
Strategyzer – Master Business Testing

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Learnings You Can Apply Immediately

Why is business testing important? – Upgrade your mindset
Strategyzer – Master Business Testing
7 out of 10 business ideas fail because we build things nobody is interested in. In the process we waste huge amounts of money and time. Upgrade your mindset from executing business plans to de-risking business ideas.
What is business testing? – Learn the testing process
Maybe you’ve heard of testing before but you don’t know where to start. In this chapter you learn the core concepts, steps and language you need to begin testing with your team.
What are the biggest risks to your idea? – Identify and prioritize hypotheses
You know your idea has potential but at the beginning it’s really just a set of guesses. Ask yourself, what needs to be true for your idea to work and capture these as testable hypotheses. By getting your hypothesis right, you will set yourself up for testing success.

Module 1: Introduction to Testing

Introduction (14 min)

Learning Objectives
Explore & Exploit
Types of Innovation
Why Business Ideas Fail
Reduce Risk & Uncertainty
High Risk or Low Risk?

Testing Components (25 min)

The Big Picture
Evidence or Insights?
Take Action

Module 2: Hypothesis

Hypotheses (22 min)

Case Study: LifeTree Bank
Extract Hypotheses
Prioritize Hypotheses
Practice: Prioritize Hypotheses
Refine Hypotheses
Practice: Refine Hypotheses
Debrief: Refine Hypotheses
Case Study: Owlet
Practice: Extract Hypotheses
Debrief: Extract Hypotheses
Your Turn

Module 3: Experiments

Experiments (38 min)

Test Card
Choose Experiments
Strength of Evidence
Types of Experiments
Design Good Experiments
Choose the Right Metrics
Set Success Criteria
Mix of Experiments
Practice: Desirability Experiments
Debrief: Desirability Experiments
Practice: Viability Experiments
Debrief: Viability Experiments
Your Turn

Module 4: Learning

Evidence (16 min)

Learn from Experiments
Collect Evidence
True- or False?
Synthesize Evidence
Practice: Write an Observation
Debrief: Write an Observation
Your Turn

Insights (5 min)

Generating Insights
Practice: Learn from Evidence
Debrief: Learn from Evidence
Your Turn

Module 5: Take Action

Take Action (22 min)

Four Types of Actions
Take Action for Evidence that Supports Hypothesis
Take Action for Evidence that Doesn’t Support Hypothesis
Take Action for Unclear Insights
Take Action for New Insights
Quiz: Confidence Level
Quiz: Take Action
Practice: Pivot
Debrief: Pivot
Your Turn

Module 6: Manage

Manage (25 min)

Measure Progress
The Progress Board
The Innovation Project Scorecard
Progress in Practice
Practice: Innovation Scorecard
Debrief: Innovation Scorecard
Your Turn

Module 7: Present

Present (28 min)

Presentation Components
Presentation Best Practices
Presentation Template
Owlet’s Presentation
Your Turn