Stress Reduction Strategies for Nurses: Revitalize Your Practice – Sara Lefkowitz


Plan to watch Sara Lefkowitz for this revitalizing workshop recording. Sara really understands nurses and the complexities of working in the healthcare environment. She has synthesized materials from important thought leaders in the fields of stress reduction, compassion and nursing to present to you powerful and useful tools to incorporate into your nursing practice.Multiple demands, fast pace, change and complex situations are common in healthcare environments. This leads nurses to experience the acute and chronic effects of stress. During the stress reaction, the body is flooded with stress hormones. Sara will demonstrate exercises to calm the nervous system. The goal is to develop mindful RESPONSES to stressful events in place of harmful stress REACTIVITY. Mindful responses to stress will help you stay balanced and focused in the midst of a busy day and increase the effectiveness of your nursing practice.Nurses work with people in crisis. We can become distressed and overwhelmed by other people’s trauma and illness. This contributes to burnout and compassion fatigue. Sara will teach you techniques to develop emotional boundaries and to work successfully with difficult emotions.Patients and colleagues want to feel seen and heard. The skillful choice of words and good listening can turn potential conflict into collaboration. Learn effective mindful communication techniques.Sara is confident that this workshop will help nurses regain their sense of vitality, purpose and desire to make a difference in the world. Enroll now for a life- and career-changing event!Apply stress reduction strategies in your professional and personal life.Explain the components that contribute to burnout.Practice in-the-moment stress relief techniques including Four Square Breathing, Mindful Check–In and STOP.Differentiate between toxic and healthy workplace environments.Apply mindful communication techniques to patient care scenarios.Evaluate new techniques to process difficult emotions.Create a realistic self-care plan.Know your Stress: Naming your Top 5 External and Internal StressorsWorkplace Stressors: Workload, high acuity, code blue, demanding patients, abusive co-workers, lack of control, schedulingHome Stressors: Relationships, family, care giving, household managementLife Stressors: Money, time, illness, aging, deathInternal Stressors: Anger, fear, worry, attitudes, memoriesRecognizing your stress reactivity pattern: Are you a Fight, Flight or Freezer?Immediate Stress ReliefLearn and Practice Quick Stress Busters: Four Square Breathing, Recruiting the Senses, STOPLong-Term Stress ReliefThe new brain research: NeuroplasticityHypervigilance and the overactive amygdalaMindfulness and Compassion Meditation PracticesYogaSelf-CareNursing and Negative Stress Reaction PatternsBurnout: Emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and loss of personal efficacyRate yourself: Maslach Burnout InventoryCompassion fatigueLateral violence: Disruptive, abusive, or inappropriate behavior between nursesExplore MindfulnessIntention/Attention /AttitudeThe present momentExperience: Mindful eatingMindful eating at work: Tips and techniquesFocus and ConcentrationCalming the mindMindfulness Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS)Mindfulness and patient safetyExperience: Mindfulness of breathingResponding vs. Reacting to StressStress reactivity habitsExperiential exercise: Stress awareness and stress releaseUsing awareness to ‘Center’ during workplace turmoilCaring and Compassion: Exploring the Heart of HealthcareJob satisfaction and burnoutSelf-compassion: Kindness, common humanity, and mindfulnessRate yourself: Self-Compassion ScaleCompassion Meditation 1: To work with difficult feelings (judgment, blame, shame, doubt) towards yourselfCompassion Meditation 2: To cultivate greater compassion towards self and othersWorkplace Scenarios: Apply Mindful CommunicationA patient’s family member wants to monopolize your timeYou are overloaded and asked to take another admissionA colleague questions your clinical judgmentA patient is triggering unwelcome memories from your pastToday you are irritated by everyone at workWorking with an emotional spouse at the deathbedStress and the WorkplaceThe Toxic Workplace: Overwork, Bullying, Blame and BurnoutThe Healthy Workplace: Teamwork, Safety, Mentoring, FlourishingEmployee health and wellness programsSelf-Care and Resiliency: Keys to a Sustainable Nursing CareerStress reductionTime managementBalance: Work to home transitionsWorkplace wellnessCreating a self-care planTeaching Stress Reduction Strategies to Patients and FamiliesChoosing appropriate techniquesTag: “Stress Reduction Strategies for Nurses: Revitalize Your Practice – Sara Lefkowitz ” Review. “Stress Reduction Strategies for Nurses: Revitalize Your Practice – Sara Lefkowitz ” download. “Stress Reduction Strategies for Nurses: Revitalize Your Practice – Sara Lefkowitz ” discount.