowing through the watery element of the second chakraDiscover how the translation of the second, or Svadhisthana, chakra means “one’s own sweet place” and how to come from your own place in the core of your bodyExplore how to use polarity and differences as a way to enhance the movement of energyModule 4: Chakra #3Charging Up Your Power for Greater EffectivenessThe third chakra is where everything starts to cook with the energy of fire. Here we enter the crucible of transformation as fire transforms matter to heat, light and energy. Often called the power chakra, our power is directly related to the amount of energy we can generate, and also to our ability to manage that energy effectively.Managing your power requires directing energy into your intention and through your will. Our programming around power has a lot to do with whether we do so with skill or waste our precious energy in blockages and distractions.In this module, you’ll:Be given a simple 2-minute process to pick up your energy whenever you need itDiscover the relationship between matter and movement to generate energyHarness your intention into a strong and effective willExplore how to balance your power so you can use it fully without intimidating othersIdentify the blocks of procrastination or victimhood that keep you from your full powerMaster potent bioenergetic exercises to activate your third chakraModule 5: Chakra #4Opening Your Heart to the Charge of LoveLove is perhaps the most potent charge there is, the one we all long for. Yet it’s also the most vulnerable, as the heart chakra is the center of the whole chakra system — the vital gateway to the core of the soul. Most people guard their heart carefully to avoid getting hurt, but doing so blocks the vital expansion of the heart’s full charge.And we all know how patterns of charged reactivity can develop in relationships to seriously undermine love and intimacy. How do you keep your heart chakra’s energy for love fully open and charged while avoiding the triggers that activate your defenses?In this module, you’ll:Examine the vital role played by the breath in bringing charge to the heartBe given a simple technique for coming into heart resonance with yourself and anotherDiscover ways that couples exchange charge for better or worse and how to maximize intimacy and minimize alienationMaster a powerful set of exercises for increasing charge in each chakra through the breathExplore how releasing charge allows the heart to soften, enabling it to let in more lovePlay with fun and enlivening partner poses to open the chest and increase connectionModule 6: Chakra #5The Charge of Creativity & Self-expressionThe fifth chakra, also known as the throat chakra, is your personal avenue to clear communication and creative self-expression. But this chakra, being the narrowest part of the body between crown and base, can be a bottleneck in which energy can get trapped, blocking both communication and creativity.When we’re determined to speak our truth, the activation in the throat can be so intense that our communication carries too much charge — such as when we release long-held anger or tears. At other times, the throat closes down and we’re afraid to speak our truth, or may not even know what our truth is. The more you dissolve the blocks in this chakra, the more your creativity and communication will flow.In this module, you’ll:Understand what do to do when your communication carries the charge of stored-up emotions and how to come into balanceBe given simple exercises for releasing neck and jaw tensionPractice exercises to open the shoulders and open the neckExplore writing exercises that can help you discharge your truth before it hurts anotherFind out how your charge can tell you when your truth is authentic and meaningfulUse sounding techniques to soften the density in your body for better vibrational resonanceModule 7: Chakra #6The Charge of Insight & Creating a VisionOnce the blocks in the lower chakras are cleared away, charge can flow upward toward higher consciousness. As it pierces the sixth chakra, also known as the third eye, energy is perceived as a luminous light within. Here we tune into insight, memory, imagination and the creation of a guiding vision to light your way.Charge usually makes us want to move and take action, but what happens when we harness the power of stillness and allow that charge to illuminate the inner world?In this module, you’ll:Use the power of visualization to guide your energy toward your desired goalsNourish your inner world with an exercise of drinking in lightControl your gaze toward the positive for increased light in your lifeUse the powers of your imagination in the act of purposeful creationEnhance the power of beauty to bring you closer to the DivineExplore how the charge of what you see is based on your interpretation and how to neutralize the charge so you can see clearly and objectivelyModule 8: Chakra #7Returning Charge to Source & Opening to the DivineUltimately, charge is in everything. It’s in the heavens, the sun, the trees and the air, as well as within us.Spiritual experience can be seen as an experience of full charge, freely flowing through the body without separation from all that is, connected with the Divine. Removing our blockages in the lower chakras paves the way, but opening to this full force of energy can be quite intense, even hard to tolerate if the ground is not properly prepared.Meditation and yoga are practices for this preparation, but how do they work with the vital life energy we’ve been opening up throughout the course? Often people have trouble meditating because they have too much charge to sit still.In this module, you’ll:Experience how a balanced level of charge can allow the experience of meditation to deepen into blissInvestigate how the Divine plays hide and seek with us to keep us peering into the mysteryDiscover techniques for quieting your mind while keeping your charge full to enhance spiritual experiencePractice bringing the Divine down into your chakras to begin the flow of manifestationOpen to guidance through surrendering to your own chargeConnect all the chakras and discover the role of kundalini in the path of awakeningJoin the Global CommunitySupercharge Your Chakras not only offers some of the most advanced online teachings currently available, The Shift Network also offers a thriving global community of support.Join the thousands of fellow students and practitioners from across the world who have participated in The Shift Network courses, and become a part of an international online community at the leading edge of a global movement of people who are committed to manifesting a better world for all beings, while you fully charge your passion and creative juices and innovate with Anodea.This emerging planetary movement is rooted in an open heart and stands for the principles of mutual support, cooperation, harmony and reverence for all of life.Here’s What You’ll ReceiveEight Video Sessions With Anodea JudithExperience a rare opportunity to mentor and learn with one of the world’s leading pioneers of the chakra system and body-mind integration from the comfort of your own home. Each 60-minute video class helps you create the specific skills and abilities to fully step into your ability to use your chakra system in a positive way.Eight Q&A Sessions with Anodea JudithFollowing the pre-recorded video broadcast, you will have access to previously recorded Q&A sessions with Anodea’s live course, so you can benefit from the questions of other Supercharge your Chakra students. These sessions will be a powerful opportunity to receive further feedback, tips and strategies to support your growth and learning directly from Anodea.Eight Downloadable Recordings of Class SessionsThe class session and Q&A video will be available for you to download or stream in high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere — on any connected device and at your convenience.Eight Audio Recordings of Class SessionsAfter each class, the audio will also be available for you to download in high-quality MP3 format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere — on any connected device and at your convenience.Eight PDF Transcripts of Class SessionsIn addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each LessonAfter each lesson, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools and answering questions in order to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.The Supercharge Your Chakras Bonus CollectionMeditation on Charge &ampPurchase Supercharge Your Chakras – Dr. Anodea Judith courses at here with PRICE $ $