STRONGLAND Publishing – The No-BS Guide to Crypto Investing


STRONGLAND Publishing – The No-BS Guide to Crypto Investing
My name is Harsh Strongman and I am the man behind Life Math Money, the #1 self-improvement website for men. I am also the author of Teach Yourself Crypto, a completely free course on the everything crypto (from a technology perspective).
What You’ll Learn In The No-BS Guide to Crypto Investing
You get a crypto investing strategy that actually works.
It’s the exact strategy that I use to manage my own crypto investments.
It’s pretty much the opposite of what most people do (FOMO into bubbles and then get left holding the bags).
This product is for people investing meaningful sums of money in crypto and want to get high returns without taking extreme risks and don’t want to be left hodling the bags.
Most people are shit crypto investors. They get into it when the hype is there and actually lose money.
People bought during the 2013 high and had to wait until 2017 to break even.
People bought during the 2017 high and had to wait until 2021 just to break even.
People bought during the 2021 high and had to wait until 2024 just to break even.
Obviously, most sold before that and had to book 50, 60, and even 70% losses.
The point is – a good investor never lets himself get in the position where they need to hold for 3-4 years just to break even in the first place.
This guide is a strategy that makes sure you don’t make these n00b mistakes and aren’t forced to painfully hold for years and years just to get your principal back. If you’re investing meaningful money, this $89.99 guide will give you extremely high ROI.