Stock Market Courses – Trading Master Bundle: Trading 101 & Options


Ajla Talks – How To Option Trade (Full Guide)
Whether you know what a stock is or what a bear or bull market Is, you have recently stumbled upon one of the few guides that will take you over the basics of how to trade Options.
I know you spent countless hours on YouTube but look no further. With this guide you will soon be able to make your own Option trades. With a little sweat, knowledge and dedication you too can be trading Options like a Pro.
This two  part, 59 page, guide is not one to put you to sleep with the typical How To’s, but will easily explain to you from start to finish, top to bottom, left to right, back and forth! We’ve included examples, charts, screenshots, linked direct videos and even hand-written instructions.
You’ll get a FULL guide to start trading Options like a Pro!
What You’ll Learn In How To Option Trade
Part 1:

What is an Option?
Option Types
What each type means
Options Characteristics
Strike Price
Expiration Rate
Option Pricing Law
How to calculate the exact price of the premium.
Option Price Components
External Factors
Time Decay
Exercising the option and WHY you rarely don’t
How to Profit on the different options.
Selling and buying the contracts

Part 2:

In depth analysis of the Greeks
How to properly read an Option Table
Different types of Entry Level strategies when in Option trades, such as:
Butterfly Spreads
Credit and Debit Spreads
A cheat sheet on how to choose an Option Trade using all the skills we have learned