
Stephanie Mitchell – The AD Lab

Original price was: ₹82,751.00.Current price is: ₹5,250.00.


Hey there, beauty-preneur!
I’m Stephanie! I help beauty professionals get in-demand and booked out using simple, fun Facebook and Instagram Ads!
If you’d like to learn the secrets to creating your own irresistible ads that reach the right people, grab a spot on my free class!
I’m a huge extrovert, a lover of all-things Italy, and my dream is to own a farm with donkeys on it one day.
I help ambitious beauty-preneurs with something they often get stuck on: doing all this “online” business-building stuff that might not come naturally.
I’ve taught thousands of beauty businesses – from hair salon owners to solo estheticians – how to grow their clientele and online presence in a way that’s fun and simple.
I have a program called The Ad Lab where I help business owners reach more clients with social media ads, and I also teach workshops and create loads of free content about all types of marketing.