
Sue Morter – Unlocking Your Energy Codes

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Sue Morter – Unlocking Your Energy Codes

Working with your Energy Codes helps you to access and unlock the deeper patterns that sculpt every experience you have.
These codes go all the way to the subatomic fields and quantum realities that swirl in and around you. As you access these fields, the secrets to embodying your divine creative power are revealed.
A world-renowned leader in bio-energetic medicine and a true modern mystic, Dr. Sue Morter will train you to recognize and work with the subconscious or unconscious lower frequency patterns that may be blocking access to your full creative intelligence and manifestation abilities.
Over the course of seven modules, she’ll guide you to access directly the higher frequency energies essential to creating a truly inspired life.
Drawing upon decades of pioneering work in holistic health and bioenergetics, Dr. Sue has elevated the concept and practice of energetic healing and transformation to new levels through her potent, proven techniques. She combines her years of direct healing work with patients with a profound spiritual awakening that gives her access to more of the divine blueprint that shapes all levels of reality.
By applying her methods – which blend scientific, therapeutic, and mystical modalities – you’ll see how the “forms” you desire in your life are attainable as a byproduct of clearing these energy blocks to the true you.
The truth is that the Energy Codes allow you to uncover what is always, already present: your divine nature. And THAT is the true source of your power to heal, manifest, love, and more.
Over seven sessions, Dr. Sue Morter will guide you in accessing your Energy Codes to

Eliminate stress and free up your body’s innate powers of healing
Learn how to read your energy codes’ “vibrational feedback” to shift from “low-frequency” beliefs, thoughts and emotions to energy patterns that inspire creativity and possibility for your life
Build relationships that thrive on you being in the “sacred flow”
Greatly enhance your intuition through “Body Awake” and other proven techniques
Operate from your energetic “core,” THE source of vast creativity and infinite possibilities for your life
Align with your highest intentions, from a place that is “beyond mind”
Access and develop sensory resonance, which bridges from your bodily senses to your subtle senses

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
Each teaching, contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to activate your energy codes and awaken the love and potentiality that is already at your core.

Module 1:
Moving Beyond the Mind to Heal and Access the Spiritual Field (Recorded on July 15, 2013)

Learn to Shift Reality: read the world from an energy-based model, drop the thought and master your innate energy flow for healing and empowerment.
Advance your understanding of Bio-Energetics and how your body is a conduit and processor of larger energy fields
Practice developing your capacity to enter into your body’s sensory awareness beyond the level of mind
Learn to identify how your vital force is running in compromised patterns and begin to reconnect it to the quantum field
Go beyond healing into a state of “revealing” – expression of your essence
Identify and go beyond victim stories – even the “well-adapted victim” stories that say you’re doing the best with what you’ve got
Shift your identity from the “broken” identity that needs to be healed and helped to the part of you that is magnificent and already has everything you need

Module 2:
Removing Subconscious Stress through the Energy Codes (Recorded on July 22, 2013)

Receive specific techniques for unveiling past residue and unresolved subconscious interferences
Identify the actual reasons for withholds, procrastination, fear, and tension and learn to clear them in just 4 minutes each day
Clear unresolved angers and find their original source
Repattern your functional encoding to live your full Bio-Energetic potential
Establish a new set point for your Soulful Self
Receive quick access techniques for “on the go” resetting of your true potential encoding
Retrain the subconscious to support your current endeavors
Train your mind to not “fill in the blanks” and stay more open to sensory input
Receive breathwork practices that free, mobilize, and move your energies and work through distortions in your energy field in a non-verbal way

Module 3:
Accessing and Developing Sensory Resonance (Recorded on July 29, 2013)

Deepen your understanding of the sensory system that is up to 1000 times more pronounced than the motor system
Learn techniques for mastering your ability to perceive what is available, rather than perceive through your limiting beliefs and set patterns from the subconscious past
Refine your senses to perceive your subtle energetic field and get to the underlying constant support from universal nature
Develop your sixth sense and beyond
Learn the research behind vibrational storage of higher frequency energies in order to maximize your baseline vitality
Build your cellular savings account for accessing higher possibilities
Activate your capacity as a creator in life through encoding subatomic sensory input at the vibrational level
Develop the brain to support the new wave patterns of your awakening self
Practice specific bodily postures to open to enhanced intuitions and energetic flows
Turn up the volume on gut feelings and signals from your body to give you increased information and flow

Module 4:
Unlocking Your Energy Codes to Create Sacred Relationships (Recorded on August 5, 2013)

Learn why the loving heart is more than 5000 times more powerful than the most brilliant thought we can think – learn to capture this at the cellular level and use it to your advantage
Master the underlying energy exchange of nature to develop steady support and enhanced mastery
Remove subconscious interference to meaningful and intimate relationships with others and set a new coding in place
Improve the expression of your relationship with money and health and abundance – redefine who you are relative to these aspects of life
Gain a higher perspective on relationships and why so many attempts to understand or improve them will ultimately fall short
Communicate with others from your vibrational core and learn to listen from an embodied, awakened space
Understand the protective function of your central nervous system that often leads relationships to plateau rather than manifest another level of grace and ease

Module 5:
Harnessing Body Awake Practices to Enhance Your Intuition (Recorded on August 12, 2013)

Enhance your intuition and ‘right use’ of your imagination – accessing “whole use” of your faculties for the experience of the whole self
Learn techniques to turn your perspective toward the actuality of wholeness, health and abundance
Reprogram your conscious, subconscious and energy fields to support your wholeness, establishing a new personal operating code
Awaken specific energy centers in the body with techniques to enhance the discovery of your empowered self
Learn specific testing procedures to access your intuitive knowing through your body
Manifest from your intuition and flow states vs. your intellect and will – allows you to accomplish more with less effort
Attune with the natural cellular frequencies that activate when you are in sacred places
Use your body as a “divine compass” pointing you to the deeper recognitions and shifts that allow your full expression to shine
Learn specific bodily postures that help access the field of feeling and sensory information

Module 6:
Finding and Operating from Your Core (Recorded on August 19, 2013)

Connect with your core vibratory center in a way that creates more flow and divine access, moment-to-moment
Access deep, divine wisdom stored within the unconscious crevices of the un-awakened self, with techniques that stir it to wakefulness
Learn integration techniques to utilize all aspects of the self simultaneously, drawing upon the entire spectrum of available energies
Discover how to collaborate with your unique life path with grace and ease
Recognize your core as the central channel of the body through which you are destined to operate; learn to find it and replenish it in with regular daily practices
Learn to combine your life energies in groups for immediate, observable results
Increase your capacity to sustain your core when operating in less supportive environments
Learn to access greater vital force to fuel your activities throughout the day
Practice moving from your core in a way that liberates your life force

Module 7:
Aligning with Your Highest Intentions (Recorded on August 26, 2013)

Integrate that which we have learned and translate it into regular daily practice and life mastery
Gain greater clarity about your soul’s purpose for being on the planet
Recognize and appreciate the perfection of your life story, including whatever traumas, wounds, or negative experiences you’ve carried
Expand your perspective to a still larger, more cosmic view
Bring your subtle energies into alignment with your higher intentions and release the stories of victimization
Reintegrate conscious, subconscious and unconscious parts of you to create authentic, sustainable transformation
Learn quick ways to utilize and benefit from the Energy Codes principles and practices

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