Stock Market Techique No.1 – Richard Wyckoff


Stock Market Technique, Containing the principal articles, editorials, and correspondence originally published in the magazine Stock Market Technique from March 1932 to July 1933, inclusive. Subjects included selecting the best opportunities, buying on bad news, using Dow Theory, cascaret system of trading and more.Introductions:Look for your money where you lost it. Losses are punishment for bad judgment.Are you riding a dead horse? Get off and get on a live one. When in doubt, stay out. If you are in,,and grow doubtful, get out. If insiders traded like outsiders the insiders would soon be outsiders.The moment your diagnosis is completed it becomes a command to trade. Would you step into the ring with Gene Tunney without taking a boxing lesson? A stop-order a few points away is insurance against a large loss in case you are wrong.Do not operate for the sake of making trades, but only for the purpose of making money. How to have lots of money with which to buy bargains in slumps and depressions: Sell out in booms.The only fundamental factor that really counts in the stock market is The Law of Supply and Demand. How much could you have saved in the past few years if you had known how to limit your risk and when to sell out? When you realize that you are not beating the game you have prepared the way for your first step in learning how to beat it.It is better to be out of the market for a week or a month than to make one wrong trade. Stay out and your judgment will clarify.Successful trading depends on a systematic control of losses and the securing of profits in excess of those losses. An investment position is a great handicap when you are trying to convince yourself that the money is on the short side.Most men make money in their own business and lose it in some other fellow’s. Why not make stock trading your business?In Stock Market Technique, You can learn to profit by the great swings in prices from panic levels to booms and back again if you will abandon the methods that have in the past caused you to buy in booms and sell out in panics.Get Stock Market Techique No.1 – Richard Wyckoff, Only Price $27Contents:How the Law of Supply and Demand Operates in the Stock MarketForecasting the Wide Swings of AuburnTrading MethodsThe Public at the CrossroadsKnowing HowWhy They Bought ItCharts and the Dow TheoryRigid vs. Flexible MethodsWall Street Fallacies1. That You Can Put a Stock in Your Box and Forget ItThe Higher Development of the Dow T heoryThe Tape Forecasted the TurnHow the Technician Judges the Stock MarketWhy Study Statistics?.Speculation as a Fine Art by Dixon G. Wat sJudging the Market by Tests and ResponsesWall Street Fallacies2. That Success Depends on Having Enough CapitalExploding the Dow TheoryThe Real Value in the Financial Page of Your NewspaperMore Inside InformationPhilosophy of Jay GouldWhat Will Put this Market Up ?Analysis of 4 1/2 Years of Forecasting by 41 Advisory Services and PublicationsRun Your Own PoolSpotting the Turning PointsMaxims of Daniel DrewFigure ChartsDon’ t Overvalue the NewsStock Market Prices FluidWhy Stop Orders Are CaughtNever Put Up Cash on a Margin Call — Three Lines of Defense Against LossMore Profit in the Swings Than in the Long PullDon’ t Lean on Your BrokerTrading from the T a p eThe Technician Debates with the FundamentalistThe Best Stock — For Every Purse, Purpose and PersonalityBanker a Bear on ChartsAdvantages of a Neutral PositionThe Old Timer SaysPhilosophy of Famous OperatorsLetters from Our ReadersWhy Fundamentals FailGet Stock Market Techique No.1 – Richard Wyckoff, Only Price $27Tag: Stock Market Techique No.1 – Richard Wyckoff Review. Stock Market Techique No.1 – Richard Wyckoff download. Stock Market Techique No.1 – Richard Wyckoff discount.