Success in a State of Flow with Gabriel Nossovitch


What You’ll Discover in These 7 SessionsEach teaching, activation and training session will build upon the next, so that you’ll have the tools to tap into the intelligence of the moment and learn to completely surrender and access a state of flow.Purchase Success in a State of Flow with Gabriel Nossovitch courses at here with PRICE $297 $85Success in a State of Flow with Gabriel NossovitchWhat You’ll Discover in These 7 SessionsEach teaching, activation and training session will build upon the next, so that you’ll have the tools to tap into the intelligence of the moment and learn to completely surrender and access a state of flow.Module 1: Connecting with The Field (Recorded May 20)This module opens the door for some key inquiries into the nature of our existence. We will contemplate: Are you just a “skin-encapsulated” ego? Could you relate to yourself as the source of an extremely powerful field of life energy? Is it possible to have a taste of this field and experience yourself as the Field itself?In this session you will:Learn how to hold powerful space for individuals and groups that nurtures transformation and understandingDevelop the ability to create a field of “unknowing,” which will allow inspired energy and creativity to blossom – and foster awareness of all that you don’t even know that you don’t knowBecome aware of the filters that interfere with your ability to manifest in alignment with life itselfEnhance your awareness of the filters others are using to make sense of reality and learn to navigate them more effectivelyUnderstand how to navigate in the world of form AND be in touch with radical emptiness, so that you can “do” in a whole new wayModule 2: Shifting Your Context (Recorded May 27)This module will consist of inquiries into questions like: What is the difference between the context and the content of your life? Is it possible to shift the context that shapes your life experience? Can you let go of the drama in your life? What does it take to become more spacious? In this session you will:Learn how to attune and work with both the ‘content’ of the moment and the more significant “context” to align with greater flowDevelop the ability to nurture an experience while also remaining apart and freeLet go of the drama of life and enhance your ability to be spaciousComplete experiences that have been negatively shaping your lifeModule 3: Communicating YourMoment-to-Moment Experience (Recorded June 3)In this session you will explore questions like: What are the elements of an experience? Who is experiencing my experiences? You will:Understand the various elements of experience and how to relate to them in a transformational wayExperience the freedom of living beyond your body, emotions and fabricated storiesDevelop the ability to communicate in a way that moves yourself and others beyond storiesLearn how to get beyond fabricating stories to create space for a vision to emergeLearn to honor your thoughts, feelings and physical sensations as guiding postsMove past areas where you may feel stuck, by communicating your experience moment to momentModule 4: Taking 100% Total Responsibility (Recorded June 10)In this module, you’ll explore questions like: What does it mean to be responsible for everything? What is radical responsibility? How do I distinguish responsibility from blame or credit? How do I move away from experiencing responsibility as burden, duty, and obligation? You will:Learn what it truly means to take responsibility to the Nth degree and be responsible for everything in a way that doesn’t produce guilt or burdenDiscover how to release blame, taking credit, doing out of duty and other flow-blocking behaviorsExplore how your life will transform as you take 100% responsibilityDiscover how to create responsibility as your most profound way to connect to the source of life and existenceModule 5: Transcending Your Stories (Recorded June 17)During this session, you’ll inquire into the depths of who you are. Who are you without the stories, the drama and all the stuff in your life? Is it possible to know who you are? Can you get a glimpse of who you are without making yourself into an object of your knowing? Can stories be dismantled such that you relate to others and to reality more intimately and effectively? You will:Shed your stories about who you are to discover the truth of your beingDiscover and release stories you’ve created about others that limit their potential and what can unfold in their presenceConnect to your transcendent nature and that of othersExplore the great depths of intimacy with yourself and those around youLearn how to produce results by undoing characterizationsModule 6: Surrendering toYour Current Reality (Recorded June 24)In this session, you will explore one of the key facets of accessing flow: surrender. Gabriel will take you into the heart of this oft-misunderstood capacity and you will:Learn how to move beyond linear ways of being that limit possibilityDiscover the secrets of surrender and its connection to creationExplore how to manifestation by leaning into what isExperience a powerful purpose process to connect more deeply to truthModule 7: Engaging Life as a Game in Alignment with Your Purpose (Recorded July 1)In this final session, you will learn how to use all you have learned to engage with life in a whole new way. Using the nature of games to illuminate essential principles of your reality, Gabriel will show you how to:Transform your reality through gamesCultivate your ability to be in time and be timelessLearn the secrets to true success that marry the practical and spiritualSalepage : Success in a State of Flow with Gabriel NossovitchPurchase Success in a State of Flow with Gabriel Nossovitch courses at here with PRICE $297 $85