Steve Nison – The Candlesticks MegaPackage Training Program with 7 BONUSSES


FXEvolve – Forex Trading Course 101-201
Constructing a realistic risk model is FX trading 101.  Your forex risk management system is key to your overall success.  In the video below, we break down how to determine position sizing using the key variables of risk modeling.  Obviously your winning percentage and losing percentages are pivotal to any trading system, but even systems with low winning percentages can be very profitable when you consider the size  of your average winners and losers.
Everyone loves big winners, but the frequency of these winners has to be considered.  A system that has a high winning percentage is great, but it might not be very profitable if the trade frequency is so low it’s difficult to obtain a decent return.
With multiple risk variables to consider there are many different combinations that compose any individual trading risk model.  The important thing is to be sure your risk modeling is right for you, and your trading goals.
Many  traders attempt to adjust themselves to the risk model of the system that they are trading.  This is like teaching a tiger to become a vegetarian.  Its against your nature.  The key to success in creating a forex risk management system is to reverse engineer the process.  Base your system on your risk profile not the other way around.
You might not mind a string of small losers waiting for the the home run trade, or you may hate losing so much this sounds like torture.  You would rather eat the elephant one bite at a time, consistently edging out small winners.
Like any thing else that is worth doing well, Forex risk management is an on going process. We want to help you get started understanding the basics of risk management.  This will help you understand more about not only your trading, but yourself as a trader.
This was the Tentative schedule- It was a live course so there were a lot of changes as the course progressed.
What You’ll Learn In Forex Trading Course 101-201?

This Course Discusses:
How to Build a Risk Model
Entry Techniques- By Steve W from No Brainer Trades
Trend Following Strategy-Steve Curlen
Systematic Approach
Key Levels
Topping/Bottoming Structures
Moving Averages
Liquidity Strategy
1min Scalping
Top Down Analysis
Risk Model Construction
Steve W (NBT) tips
