Stone River Elearning – Architect Android apps with MVP, Dagger, Retrofit & RxJava


Stone River Elearning – Architect Android apps with MVP, Dagger, Retrofit & RxJavaSmartphones enable us to do a lot these days, from shopping our clothes, booking movie tickets, to ordering groceries and getting them delivered right to our doorsteps. It is hard to believe – but even after all these advancements – there is still a lot of paper-based work happening in the workplace and everyday lives. There are still untapped opportunities and workflows which need to move to the mobile platform. If you have a good idea – the world is your oyster. You can change the way how people live their lives by introducing a compelling app. You may be working as a freelancer or may have a full-time job as an app developer or architect. Whether you create one app a year or multiple apps in a month – there must have been times when you got tired of looking at long strings of code tangled together into a spaghetti-like mess. This is particularly painful if you have to inherit a legacy code base and you have to add features to it or fix bugs. Make your life easier and building apps fun……………by learning tried and tested software architectural patterns. Build and architect Android apps using MVP pattern Explain the Gradle build system and mocking objects using MockitoThere are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be to post a review.