
StudyRight – How to Study in College

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(This course is available for Pre-order and delivery within a few days!)If you’re like most people, you’re probably looking at those numbers and stories just like that: as numbers and stories.  Honestly, it’s hard for me personally to look at 56% and really understand what that means.File Size:1.588 GB

StudyRight – How to Study in College

How to Study in College: A Comprehensive Study Skills Course
2 Surprisingly-Scary Factors that Don’t Correlate to Success
First, your high school GPA doesn’t necessarily mean you’re safe.  Over 90% of the people we talk to know someone who started great, had a great high school GPA, and then struggled in College.
Second, your test scores don’t necessarily mean you’re safe either.  Even though some people are incredibly intelligent, it doesn’t necessarily equate to an approach to academics that will create long-term, collegiate — and even career — success.  Just consider these real-life examples:

National Merit Scholar and high-school marching band member on a full-ride scholarship to Oklahoma State University — failed out in 2 semesters despite a stellar high school resume
Straight-A high school student on academic scholarship — bombs GPA first semester, has to change career paths because 4+ additional years still couldn’t bring his GPA up enough to qualify him for Physician Assistant school
Dual-sport high school athlete, 3.5 GPA and a hard-worker who spent weekends doing double-duty academically — withdrew after freshman year because grades were too low & he couldn’t bring them up

The Real Reason this Matters
If you’re like most people, you’re probably looking at those numbers and stories just like that: as numbers and stories.  Honestly, it’s hard for me personally to look at 56% and really understand what that means.
But here’s why this really matters for us: those are 3 stories from friends and family of our team.
And they are just the tip of the iceberg.  Struggling in college isn’t just a mild frustration — it can be a career-killing struggle, and has been for our family.  Those academic difficulties are some of the most stress-inducing, confidence-shaking, time-wasting and money-draining struggles any of us will face.  For your student — or for you, college student — not having the tools to deal with the demands of college is one of the most difficult things to handle.  I’ve seen it first-hand way too many times.
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