Strong Market – Market Timer Premium TOS Scripts


Get Market Timer Data In Real-Time. Introducing Premium Market Timer Scripts for TOS. The EOD data is great when you’re swing trading, but if you’re an active investor manually updating the Market Timer spreadsheet intra-day can mean lost opportunities.

Strong Market – Market Timer Premium TOS Scripts

Get Market Timer Data In Real-Time

Introducing Premium Market Timer Scripts for TOS

The EOD data is great when you’re swing trading, but if you’re an active investor manually updating the Market Timer spreadsheet intra-day can mean lost opportunities.
We hear you!
So we built the four most useful, accurate intra-day sensitive algortithms: Market Timer MTSD (supply/demand index) and Short-Term Strength Trend Index (ST), Balance of Power (BoP) + BoP Curve and Volatility (MTVol) indicators.
These scripts are available now. They are used in the same way as stated in the USER Guide but for intra-day use. Need help with installation? Please contact us. We would be happy to point you to resources that will make installation easier or we can do it for you (optional).
Update, Upgrade and Additions Policy: We are Beta testing additional scripts based on the Market Timer spreadsheets. Any additional TOS scripts created will be available to Premium script purchasers when they are completed without additional charge. Also, any updates, changes or upgrades to existing scripts are also provided to purchasers without charge.
Scripts included*:
Market Timer MTSD , Strength Trend Index, BoP+BoP Curve and MTVolatility Scripts:
√ Market Timer Supply and Demand Index (SD) indicator for NYSE (DOW/S&P500): MarketTimerXL_NY_SDSTUDY.ts
√ Market Timer Supply and Demand Index (SD) indicator for Nasdaq Composite Index (Comp): MarketTimerXL_NQ_SDSTUDY.ts
√ Market Timer Trend/Strength Index indicator (T/S) for NYSE (DOW/S&P500): MarketTimerXL_NY_STSTUDY.ts
√ Market Timer Trend/Strength Index indicator (T/S) for Nasdaq Composite Index (Comp): MarketTimerXL_NQSTSTUDY.ts
√ Market Timer Balance of Power (herding) indicator (BoP) wiht ‘Bear’ and ‘Bull’ trap signals for NYSE/Nasdaq: MarketTimerXL_BoPSTUDY.ts
√ Market Timer Balance of Power (herding) indicator (BoPCurve) for NYSE/Nasdaq: MarketTimerXL_BoP_CurveSTUDY.ts
√ Market Timer Volatility indicator (MTVOL) for the NYSE/Nasdaq: MarketTimerXL_MTVol_STUDY.ts
*Scripts are not available for purchasing individually
COMING SOON: Long Term (LT) algorithm signal script/study for TOS!

Data-Driven Technical Analysis Studies for TOS

Never be surprised again, know where the herd is heading.
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