StrategyQuant – Algo Wizard Essentials Course


Mat Piche – Fruitful Stock Options
Mat Piche AKA The Fruitful Investor, is a real estate investor from Canada. Before he got into real estate he was a carpenter with his own business renovating properties strictly for real estate investors. As he continued to meet more investors, they all had the same complaint. They said, “Mat, I wish I had a realtor like you who understands renovations and finding cash flowing properties. All of my realtors are just like every other “Joe Realtor.” They know nothing!”
With Mat wanting to get out the back breaking labor of construction, he put two in two together and made the switch to becoming a real estate agent that still specializes solely with real estate investors. By the age of 28 years old, Mat was already a millionaire from real estate investing. He built his business from the 2 properties that he bought on his own at the age of 22 to over 30 properties by the age of 30 – ALL from joint venture partners!
What You’ll Learn In Fruitful Stock Options
Welcome to Fruitful Stock Options

Who Am I And What Will You Learn? (3:38)

What Are Stock Options?

What Are Stock Options? (10:00)
Stock Options VS Stock Trading (7:12)
ITM vs OTM vs ATM – Explained (6:02)

The Tools And Platforms I Use And Recommend

Which Broker/Platform Should You Use To Trade Stocks? (1:53)
Setting Up Your IBKR Like Mine (8:18)
TradingView – Why You Need This (1:12)
Chart Candles – Explained (2:39)
RSI Index – Explained (5:14)
Moving Averages – Explained (3:22)
MACD – Explained (6:16)
Volume – Explained (2:55)
Drawing Trend Lines – Explained (5:00)

“Put” Options Explained

Selling Put Options (28:01)
Buying Put Options (7:11)

“Call” Options Explained

Buying Call Options (8:30)
Selling Call Options (11:00)

Spread Strategies

Bull Put Credit Spreads (19:21)
Bear Call Spread (10:53)

Iron Condor Strategy

What Is The Iron Condor? (9:41)

The Greeks

Greeks & How They Affect Your Contracts (3:13)


How It Affects Your Options Contracts (3:49)

The MAIN “Fruitful Strategy” That I Use

What Is The Wheel? Why Is My Strategy Unique? (3:33)
The SPECIFIC Stocks I Follow And Trade (15:14)
Timing The Puts And Calls – The Key To Everything! (10:38)

How To Protect Your Money

Margin Calls And Leverage Explained (7:40)
Growth Stocks VS Large Cap Stocks. Which Do I Recommend? (3:02)
What To Look Out For In The Market – DAILY (4:04)
Options Expiration and Assignment
What Does This Mean? (0:57)


You’ve Now Been “Red Pilled” From The Financial Matrix (1:45)