Super Affiliate Jackpot 2 – David Kirby


Apparently, Super Affiliate Jackpot 2 is so easy to do; even brain dead people can do it. I really wanted this review to be zombie themed, but oh well.Purchase Super Affiliate Jackpot 2 – David Kirby courses at here with PRICE $97 $32Course “Super Affiliate Jackpot 2 – David Kirby” is available, If no download link, Please wait 24 hours. We will process and send the link direApparently, Super Affiliate Jackpot 2 is so easy to do; even brain dead people can do it. I really wanted this review to be zombie themed, but oh well.Super Affiliate Jackpot 2 by David Kirby, is currently only on the Warrior Forums and costs $9.95.The PurchaseSometimes I hate buying these sorts of products; I’ve been in situations where actually getting a hold of the product is harder than it should be. This time the process was pretty smooth.There was a single upsell for $27, which would provide you with:More methods to make money than are outlined in the main guideA guide to making PPC ads for free.Contact details to 19 list owners.10 OTO products to use.Email swipes.Master resale rights to the core product.This was followed up by a downsell of the same product for $17. The downsell had less of everything, so only 5 OTO products, 10 contact details, etc.The ProductThe members’ area is a single page, consisting of three steps.Step one: download the product zip.Step two: join the Facebook group.Step 3: watch a video. Ooops! This isn’t a video! It’s an affiliate link to Automated Sales Funnel System. There wasn’t even a video there…Step 3 – Check Out The Video Below:Automated Funnels Makes $100 to $200 Daily Plus .35 Per Lead With No Skills, and No Experience Needed! Almost Impossible To NOT Make Money! WATCH THE VIDEO ASAP!There are also some bonuses, which are in reality links to other products (email gatherers basically).The download consisted of a variety of things:The core product e-book.2 free e-books.3 e-books and covers to give away.The first thing that hit me about Super Affiliate Jackpot 2, was the size of the e-book. It’s really quite small. With the two blurb pages at the start and two recommended resources at the end, you are left with only a 22 page e-book.On top of that the font size is huge, especially the titles. You could easy condense this down to a dozen pages.The concept is email list creation. and to use that email list to generate money.The e-book consists of 4 steps, plus a section on traffic.Step oneThis section covers creating a squeeze page and promotes a third party (affiliate) squeeze page creator. The author also provides a short sample squeeze page, though to be fair it is crap. The reason it is rubbish is because he wants you to buy the squeeze page software.He also suggests using his own products as OTO’s.NICE BIG HEADLINEFREE: Discover EXACTLY how NEWBIES are QUICKLY Banking $282.61+ EVERY DAY!!!CALL TO ACTIONEnter your BEST Email Address in the Form Below and Click The Button Below To Becelve Your Beport Instantly… While it Is Still Available.Please note: If you use this method on your own it may not be as effective as having the full guru style layout LEAD ROCKET. (Using the gifts I have supplied for you)Step twoThe step is an Aweber affiliate link and advice to turn double optin off.Seriously, that’s pretty much it.Step threeAnother short step, this one covers hosting, and is once again an advert for his affiliate links.Step fourTraffic generation is the key to any online marketing endeavour, and it’s no different here.The methods used are irregular for most websites but could be considered OK for this type of list generation squeeze page.The first method is to buy solo ads from other affiliates. He does add an interesting spin to this, but basically it is just buying solo ad clicks.The other method is also via other affiliates, but this time in conjunction with them by offering a bonus product.To be fair, he is right in saying that the traffic you get will be “buyer” traffic, and if you select the people you approach carefully you could even get targeted buyer traffic.The bonus traffic section is David pushing a website called, one that he appears to have some personal dealings with (it says “Special thanks to David kirby” at the bottom, and yes it was not written correctly).The Bottom LineWhen an internet marketer sells a product like Super Affiliate Jackpot 2, I expect some affiliate links. It’s natural to want to increase your earnings beyond the few bucks for the initial product.Super Affiliate Jackpot 2 just has too many. It is really thin on content and liberally plastered with affiliate links and self promotions.It’s nice to get bonuses, but to me don’t make up for the fact that the core product is rubbish and not worth even the $10 bucks I paid for it.Is this a scam? Not quite as you get “something” for your money, but I would not recommend it either. The system he is using would be ok to generate a list to push internet marketing products too, but I can’t see it being used to generate a list that is targeted in any other niche.There’s only ONE program I really recommend. It helped me turn my ‘hobby’ into a $10,000+ per month money making machine.Tag: Super Affiliate Jackpot 2 – David Kirby Review. Super Affiliate Jackpot 2 – David Kirby download. Super Affiliate Jackpot 2 – David Kirby discount.Purchase Super Affiliate Jackpot 2 – David Kirby courses at here with PRICE $97 $32