Strala STRONG with Mike – 30 Minutes – 2017 – Mike Taylor


Strala STRONG with Mike – 30 Minutes – 2017Get unblocked and whole-body strength, agility, and enduranceThis Strala STRONG 30-minute class is led by co-founder Mike Taylor, to get you moving with grace and coordination through all kinds of challenge.You’ll build whole-body strength, agility, and endurance, that will carry you faster on your runs, farther on the bike, and more confidently up mountains. Whatever obstacles you face, you’ll learn to face them with greater ease, by getting to know your body, and becoming really good at working with everything you’ve got.And if you’re sitting at a desk all day long, you’ll get just the right movement throughout your whole body to unstick what’s stuck, unblock what’s blocked, and stay easily movable – even if most of your day is spent focusing and staying still.Please follow your doctor’s advice, and always check with your doctor before trying anything here. Nothing contained here can take the place of medical diagnosis and treatment. It’s important to get advice from a qualified medical professional, who knows your particular case history.When can I use this class, and how long can I keep using it? You can use it whenever you like! And once you’ve completed a class, it remains yours to use whenever you want. Wherever you have an internet connection, just log in here using your computer, tv, phone, or iPad, and get moving!Strala combines the movement and healing wisdom of tai chi with the rich form vocabulary of yoga.Get ready to drop the stress and tension in your body and mind, that keeps you working much harder than you need, to achieve much less than you can.You’ll learn to move powerfully through your life and handle challenge with ease.Strala was created by Tara Stiles, drawing on her background in classical ballet and choreography, as well as her long-time personal practice in yoga. Tara trained with Paul Taylor Dance Company choreographer and dancer Eileen Cropley, and began her yoga study in the 1990s with her ballet teacher, Rory Foster of American Ballet Theater.The science and movement of Strala is also guided by Strala co-founder Mike Taylor. Mike studied mind-body medicine at Harvard, and complementary medicine at Oxford. He has practiced Eastern movement and healing, including tai chi and qi gong, for 30 years. Course CurriculumStrala Strong Yoga with Mike : ClassStrala STRONG with Mike : 30 minutes : 2017 (29:07) Get Strala STRONG with Mike – 30 Minutes – 2017 – Mike Taylor, Only Price $9Tag: Strala STRONG with Mike – 30 Minutes – 2017 – Mike Taylor Review. Strala STRONG with Mike – 30 Minutes – 2017 – Mike Taylor download. Strala STRONG with Mike – 30 Minutes – 2017 – Mike Taylor discount.