Steve A Johnson – 2-Day Certificate Course Heal the Shattered Self


Techniques for healing the shattered self are often scattered among many treatment models, but they are not coordinated in a comprehensive treatment plan to address the client holistically to build resilience and bolster hope.

 Steve A Johnson – 2-Day Certificate Course Heal the Shattered Self

The Shattered Self: Signs and Symptoms

Stress and the defense cascade: freeze, flight, fight, fright, flag & faint
Alterations in emotions, impulses, attention, consciousness, & memory, including autobiographical memory
Physical symptoms
Changes in perceptions of self, others, life, and the world
Disruption of interpersonal relations
Limitations to the research and potential risks

Assess the Shattered Self

Neuroimaging, the default mode network, and the three senses of self
Conduct an autobiographical narrative history
Trauma-informed, culturally-informed, and gender-informed assessment
Overcome client resistance during assessment
Diagnostic instruments

Understand the Shattered Self

Attachment styles
Young’s Early Maladaptive Schema
CBT Cognitive Conceptualization Diagram
REBT Self-Help Form
ACT Hexaflex Model

The Shattered Self and DSM-5® Diagnostic Categories

Trauma disorders and adverse childhood events
Mood disorders – the hopeless self
Substance use disorders – numbing the self
Complicated grief disorder – self without meaning
Generalized anxiety disorder – the overwhelmed self

The Shattered Mind

Challenging the five major damaged beliefs & 12 cognitive distortions
12 techniques to challenge dysfunctional self-schemas
14 techniques to reinterpret events
Techniques to meet three needs and identify 12 personal strengths
Behavioral intervention to act “as if” the ideal self has been created

Reach the Shattered Self in Therapy

Address the interaction of the three senses of self & the default mode network
Defuse the self from self as conceptualized and self from roles
Calm the hyper-aroused self
Resurrect the submerged self
H.E.A.L. the self

Heal the Grieving Self

Renarrating the “Hot” memory
Use imagination to create a new self
Safely holding the hyper-aroused self
Four domains of creating safety
Four steps to reconnect a grieving self

Creatively Heal the Shattered Self

Creative writing
Visual arts
Progressive re-narrating the self
Listening to the self

Tasks for the Shattered Self

Task 1: establish safety, stabilize symptoms, and self-care
Task 2: remember the trauma & transform the memory
Task 3: create a multi-meaning narrative
Task 4: reconnect with life
Task 5: create the ideal self

The Distressed Self of the Therapist

Identify the signs of caregiver distress
Eight techniques to reverse caregiver burnout
Six techniques to inoculate the self against caregiver burnout

Would you like to receive  Steve A Johnson – 2-Day Certificate Course Heal the Shattered Self ?
Encountering clients with persistent emotional and behavioral symptoms can leave a therapist overwhelmed and not knowing where to start. Imagine if you could effectively treat these clients in ways that move beyond merely addressing symptoms to healing the shattered self using evidence-based interventions from a wide array of current psychotherapy models.
This certificate course recording integrates advanced techniques from multiple evidence-based models and supported by the latest research in neuroscience on the default mode network, all in a way that you can integrate into treatment immediately.
Techniques for healing the shattered self are often scattered among many treatment models, but they are not coordinated in a comprehensive treatment plan to address the client holistically to build resilience and bolster hope.
Watch expert Steve Johnson, Ph.D., ScD, for this certificate recording. His cutting-edge approach will show you how to develop a coordinated, comprehensive treatment plan to treat clients who are experiencing severe and persistent mental, emotional, behavioral, and interpersonal symptoms due to a shattered self.
You will learn how to:

Go beyond symptom reduction to develop a coordinated, comprehensive treatment plan
Time and coordinate the interventions to maximize healing at multiple levels of the self to build resilience
Integrates exposure and present-centered techniques that will ensure excellent outcomes of each are obtained but without the high dropout rate of exposure therapies
Help clients with a shattered self grieve the loss of self to create a new, more resilient self that reconnects with others, life, and the world in satisfying ways

Advanced skills to effectively treat shattered clients who present:

Severe repeated trauma
Complicated grief
Treatment resistant major depression
Difficult anxiety disorders
Debilitating obsessive compulsive disorder
Major childhood adverse events
Poly substance abuse disorders and more!