Subscription Newsletter Success Blueprints – Mike Capuzzi


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We will process and send the link directly to your email[font family=”impact,chicago” size=”42″ color=”000000″ textshadow=”0″ alignment=”center” weight=”normal” style=”normal” lineheight=”110″]Get My Proven, Step-by-Step Blueprint for Building Your 6 or 7 Figure Subscription Newsletter Business![/font]Dear Business Owner,Tens of thousands of subscription newsletters have been started over the years, yet only a small percentagemake their publishers money and for the small minority of subscription newsletter publishers who are profitable, it’s a magical, often lifestyle-oriented business which brings wealth, fame and satisfaction of being able to help subscribers improve their life or business.I’m Fortunate to Have Such a Business and I Want To Help You Create One Too!If you’re looking for a unique way to leverage your business expertise (or share your knowledge about a particular hobby or passion) – a paid subscription newsletter could be the right opportunity to get paid handsomely while helping your subscribers all around the world!If you’re like me, it’s the “perfect” business (now we both know there’s no such thing as perfection, but to me this is close). I want you to pause for 45 seconds and carefully think about these five questions…[list style=”w”]Do you have a specific expertise, passion or pursuit others are interested in improving or learning more about?Can you (somewhat clearly at this point) identify a target market you believe would be willing to pay for this information?Is this target market reachable by direct mail, email, offline or online advertising?Are you willing to invest time, energy and money to market your newsletter?Are you willing to put out a top-flight publication, month after month in order to help your subscribers?[/list]If you can honestly answer yes to each of these questions, I can help you get started quickly in the subscription newsletter publishing business with minimal mistakes and maximum profits out-of-the-gate!Being a successful newsletter publisher offers you:[list style=”Check2blue2″]The ability to create monthly or annual continuity incomeA high return on your money and time investmentThe opportunity to have a monthly conversation with your subscribersThe ability to build and leverage your own marketing media (which can become a $$$ asset)A proven media that can be the foundation of a profitable membership programAnd perhaps the most important benefit, flexibility and freedom to run the business with few (if any) employees, little overhead and around your life![/list]If these sounds appealing, the next logical question is how to get started, right? Again, if you’re like me, you’ll do a bit of research and you’ll come to the quick conclusion……there’s NOTHING OUT THERE which shows an entrepreneur how to successfully start a subscription newsletter business today!Which is the exact reason I decided to invest the time and energy into putting together the most comprehensive and complete study of the subscription newsletter business and host a workshop to show others how to create their own.Because I’m a firm believer in studying history, I went on a full-time mission to buy every book, course and video I could find on the subscription newsletter business. Months (and thousands of dollars) later I had a small library of subscription newsletter resources, the most recent of which was from the mid-1990’s.Most were created before computers and the Internet were commonplace (the many references to starting to use “electronic mail” and the “World Wide Web” made me smile).I also purchased a number of out-of-print newsletters from private collectors to see what those who came before us published.Then, starting in July and finishing up in mid-October, I invested over 230 hours to research the past, distill my personal experiences, interview key newsletter publishers and collate everything into a dynamic and eye-opening full-day workshop.On October 21, 2013, a select group of entrepreneurs from around the United States and who each paid at least $1,000 to attend, spent the day with me absorbing the “blueprints” I shared.For the first time in decades, a successful subscription newsletter publisher peeled back the curtains and took an in-depth, “from-the-trenches” look at how to create a profitable paid subscription newsletter business in the 21stcentury.All told, by the end of the day, I delivered over 1,000 pages of content, newsletter examples, marketing examples from others, my marketing examples and interviews with other successful publishers. Before I left the hotel, the reviews started coming in… Very thorough presentation on all aspects of newsletter publishing. Great mix of first-hand experience and deep research on the work of others. Good clarity on the content of strategies and design. Came in with a lot of unanswered questions and left with a clear blueprint of what I’m going to do.Jim Hart